these difficulties, the new king, Philip IV (16051665; ruled 162165), continued his father's policy of turning over the government to a court favorite. The successful siege ended a five-year Spanish offensive that conquered more than thirty rebel Dutch towns and maintained Spanish and Catholic control of the southern provinces of the Netherlands until 1714. Charles's victory started a rivalry among the three young kings that was to last for the rest of their lives. Francis was also forced to make peace by 1529. Upon Henry's death in 1422, his infant son, Henry VI, was crowned king of both France and England. Answer (1 of 13): But they didn't, not really. final years were dominated by controversy surrounding one of her favorite courtiers (members of the court), Robert Devereux (15661601), earl of Essex. The following year Charles retired to a monastery and Philip became king of Spain. Margaret was exiled to France, and Henry lived the rest of his life imprisoned in the Tower of London (a prison for members of the royalty and nobility). He frequently attacked his father's ministers, including the duke of Alba, with a knife. Francis also received a proper noble education in the art of war. Reviews. (See "Feudalism" in Chapter 1.) He marched his army through Mexico in 1519 to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitln (modern-day Mexico City). Unification was also assured since their heirs were to inherit both Aragon and Castile as a single kingdom. Parr and Anne of Cleves outlived Henry, who died in 1547. Indeed, it seemed to many Europeans that "God had turned into a Spaniard" by 1584. The problems started when Isabella died in 1504. By 1529, Francis had signed the Treaty of Cambrai, which repeated the humiliating terms of the earlier Treaty of Madrid. Feudalism began to decline in the eleventh century with the rise of capitalism, an economy based on investing money and earning profits from business ventures. But in this second war, which began in 1527, Charles was destined to win an even greater victory. In 1485 Henry's forces defeated Richard's armies at the Battle of Bosworth Field. Diverse people lived within the territories. It was moderate in tonethat is, it did not reflect drastic changes from the Roman Catholic worship servicesbut a revision issued in 1552 was radically different. The Carolingian Dynasty (751-887) was a family of Frankish nobles who ruled Francia and its successor kingdoms in Western and Central Europe during the Early Middle Ages. In a.d. 711 twelve thousand Moors, led by Triq ibn Ziyd (died c. 720), crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and invaded Spain. Questions 1 - 5 are on a 15 second timer, questions 6 - 10 are. In 1534 he explored the Saint Lawrence Rivergateway to the Great Lakesin search of a passage to China. On September 13 and 14, 1515, at Marignano (now Melegnano) near Milan, Francis won the greatest triumph in what was to be his long career as a military leader. The Franco-Austrian War of 1859 was the agent . . Joan stood near Charles VII as he was crowned king at Rheims, France, in 1429. From 1609 until 1614, between 300,000 and 350,000 Moriscos were forced to leave Spain. In January 1919, two months after the fighting in World War I ceased, a conference was convened at Versailles, the former country estate of the French monarchy . Then on December 9, 1525, King Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) gave a similar choice to Moriscos living in Aragon after he had inherited the country from his grandfather Ferdinand. By this time pandemonium had broken out in England, and Elizabeth's advisers urged her to prepare for the impending attack. They built the Great Mosque (Muslim house of worship) of Crdoba in 786 and the Alhambra (a grand palace) in Granada in the 1300s. Alba initiated an extremely repressive policy. The geography and number of subkingdoms varied over time, but the term Francia eventually came to refer to . James's wife, Anne of Denmark, hired Jones to build the Queen's House on the royal estate at Greenwich. The group called the Gallicans supported the king, and the group called the Ultramontanes (meaning "over the mountains") cast their allegiance with the pope. They used the After Boniface's death in 1303, Philip succeeded in having the seat of the papacy (office of the pope) moved from Rome, Italy, to Avignon, France. Unable to capture Paris by force, Henry embraced Catholicism in 1593 and entered the city peacefully the following year. Known for its elegant prose style, the King James Bible is still considered the "authorized version" by many Protestant faiths. Spanish monarchs Ferdinand II (14521516) and Isabella I (14511504) permission to conduct the Spanish Inquisition, which was separate from the medieval Inquisition. A: Enemy Elim . Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great or Charles I, was the king of the Franks from 768 and the king of Italy from 774, and from 800 was the first emperor in western Europe since the collapse of the Western Roman Empire three centuries earlier. There were two main dynasties that ruled the Franks during the Middle Ages, the Merovingian Dynasty and the Carolingian Dynasty. The siege has often been called the "German Fury" because the majority of the marauding soldiers were German Lutherans. While Spanish forces were defeating the Ottomans, Philip was contending with the Revolt of the Netherlands, which broke out in 1566 (see "Netherlands" in Chapter 4). They were permitted to practice their Muslim faith under a policy called taqiyya (pronounced tah-KEE-yah). By the time of Henry VIII's death in 1547, most of the monastic land had been sold to noblemen and members of the gentry. Civil wars were also taking a toll, as powerful families struggled over control of duchies in France. James also had to contend with religious unrest. For example, the magnetic compass and other advances made it possible for navigators, who had previously been forced to rely on the Sun and the stars, to travel in bad weather and poor climates. More nations are being added in the next updates. Records such as reports from the Christian Council of Elvira in 313 show that Christians immediately began pressuring Jews to convert to Christianity. The light and quick English ships also had the advantage of being able to outmaneuver the bulky Spanish galleons. battles, at Parma and Fuenterrabia, but they were soundly defeated at Ezquiros and Pamplona and driven out of Navarre. In 1514 England made peace with the Scots, who had invaded England and been defeated at Flodden the previous year. Charlemagne was a medieval emperor who ruled much of Western Europe from 768 to 814. The Spaniards' worst fears were realized when Charles's political advisers arrived in Spain. In the aftermath of Marignano, Francis took the duchy of Milan, and Pope Leo X(14751521; reigned 151321) gave him neighboring Parma and Piacenza. Henry and Anne Boleyn had been secretly married in January, and their daughter Elizabeth was born the following September. To many Europeans at the time, this was Philip's most impressive achievement. The monarchs reorganized the Santa Hermandad into a national militia (citizens army) that was funded by towns. After the Portuguese defeated the Spanish in a war over the throne in 1385, John established a political alliance with England under the Treaty of Windsor (1386) that has endured to the present day. At home, Ferdinand concentrated on gaining control of territory around France so that France would not invade Spain. The Spanish controlled the western route to the Indies around the southern tip of the Americas, and the Portuguese controlled the way east, around Africa. Which of these commanders carries a bow and arrows as well as a sword? Henry declined to join the French effort. Henry is now considered the true English Renaissance prince. They had used the borrowed money to bribe imperial electors, the voting representatives who selected Charles as emperor. However, Pope Clement VII refused to grant the divorce because Catherine's nephew, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, had invaded Italy earlier that year. Royal Family of Denmark. He was more interested in pursuing his own pleasures, so he turned the government over to his favorite adviser, Francisco Gmez de Sandoval y Rojas, duke of Lerma (pronounced fran-THES-koh GO-mahth day sahn-doh-VAHL ee RO-hahs; 15531625). At the time of the Moorish invasion, Christianity was also the dominant religion on the Iberian Peninsula. He surrendered to Charles in the Treaty of Barcelona. In northern Italy, Spanish forces won victories against the French at Tournai, Lodi, Cremona, Genoa, and Alessandria. The most famous exploits were made by Elizabethan mariners John Hawkins and Francis Drake. For a time Jews' property was seized, but they did not receive any further punishment. Frederick was expecting James to help him stay on the throne, but James had tried to remain outside the conflict. Q: France and Germany were both once part of what Feudal Kingdom? Although aware of Long years of fighting Habsburg wars in central Europe had depleted the Spanish treasury, despite gold and silver shipments from the New World. In 1266 King Charles I of France (Charles of Anjou; 12271285; ruled 126685), the youngest brother of King Louis IX, took the thrones of Naples and Sicily (called the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies). Henry stated in his will that any of his three childrenEdward, Mary, and Elizabethcould succeed him to the throne, even though his daughters had earlier been declared illegitimate when he divorced their mothers. The smaller English ships darted in and out of the flames, pouncing on stragglers. A: Greek . In 1567 Philip introduced the Spanish Inquisition in the Netherlands and sent Fernando lvarez de Toledo, duke of Alba (c. 15071582), to crush the revolt. In 1530 Clement VII officially crowned Charles V as Holy Roman Emperor. Although England was exhausted by the long conflict with France, the Tudor monarchs began a new dynasty after emerging victorious from the War of the Roses, a struggle between two families for the throne of England. Only eight Portuguese were killed. (A pagan is a person who has no religious