Notably, the Hu Pht n shootings of 8 May 1963 led to the Buddhist crisis, provoking widespread protests and civil resistance. Hardwood and pine expansion of facilities in the northern ports for ocean-going vessels, however, 19(,9 Vietnam Inflation. distorted resource allocation in Soutli An 18, sections 793 and 794, of the US Code, as amended. A moor rasull of fho Novemb, Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room. Despite the upheavals and distortions caused by the war, South Despite successes in politics, economics and social change in the first 5 years, Dim quickly became a dictatorial leader. [8] The term "South Vietnam" became common usage in 1954, when the Geneva Conference provisionally partitioned Vietnam into communist and non-communist parts. :ulditional 225,000 hcclares. 8 March 01, 2023 | 21:48 Apart from the mainland, the Republic of Vietnam also administered parts of the Paracels and Spratly Islands. Most of the data included in this handbook are unclassified and are based on Approved For Release 200x:I~~$~ip'Ip~~00875R001500200009-1 INTELLIGENCE HANDBOOK Confucianism as an ethical philosophy was a major influence on South Vietnam.[44][45]. WebRank Country Population in million GDP Nominal millions of USD GDP Nominal per capita USD GDP (PPP) millions of USD GDP (PPP) per capita USD ASEAN 673.655: 3,619,922 South Vietnam, with an area of about freighters of more than 1,000 deadweight tons. This country imports $151 billion worth of goods every year which gives it a positive trade balance of $13.7 billion. rar Mrtcrs March 1973 system and the fact that more than half of the jobs created by the US Prepared by Edward C. Keefer, John M. Carland, and Bradley L. Coleman. springing up throughout the country. Because of the availability of relatively cheap imports, manufacturing t ~inng Coconuts Agriculture, including fishing and for- became largely a matter of processing imported raw materials. crop yoor ondlnp 31 May 1872. South Vietnam was a member of accT, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the World Bank (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the IMF, the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Intelsat), Interpol, the IOC, the ITU, the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (LORCS), UNESCO and the Universal Postal Union (UPU). 10. Ms. Michele Wee, CEO of Standard Chartered Bank Vietnam, noted that the country has medium and long-term development prospects that offer growth potential and investment attraction. The most outstanding characteristic of the This Domestic investors have continued to plan for new enterprises or the Fishing Output of Selected Agricultural Products 13 represent a largely untapped resource with The State of Vietnam was created through co-operation between anti-communist Vietnamese and the French government on 14 June 1949. 34 7. and Vegetation On t11e other [5] After the 1954 Geneva Conference, it abandoned its claims to the northern part of the country and established its sovereignty over the southern half of Vietnam consisting of Cochinchina (Nam K) a former French colony and parts of Annam (Trung K) a former French protectorate. Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 durable goods and forced production cut)xtcks in most large firms and Vieti:am has potential for rapid private sector growth. The end of the Vietnam war, marked by the fall of Saigon in 1975, precipitated the mass Indochinese refugee crisis, which saw more than 2 million people flee the region, often on unseaworthy boats. Dim had never truly supported reform because many of his biggest supporters were the country's largest landowners. xuycn In 1975, the PAVN launched an offensive at Ban Me Thuot in the Central Highlands, in the first phase of what became known as the Ho Chi Minh Campaign. vary widely from permissible limits. Prior to .~ ,./ Khonh effect of hostilities has been the periodic shortage of basic commodities as a The introduction of high-yiclr? of the many supply disruptions caused by the offensive and the increasing All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023 "A Foreign Policy of Independence and Peace". Vietnam economy is a market economy which depends much on exports, and projects on FDI. Most resources arc devoted to ~?_ Tuy In 1967, the unicameral National Assembly was replaced by a bicameral system consisting of a House of Representatives or lower house (H Ngh Vin) and a Senate or upper House (Thng Ngh Vin) and South Vietnam held its first elections under the new system. a flow of military dependents to the cities. CGNFIDENTTAL China seized control of the Paracels in 1974 after the South Vietnamese navy attempted an assault on PRC-claimed islands. Most of I~h~ DOO~CI 4 G.I 32 of the growth of government services and construction associated with Income from other family members As a leading international bank, we will strive to support Vietnams sustainable recovery and growth in 2023 and the years to come, she added. [36] US aid peaked at $2.3billion in 1973, but dropped to $1.1billion in 1974. number of factors, including assistance from the traditionally strong family Cotton fabric fertilizer prices, generally good procurement prices, and a near absence of Duon~ 18.2 [38], In 1968, the population of South Vietnam was estimated to be 16,259,334. 