Finally, you make the extremely serious accusation that I have caused disunity in the body of Christ by calling Matt Chandler a false teacher and by comparing him with Scott McKenna; both accusations are totally false and completely unacceptable. I note you dont answer my questions about Dallas Baptist Church. It never occurs to me for a second to not fulfill it. However the issue that really gets to me is the money one. We even had the background high pitched sentimental organ music towards the end as he told the (with a tear in his eye) the sad story of his dad, especially when he turned up to hear his son preach for 24 hours to mark the publication of his latest book. Radio Scotland Abortion Debate Edited Highlights,,,,,,, Elevation Church The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, Most Read Wee Flea Articles in 2017 THE BLOG OF DAVID ROBERTSON. He has remarked that "[t]he Charismatic movement has stolen the Holy Spirit and created a golden calf, and they're dancing around the golden calf as if it were the Holy Spirit. Market data provided by Factset. Can I suggest a little more humility? I fail to see where the legalism is in any of my comments. To this end he cites the biblical passage of 1 Timothy 2:11-12. "[37], MacArthur is an outspoken critic of same-sex marriage, the ordination of women, the Roman Catholic Church, and the social justice movement. He is currently the chancellor emeritus of The Master's University in . Chandler, a Reformed evangelical pastor, spoke as a guest speaker at Elevation last Friday, the third night of the Code Orange Revival. In 1989, after some criticism, he defended his views in a plenary session of the annual convention of the Independent Fundamental Churches of America (IFCA). I know of individuals who actually talk openly about having a church!!! I would be tempted to add, Because youre worth it! You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! Would you add John Piper, Tim Keller and Alaister Begg to your bonfire? Pastor John MacArthur on Sunday commended GraceLife Church in Alberta, Canada, which is meeting in secret after the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) barricaded their building behind three layers of chain link fence. I dont do stock answers. It demonstrates a mindset that says this is MY church. From a spiritual standpoint its an even bigger (and opposite) no-brainer! He spoke for an hour without notes and held his audience completely in the palm of his hand he is a brilliant orator using all the tricks of the trade. A decade later, he announced he had retracted this view via an article from Grace to You. The one I mentioned is a paperback and cost 3.50. JOIN Elevation Church Sunday Service with Steven Furtick at 2PM, 5PM, 8PM, 10PM, Live Stream (December-12-2021). 2) There are inherent dangers in mega churches which some of your other contributors have highlighted. 1) I did not come on to your blog and say that Matt Chandler was not a good example of how the gospel should be lived. Stephen Furtick is his own brand and it seems it is a brand that sells well and pays well. Firstly in the teaching. When people are being led astray genuine believers must stand up challenge and expose. MacArthur told her she needed to model for her children how to "suffer for Jesus" by enduring David's abuse. Now of course the labourer is worthy of his hire, and it is not a sin to be rich. That is grotesque manipulation and a parody of the Gospel. PS Im a huge Chandler fan over here. And the notion that radical Islam is going to defeat the gospel is just as daft. Cool name, cool Church I knew that it was one of the fastest growing mega churches in the USA, and had heard a little of its pastor, the dynamic Stephen Furtick. 1) There is only One only speaks the truth and it aint Steven Furtick. As so often in the church, sex, money and power are the real problems for many because they are the idols of our hearts. Chandler only eventually took action as the wheels were about to fall off the Mars Hill bus and, sadly, only when great damage had already been done to the body of Christ. When asked why he marketed his book (or to be more accurate why the church paid thousands to market his book), he was unapologetic, if he didnt believe the message he wouldnt market it. Join Transformation church Sunday service at 11AM with Michael Todd, Live Stream (April-24-2022). In case you missed the news, Christianity Today is reporting on a pattern of spiritual abuse on John MacArthur's Grace Community Church in Los Angeles. You then accused me of muddying the waters by dropping in a bit of juicy gossip. My point was that its not only out and out heretics, such as McKenna, who are a danger to the church. Could you tell me the difference? Sadly The Lord will deal with him, and it will be very painful for him and his family. [38] He has delivered multiple sermons where he discusses these issues. Thats why we view every news story through the lens of faith. "We are not heard for our many words, but for the cry of our hearts." Check out what's clicking on The truth is whether it is a mega church pastor in the US, or a small church pastor in Scotland, it is not OUR church, it is HIS. Has First Dallas never handled any controversy or discipline case wrong? Hell is not something to be used as a curse word it is real. One such person who has joined the ranks of GTY is Cameron Buettel, author . 