beliefs or worships more than one god; in this case, anyone who was not a Christian.) The last group of colonists mysteriously disappeared. Nationalism emerges During the first part of the Hundred Years' War, France and England did not have identities as separate countries. The country occupies the western part of the Iberian Peninsula, next to Spain. In the late fifteenth century Spain began to focus on the riches to be gained from ocean trade. Trait 1: +3% Troop Health. This decision gave the advantage to the English main fleet, which departed from Plymouth and was sailing with the wind. In the Theses Luther listed his grievances with Roman Catholicism, such as his opposition to the practice of selling indulgences (forgiveness of sins). The third group from North Africa were Muslim Arabs and Berbers (wandering tribes) called Moors. The great humanist Thomas More served as his lord chancellor (chief secretary) in the 1530s. The Capetians gradually extended their control over the duchies of Her Ferdinand and Isabella first waged war against the Moorish kingdom of Granada, on the southern end of the peninsula. Under her command, the French won several important battles. It also extended south and west to include possessions in North Africa and the Americas. The king's announcement also offered a reward of 25,000 ducats (coins used in various European countries) for the capture of William of Orange. Her fortunes were reversed, however, when she was captured in battle by the Burgundians. Moorish architects renewed cities with intricately decorated mosques, lush gardens, and paved streets. In 1630 the Netherlands seized some coastal towns in northern Brazil. In 1568, at the height of his Dutch troubles, Philip experienced several other misfortunes. An able but somewhat colorless ruler, Henry succeeded in establishing the position of his new dynasty, increasing the efficiency of the government, and enhancing the wealth of the monarchy. He firmly established the strength of the monarchy by enforcing his royal powers. The English, however, were soundly defeated at every turn by the superior Dutch navy. One of his first acts was to execute 270 people who had been involved in the Comuneros revolt. The execution of the Catholic queen was a signal to Philip that he must seize the throne of England. Henry and his advisers were fearful of a Catholic attempt to invade England. France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? quest for new territories and markets in the East (see "The age of European exploration" section later in this chapter). successor to the throne. You can play in a way that suits your style,whether that be reckless military adventurism and dreams of global dominance,or quiet and unobtrusive statecraft and dreams of a happy populace. A year later, in October and November 1520, Magellan navigated the treacherous straits (now known as the Straits of Magellan) at the continent's cape and sailed across the Pacific, the world's largest ocean. The Iberians were followed by the Carthaginians. Edmund Spenser dedicated his masterpiece, the epic poem The Faerie Queen, to Elizabeth, and dramas by William Shakespeare and his contemporaries rank among the highest achievements of the Elizabethan age. Meanwhile, in 1580, Philip had claimed the throne of Portugal. The Portuguese monarchy had also asked the pope to recognize Portugal's authority over its discoveries in Africa. Cabot's exploration of Newfoundland, in 1497, yielded sparse information about the new continent's northern-most regions. Clearly there were some key conflicting interests that needed to be addressed. Edward was a talented military leader, but his weaknesses were laziness, cruelty, and a hesitancy to call meetings of the Parliament. Royal Family of Liechtenstein. Charles's younger brother, Ferdinand, was named Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor in 1558. Francia or Frankia, later also called the Frankish Empire (Latin: imperium Francorum), was the territory inhabited and ruled by the Franks from the third to the tenth century.The Frankish realm was ruled as one polity subdivided into several regna (kingdoms or subkingdoms). In these wars, Spanish armies were victorious for the sixth time. The Muslim conquest was economically attractive to Jews, since it opened the markets of North Africa as well as of the entire Muslim world as far away as India. One of the most powerful Capetians was William II (c. 10281087), the duke of Normandy, a duchy in northwestern France. He called this new territory Louisiana, in honor of France's king, Louis XIV. rise of kingdoms . Their adviser was Toms de Torquemada (pronounced tor-kay-MAH-thah; 14201498), a Dominican monk (member of a religious order founded by Saint Dominic). Although hostilities ended for a time, by 1551 the German princes had found another ally in the new king of France, Henry II (see "France" section previously in this chapter). The revolt was distracting Charles's attention, so the French were able to move into Navarre and wage war with Spain. The Peace of Westphalia (1648), which ended the Thirty Years' War, and the Peace of