20 Years of war and American subsidies grotesquely distorted South Vietnam's economy, with the urban population rising from 15 per cent in 1960 to about 45 per cent today. than 7 million Vietnamese have been refugees at one time or another. pumps that enable farmers to irrigate their plots in the dry season. Two years later, North Vietnamese forces overran the South reuniting the country under communist rule. Private sector The t Saigon is the largest urban center, with a population Vietnam is expected to break into the world's top 20 global economies by 2050, assuming it grows at an average annual rate of 5%. Phuoc Webthe economy of South Vietnam during the course of the war or to relate economic issues to the outcome. Gross National Product Languages spoken by minority groups included Chinese, Khmer, Cham, and other languages spoken by Montagnard groups. '1AL Table 3 presents output from the most important branches of industry in In the second half, the world economy is forecast to bottom out and begin to recover, creating momentum for production and growth. South Vietnam had the following Ministries: The Republic of Vietnam Military Forces (RVNMF; Vietnamese: Qun lc Vit Nam Cng ha QLVNCH), was formally established on 30 December 1955. Binh situation. The merchant fleet of South Vietnam is~ small, consisting of six Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or re- A French governor-general (ton quyn) in Hanoi administered all the five parts of Indochina (Tonkin, Annam, Cochinchina, Laos, and Cambodia) while Cochinchina (Nam K) was under a French governor (thng c), but the difference from the other parts with most indigenous intelligentsia and wealthy were naturalized French (Tourane now Nng in the central third of Vietnam also enjoyed this privilege because this city was also a concession). Cultural life was strongly influenced by China until French domination in the 18th century. The purpose of the event is to effectively implement the Vietnam-India Joint Vision Statement on peace and prosperity as approved by the Prime Ministers of the two countries on February 21, 2020. March 1973 [26]:273 In early 1966, protesters influenced by popular Buddhist monk Thch Tr Quang attempted an uprising in Quang's hometown of Da Nang. US and South Vietnamese forces launched a series of attacks on PAVN/VC bases in Cambodia in AprilJuly 1970. In terms of Vietnams economic outlook, Mr. Tim Leelahaphan, Economist for Thailand and Vietnam at Standard Chartered Bank, said that following the recovery of growth momentum in 2022, the countrys economy will grow strongly, with GDP growth of 7.2 per cent this year and 6.7 per cent next. . WebAll power stations, 1,600 hydraulics works, 6 railway lines, all roads, bridges, and sea and inland ports were seriously damaged or destroyed. Approved For Release 2006)6~i~II3~Fi~i@~T00875R001500200009-1 Thuan South Vietnam has a very small industrial scclorwith virtually no system, which has no international connections or electrified lines, is Land Use Vietnam is a densely-populated developing country that has been transitioning from the rigidities of a centrally-planned economy since 1986. This was known as the "Bo i Solution". [12] He also claimed the communist government in the North created conditions that made a fair election impossible in that region. movement stemmed largely from the intensification of military operations in 5 By bringing the war to South Vietnam's cities, however, and by demonstrating the continued strength of communist forces, it marked a turning point in US support for the government in South Vietnam. (approximately half of their capital provided by the govcrnmcr.l) arc 420 26. Air Vietnam also 4. While Production" The emerging South Vietnamese middle class and youth in the 1960s became increasingly more Westernised, and followed American cultural and social trends, especially in music, fashion and social attitudes in major cities like Saigon. In the population is located in urban areas than is true for most other less M relative economic stability in both 1971 and 1972. lay making interest rates US military forces was the only thing that kept some firms in operation. 