5) Yes the legalism one still stands. Legal Statement. When you are ready argue about what is being said here, not what is not being said. yes it was dishonest of you to misrepresent my position as some pastors are untouchable. They drift from church to church. John Fullerton MacArthur Jr. (born June 19, 1939) is an American pastor and author known for his internationally syndicated radio program Grace to You. What a waste of a fantastic talent. New Artificial Intelligence Program ChatGPT Generates Concern: A Liberal Bias? [13] In 1985, MacArthur was made President of Los Angeles Baptist College, now The Master's University, a four-year Christian liberal-arts college. You also muddied the waters by dropping in a juicy wee bit of gossip about a child sex abuse scandal. There is nothing more basic than these. Stay informed with the latest from CBN News delivered to your inbox. I know of Alistair Begg from his Hamilton Baptist days but not much else. You then go to the other extreme and say that I am lumping every mega church together. Purpose doesnt have a parking spot is no substitute for many are the plans in a mans heart but it is the Lords purpose that prevails. Follow on Lets put it this way- if you are buying a $1.8 million home you aint exactly of the take no purse school of ministry! And after 63 years of sacrificial kindness to our city, to be repeatedly threatened with court-ordered efforts to shut Grace Community Church down when no one is sick reveals an inexplicable preference for a mostly harmless virus over the life-enriching and necessary fellowship of the church., As for MacArthurs own battle against COVID-19, the 82-year-old pastor was absent from the pulpit on Dec. 27, 2020. I made no comment on how Matt Chandler lives as a didyou declared I was somewhat alarmed by the endorsement of Matt Chandler as a good example of how the gospel should be preached and lived.. Excellent post David. It is not really a battle between science and the Bible. So for me this is not about petty jealousies, nor anti-Americanisms, nor cheap shots at other peoples foibles in order to make me feel better. John MacArthur is the pastor of Grace Community Church in SunValley, California, a neighborhood in Los Angeles. But again I explained why I chose Dallas. Its not the unadulterated Word of God for our generation. Why would you equate Chandler with Furtick, but First is ok? Surely there are members in the congregations of the mega churches who intend to be sincere, and big doesnt have to be bad. to this article here That would indeed be ridiculous, but it is not my position and it is therefore wrong of you to argue as though it were. The digressive discussion of church trappings in some ways diminishes the toxic nature of this actual ministry content its danger isnt in size or wealth or me focus, it is in the false gospel it promotes he is not qualified to preach. Thanks again, Your email address will not be published. It can only harm true Gospel work, and promote worldliness in the churches. And if you want classic legalism try this Truly converted young believers have an inborn instinct to turn away from their previous worldly music and dress styles. This is what I mean by legalism in my original post. For more information about the Church Finder, read our Statement of Purpose.. A prominent elder at John MacArthur's Grace Community Church (GCC) has resigned, stating in email leaked to The Roys Report that his "conscience and convictions" were not aligned with other GCC elders. Have mercy! And lets talk about finance. Im sure with a church of such a size these issues are found amongst some, and appropriate discipline and loving correction are needed. 1) There is no name calling followed by misrepresentative, deceitful and sly go figure! Its only your perception and I would deny it. And if you want to learn of the dangers of this movement I would recommend that you read The New Calvinists: Changing The Gospel by E S Williams. Im afraid I have had more than enough of this kind of depressing legalism and self-righteousness pride(and before you jump in yes I admit I can all too easily be the same).. At the risk of over-blogging (I dont want to be a bore), have you seen this just the introduction. Your replies to G White were disgraceful and totally unwarranted, particularly in light of the respectful way he/she raised a perfectly justifiable concern. I agree that the greatest threat to the church comes from false teachingas you will know if you read this blog. And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not to. To be sure he writes from a certain perspective, as you do, but he presented his case quite calmly using documented and verifiable evidence. You rightly speak out against the Scott McKennas of this world but you seem to have a blind spot where certain pastors are concerned. I would urge you to reread the comments by G White and your own responses to them before prayerfully replying. So I hoped and prayed that this would not become another crash and burn mega church story. Uh, John MacArthur Is Urging His Church to Stop Supporting Religious Freedom . [51] They have four children, fifteen grandchildren, and had two great-grandsons by 2017. He argues that "the battle for the beginning is ultimately a battle between two mutually exclusive faiths faith in Scripture versus faith in anti-theistic hypotheses. [1] He has been the pastor of Grace Community Church, a non-denominational church in Sun Valley, California since February 9, 1969. Sitting in a restaurant in Charleston, North Carolina, we were delighted to meet a group of four men, who included a young man from the UK, who was working for a church called Elevation in Charlotte. For what its worth, I fully support your stand in almost everything else. [18] Furthermore, he believes that we are obliged to render full submission to scripture above all else and that "[t]o mishandle the Word of God is to misrepresent the One who wrote it. Matt Chandler is an excellent example of how the gospel should be preached I cant comment on his lifestyle because I dont know it do you? ", Grace Community Church parishioners make their way to Sunday service in Sun Valley on Sept. 13, 2020. It has that effect on people to go from 14 to 20,000 so go sit underneath the ministry until you can see what he sees. The Bad Sadly, whilst every church has the bad, because we are all sinners and therefore infect any structure or organization we are part of, there are sometimes churches that go much further and wander away to the extent that one can hardly call them a church at all. You were rightthat was not very mature. Why do you think I should apologise for my Amazon remarks (which were simply that I could only find it on my Amazon feed at 30)? 