the Pyrenees (1659) marked the end of Habsburg dominance. The Catholic sovereigns had specific goals: they wanted to bring the remainder of the Iberian Peninsula under their control, crush opposition groups, centralize the government, and unify the Spanish kingdoms. Cao Cao Charles had firmly consolidated February 3, 2023. Although Elizabeth had encountered numerous problems during her long reign, she showed an uncanny ability to retain the love of her people. Anne came to England and married Henry in 1540, but the king found her unattractive. A new royal house, the Tudors, began with this marriage. By the year 1700, there were not two, but five important European empires with influence throughout the world: Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands. Some influential members of the house of York, such as Richard Neville (14281471), the earl of Salisbury, sided with the Lancasters. The Renaissance also brought several technological innovations that made ocean exploration safer and therefore more likely to be undertaken. Egypt awakens, chaos awaits. troops at the famous Battle of the Spurs (1513), in which the French made a hasty retreat, leaving several towns in northern France under English control. The two great civilizations of the New World, the Aztecs and the Incas, were conquered by these explorers, who killed the native leaders and placed themselves in the existing top social class. In France, the Capetians (pronounced cuh-PEE-shuns) gained control of nearly all duchies (fiefs) by staging internal wars In 1580 and 1581, Philip II of Spain claimed the throne of Portugal, conquered the country, and acquired its empire. Other than that, if you value combat above all else, the German, Britain, Korea and Arabia civilizations are the ones for you. During the next four years, however, the war with Spain went poorly for Francis. Answers. Vast, uncharted regions of the ocean had yet to be explored, but with these maps a navigator could safely reach the boundaries of the known world. During the 1590s, she struggled to keep her government from going bankrupt. 1,200-year-old bones found in Aachen Cathedral in Germany believed to belong to Charlemagne, King of the Franks. Which commander is known as Barbarossa? The Catalans also had the right to raise their own army to defend themselves, as well as the right to refuse to quarter foreign troops, including Castilian, on their own soil. "Converted" Muslims who still practiced Islam were called Moriscos. The three main conflicts were the Edwardian War (134060), won by English king Edward III; the Caroline War (136989), won by French king Charles V (13371380; ruled 136480); and the Lancastrian War (141535), won by French king Charles VII (14031461; ruled 142261). The only way another country could reach the Indies would be by a western route. Among them were Leonardo da Vinci, Benvenuto Cellini, and Andrea del Sarto. Although he would ultimately rescue Louis the Pious on both occasions, the . The election day became the starting date permanently with Sigismund. Jane was proclaimed queen in 1553, but after only nine days she was imprisoned for high treason as a result of the plot to make her queen. READ FULL REVIEW >. Their era produced one of the greatest cultures in the world and led to the creation of the British Empire in later centuries. Since she had no heirs, the Tudor dynasty came to an end. Among them was William I Prince of Orange (15331584), the spiritual leader of the rebellion. He records that in the year 1228, "a certain Archbishop of Armenia the Greater came on a pilgrimage to England to see the relics of the saints, and visit the sacred places in the kingdom, as he had done in others; he also produced letters of recommendation from his Holiness the Pope, to the religious and the prelates of the churches, in which . Francis's violation of the treaty made another war with Spain inevitable. The power of the Holy Roman Empire had dwindled, and princes (noblemen who ruled states)particularly in the more than two hundred principalities of Germanywere seeking independence. Although the revolt did not end until 1648 with Dutch independence, the Spanish had many military victories in the Netherlands during Philip's reign. Christians were becoming impatient because only a few Moriscos had actually converted. In order to reduce the influence of noblemen who had opposed their marriage, the monarchs placed municipal (city) and local governments under royal control. MadLife. Gradually, however, the kings established a strong monarchy that ruled all duchies in France. Their efforts were inspired by the humanist ideals of questioning authority and valuing the worth of the individual (see "Humanists promote change" in Chapter 1, and "Humanism sparks Renaissance" in Chapter 8). 350,000 Moriscos were forced to make peace by 1529 rescue Louis the Pious both. Ferdinand concentrated on gaining control of duchies in France Moriscos had actually Converted William II ( c. )! Include possessions in North Africa and the Carolingian Dynasty younger brother, Ferdinand was. 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