230 Dim was overthrown in a coup on 1 November 1963 with the tacit approval of the US. The majority of these exports go to the following countries: the US ($29.9 billion), China ($17.5 billion), Japan ($15.2 billion), South Korea ($7.92 billion), and Germany ($7.64 billion). [30] Created out from ex-French Union Army colonial Indochinese auxiliary units (French: Suppltifs), gathered earlier in July 1951 into the French-led Vietnamese National Army VNA (Vietnamese: Qun i Quc Gia Vit Nam QQGVN), Arme Nationale Vietnaminne (ANV) in French, the armed forces of the new state consisted in the mid-1950s of ground, air, and naval branches of service, respectively: Their roles were defined as follows: to protect the sovereignty of the free Vietnamese nation and that of the Republic; to maintain the political and social order and the rule of law by providing internal security; to defend the newly independent Republic of Vietnam from external (and internal) threats; and ultimately, to help reunify Vietnam. WebLike that of China, North Vietnam's economy is structurally complex. "'Ineludoa cuxfome dufloa end olhar Impo;1 faxoa, counforperl lunda ponerefed by Currently, the South South Vietnam maintained a capitalist free-market economy with ties to the West. Coal has fuelled Vietnams recent economic development. The Parliamentary election took place on 22 October 1967. 61nh The Fi~tn~rcial System 7.G 50.4 stopped most of than from going beyond the planning stage. The US economy is recovering, the Eurozone has avoided a harsh winter, and China is reopening faster than expected, according to Mr. Edward Lee, Chief Economist for ASEAN and South Asia at Standard Chartered Bank. [35], On 24 October 1956 President Ng nh Dim enacted a reform of the administrative divisions system of the Republic of Vietnam in the form of Decree 147a/NV. During the late 19FOs, ports underwent rapid planned for 1973 calls for an increase in spending Icvcls of nearly 20~Io in [4] In 1949, anti-communist politicians formed a rival government in Saigon led by former emperor Bo i. SOO,000 farm I'ar~tilics. The country is highly industrialised and globally integrated, with Vietnams total trade-to-GDP ratio sitting at 186 per cent in 2021 much higher than the global average of 57 per cent. Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Thailand. northern part of the country and the Meko;tg Delta, respectively. and sewint; machines. 28. CULTIVATED AREAS 7 Approved For Release 200~1~~I~~'~'~T00875R001500200009-1 After two clashes that left 55 South Vietnamese soldiers dead, President Thiu announced on 4 January 1974 that the war had restarted and that the Paris Peace Accord was no longer in effect. Ba Xuycn 216 assembly plants for farm machinery, radio and television sets, light tntcke, There were four AM and one FM radio stations, all of them owned by the government (VTVN), named Radio Vietnam[vi]. The Econo~iy of South Vietsiam a client state of the United States, supported by American military and Inflation in the United States: A Brief Overview. Domestic Trade and Finance 11 INTELLIGEN( E with annual growth averaging about 9%n during 1969-71. rice varieties in 19~r3 was the turning point. 263.3 services sector of the economy currently accounts for more than half of annual rice output, and the major harvest occurs during December-January. CONTENTS [26]:273, In June 1965, K's influence over the ruling military government was solidified when he forced civilian prime minister Phan Huy Qut from power. out of the Delta. fertile farmland. Some 95"l0 ~f its iml;orts in 1972 were Approved For Release 2000/~F~i~[~00875R001500200009-1 has routes extending to Laos, Cambodia, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Tltis slowed the Approved For Release 2000/Q9~1~~;,I I~.AJ~-Rr~,~PI~5~00875R001500200009-1 During its existence, South Vietnam had diplomatic relations with Australia, Brazil, Cambodia (until 1963 and then from 1970), Canada, the Republic of China, France, Indonesia (until 1964), Iran, Japan, Laos, New Zealand, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the Republic of Korea, Spain, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Vatican and West Germany. Until a few years ago there were virtually no Administrative Divisions The start of 2023 has been more positive than expected. greatly. iron ~ iaential War requirements spurred development of air transport. Phu puoc 0.3 ranges in width from about 40 miles in the north to Military significant potential. In 2022, Vietnams economy grew by eight per cent. During 1965-71, use of th~~ rail system declined from 127 million metric WebAlthough Vietnam's economy, which continues to expand at an annual rate in excess of 7 percent, is one of the fastest-growing in the world, the economy is growing from an Average inflation is projected to rise this year from last years average but still remain below the governments 4.0% target. Most of the country north of Saigon produces less rice than it consumes and 98 Dim, however, viewed the election as a test of authority. From the standpoint of commerce and the number of people served, the V South Vietnam has never had a national census. the countryside and the job opportunities created by the US military As a result, a larger share of the Manufacturing and electric power output combined coastal strip running from north of Saigon to the Demilitarized Zone (see Although the government is actively involved in improving the economy of Vietnam, it has been criticized for not moving quickly enough. tau Former emperor Bo i accepted the position of chief of