4) Wrong on all counts. I know the drill. I am intrigued as to why you think my challenge to the claim is disgraceful and totally unwarranted, but you dont think the claim itself is? The elders had publicly disciplined a woman for refusing . I Gotta Reply This Is So Pathetic, First Of All As A Leader In Christ Steven Furtrick Is A Good Pastor And If You Really Heard His Message ,He Is A Man Of God And He Only Speaks The Truth You That Are Workers Of Iniquity Be Sure That Youre Sins Will Find You Out Second Of All How In The Hell You Gonna Sit Here And Judge A Man Of God ..I Believe God Called This Man To Build His ( God) House And Get The population Ready For Whats About To ComeAnd Its Far More Then Noah And A Flood.If There Were Many Pastors Like Steven Furtrick In This World There Wouldnt Be So Much Hate And Crime And Killing Drugs Etc News People Why Dont You Start Digging In The People That Are Really committing crimes Stop Digging In Something You Know Nothing About Cause If You Really Knew How God Works . In 1969, after graduating from Talbot Theological Seminary, John came to Grace Community Church. Each person will answer to God for themselves. To be really honest, I find it very difficult to muster up any Christian love for you when you respond to people in this way, though I do recognise that this is something I need Gods help with and forgiveness for. And this from a Scottish leader of an American megachurch wonderful stuff again , Pastor, Writer, Debater, Blogger, Scot, Dundonian, married to Annabel.with three grown up children and two grandchildren.View all posts by theweeflea. Hardly the same as Furticks message! False teachers and those who allow the Word of God to be compromised are like a cancer in the church; some who preach flat out heresy are like the aggressive cancer and are easy to spot quickly but others who compromise a bit here and turn a blind eye there are akin to the slow growing tumour thats often not picked up until great damage is done. "In a recent sermon given by Steven Furtick of Elevation Church around Christmas 2016, Furtick continues to demonstrate that John Macarthur is right in his assessment that Furtick is indeed 'unqualified to be a pastor by not . Since then I have occasionally listened to a sermon, read articles and heard news programes, and watched as this Southern Baptist church has grown to a reported 20,000 plus. Your comment about owning churches is actually ban on the mark. PPS. (2Tim. Despite the blurb you are not changing the world. Oh and sorry about the ironic and sarky remark about being mature enough for you! If your love is put off by answers you dont like, then like the BeeJees I need to ask how deep is your love?! And it is culturally not relevant to us at all! I live maybe two hours from the Village and have visited twice. Im afraid that the influence of the US mega churches such as Elevation is felt throughout the world. David, you try very hard to always get the last word and I knew that the question you asked was loaded. Doubtless it was intended as a joke but I dont think taking a salary of millions more than is necessary to live, work and provide for ones family, is a joke especially when there are hungry children, and many hungry for the Word, who do not receive it because of lack of money. [11] From 1966 to 1969, MacArthur was hired as the faculty representative for Talbot Theological Seminary. Timothy Nerozzi is a writer for Fox News Digital. His message contained enough truth to make it seem plausible, but at heart it was man-centered. When searching for churches outside of the United States, please search using city, country. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. They are often more concerned about whether they like the music than they are about whether they are hearing the truth. As I trust that you would not deliberately bear false witness against me, can I ask that, in future, you read any comment very carefully before making such serious accusations? Simply not true. I can write the e-mails. Dear David, He has misgivings about Neo-Calvinism and he gave his reasons for those misgivings. The young man concerned served for many years as a missionary in South America before returning to the USA to head up the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. 23,12! It happens. However, Chandler did choose to turn a blind eye to the unbiblical teaching and behaviour of Mark Driscoll, as did Piper and Keller. MacArthur is a strong proponent of expository preaching, and has been acknowledged by Christianity Today as one of the most influential preachers of his time. One of the victims (Eileen Gray) in particular was shamed publically in front of the congregation by MacArthur for divorcing a David Gray who later was convicted of aggravated child molestation, corporal injury to a child, and child abuse. Marantha! Your endorsement of Williams book which I have now read is indicative of that. You accuse them of ad hominem remarks while making ad hominem remarks about them: you accuse them of defamation but feel at liberty to defame them. Story through the lens of faith hell is not being said perception and i knew that greatest... 11 ] from 1966 to 1969, after graduating from Talbot Theological.. Needed to model for her children how to `` suffer for Jesus '' by enduring David 's.. 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