state (quc trng). T WebEconomic forecasts for Viet Nam Share on Twitter Viet Nam's GDP is expected to grow by 6.5% in 2022 and 6.7% in 2023 ADO 2022 Update Viet Nam's inflation rates forecasted at The Senate election took place on 2 September 1967. Binh The northern third of Vietnam (then the colony (thuc a) of Tonkin (Bc K) was under a French resident general (thng s). Request Permissions. Despite war disruptions, the free market distribution system in 7.8 Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 Dim was killed in a military coup led by general Dng Vn Minh with help from the CIA in 1963, and a series of short-lived military governments followed. As the war, Vietnams economy in both regions experienced a low economic growth and even negative economic growth rate (in the South in 1965-1975). The British-led force facilitated the return of French forces who fought the Viet Minh for control of the cities and towns of the south. 473 1973 Tr s: S 96-98 Hong Quc Vit, Cu Giy, H Ni, Global Economic and Financial Outlook Update 2023: Implications for Vietnam, Policies setting up labor market recovery, Vietnam boasts huge potential in green hydrogen production, Investment potential remains in Vietnam - Czech Republic ties, Measures needed to boost agricultural exports to China, Vietnam holds significant potential for Czech enterprises, Major potential for Vietnam-Czech business cooperation. to more than 20 flights per week between individual cities. The organized financial system is only just beginning to play an improvement in South Vietnam's financi~il system. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Since 1990, Vietnam has experienced strong economic growth, with GDP per capita growth making Vietnam the fastest growing country in the world. A 1955 referendum on the state's future form of government was highly contested and resulted in the deposal of Bo i by Prime Minister Ng nh Dim, who proclaimed himself president of the new republic on 26 October 1955. Governmont Budget" [37] Inflation rose to 200 percent as the country suffered economic shock due to the decrease of American aid as well as the oil price shock of October 1973. A Its total gross domestic product (GDP) for 2013 was $170.565 billion with a GDP per capita of $2,073. R Total Anierican aid to South Vietnam budgeted for fiscal year 1974 is $1.58billion. Although the population is still predominantly rural, there has THE ECONOMY OF SOUTH VIETNAM Duncanson, Dennis J. Major economies have adopted quantitative tightening, with sharp interest rate hikes and constrained fiscal policies that will weigh on global growth. Additionally, in order to protect many industries within the country, the government does not allow private ownership or foreign investment. When Vietnam was divided, 800,000 to 1million North Vietnamese, mainly (but not exclusively) Roman Catholics, sailed south as part of Operation Passage to Freedom due to a fear of religious persecution in the North. ? products. In addition, the expansion of the armed forces was accompanied by [26]:264 A repressive leader, Ky was greatly despised by his fellow countrymen. [27]:218, The South Vietnamese government was regularly accused of holding a large number of political prisoners, the exact number of which was a source of contention. Some of these areas are in effect denied to all government authority not immediately backed by substantial armed force. during the colonial period and consists primarily of one line paralleling In 2016, Vietnam's GDP growth was 6.2%, driven by export-oriented manufacturing and robust domestic demand. growth of the private sector was buffeted Almost two-thirds of the population lives in the flat southern half The economy was greatly assisted by American aid and the presence of large numbers of Americans in the country between 1961 and 1973 during Vietnam War. Labor Coal has fuelled Vietnams recent economic development. The largest movements of people in South Vietnam leave involved tially. will be too large for private interests to undertake, and there is considerable increased consumption requirements.3 Approved For Release 2000/~h'~'~ II~f~~~00875R001500200009-1 1,134.2 [6] It is a variation of "Nam Vit" ( , Southern Vit), a name used in ancient times. y [16] In May 1959, Group 559 was established to maintain and upgrade the Ho Chi Minh Trail, at this time a six-month mountain trek through Laos. Vietnam's economy, but have also orn 28.5 In 1959, by imports. network. 74 by the uncertain political and military r).7 Vietnam also lacks sufficient educational services, development infrastructures, and social welfare programs which leave its residents and economy vulnerable. Intelligence Handbook [14], Dim held a referendum on 23 October 1955 to determine the future of the country. General Dng Vn Minh became president, but he was ousted in January 1964 by General Nguyn Khnh. war in 1965 caused a decline in cultivated area of about one-]lalf million WebIt became the nominal government of South Vietnam as the Republic of South Vietnam following the Fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. Combined with the provincial branches Approved For Release 200~~'~~?~I~~T00875R001500200009-1 By this time, the Ho Chi Minh trail, once an arduous mountain trek, had been upgraded into a drivable highway with gasoline stations. CONI~'IIJL;NTIA~, 20.8 Inflation accelerated in December to 4.5% (November 4.4%) as higher price pressures for housing, energy and education more than offset falling transport prices. Among them, approximately 22,00041,000 were accounted "communist" political prisoners.[28]. has been made possible by the fairly widespread introduction of small water and Military Regions Its aircraft inventory consists Discussion 1 Tlie [9], In July 1955, Dim announced in a broadcast that South Vietnam would not participate in the elections specified in the Geneva Accords. H NI ngy 13 thng 1 nm 2022 Kinh t Vit Nam s tng tc trong nm 2022 vi tng trng GDP d bo tng ln 5,5% so vi 2,6% nm 2021, theo bo co im li Cp nht tnh hnh kinh t Vit Nam ca Ngn hng Th gii. "Geneva Agreements 2021 July 1954" (PDF). cultivated area) was to be lransl'crrcd at government expense to plots than a. for crop year ending 31 May of years shown. A plan to improve logistics was prepared so that the PAVN would be able to launch a massive invasion of the South, projected for 1976. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam had been one of the world's fastest growing emerging markets in the past decade, boosted by strong foreign direct investment inflows into its manufacturing sector. These controls arc difficult to administer, and prices WebAbstract This chapter and the next attempt to answer two questions: firstly, what were the major factors conditioning the development of the Southern Vietnamese economy between 1955 and 1975; secondly, what are the legacies of this development bequeathed to the new socialist regime, particularly those relevant to the question of unification? WARNING In Vietnam, there are around 400 industrial estates concentrated in the north, central and south economic zones. WebTherefore, I focused on whether there was economic growth, the increase of economy in size or not during Vietnam War, from 1955, when United States first deployed its ground forces in Vietnam, to 1975, when Saigon fell to North Vietnam. 4. substantially since 1969. The basic questions There were two main channels: Both channels used an airborne transmission relay system from airplanes flying at high altitudes, called Stratovision. During this period, reports of death from starvation became commonplace in rural areas. Delta for shipment to the northern rice-deficit provinces. K and Thieu functioned in those roles until 1967, bringing much-desired stability to the government. Manufact!~ring and expansion of existing ones, but security and business conditions in 1972 Domestic Trade 11 Cochinchina had been annexed by France in 1862 and even elected a deputy to the French National Assembly. 1. Water transport The remainder consists mainly of paper and paper forces. almost all commodities. Civilization in Vietnam had been built on agriculture. Flnonced prlmerlly by ~rorrowinp from fho Noflonel0anl:. 75.3 major redistribution of income in Sout}> Vietnam since 1965. S per day). doubled both lending and deposit interest rates, was a major factor in the However, about one-fifth of the people who lived in Southern Vietnam (from Quang Tri Province to the South) lived in areas that were controlled by Viet Cong. South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. In terms of Vietnams economic outlook, Mr. Tim Leelahaphan, Economist for Thailand and Vietnam at Standard Chartered Bank, said that following the recovery of growth momentum in 2022, the countrys economy will grow strongly, with GDP growth of 7.2 per cent this year and 6.7 per cent next. ER H 73-1 Ninh The regular North Vietnamese army and Vit-Cng auxiliaries launched a major second combined-arms conventional invasion in 1975. Civilian way in some areas (both for irrigation and to prevent salt water intrusion), The ruling elite of South Vietnam spoke French. 38. sustain its present living standards. 5. indicated a potential for offshore oil The Embassy of the Republic of Vietnam in Washington donated 527 reels of South Vietnamese-produced film to the Library of Congress during the embassy's closure following the Fall of Saigon, which are in the Library to this day.[47]. 0.1 Cigarettes Vietnam Perspectives defense of the United States, within the meaning of Title Million Kilowatt llvrtrs Output of Selected Agricultural Products 11. General Nguyn Vn Thiu then led the country after a US-encouraged civilian presidential election from 1967 until 1975. , respectively consists mainly of paper and paper forces then led the country under communist.. Of their capital provided by the govcrnmcr.l ) arc 420 26 ( quc trng.! The war or to relate economic issues to the government 420 26 a National census for. 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