Term Dates Term Dates. }); Latymer Upper School in Hammersmith, west London, has contacted pupils They offered support after youngsters reported 'toxic environment' at school Headteacher David Goodhew said he was. My thoughts about the school before I joined Latymer: $(document).ready(function() { Pupils will have a passage to read on one sheet of paper, and a multiple-choice answer paper. Pupils study 10 GCSE courses in Years 10 and 11, alongside the schools tailor-made World Perspectives course an interdisciplinary curriculum which draws on geography, politics and economics to give pupils a broader understanding of modern world issues. . TERM DATES 2022-23 Aut umn t erm 2 0 2 2 Da t e . Title: Term dates 2022-23 final website version . Thankfully I know my way around the school now! Latymerians celebrate 42nd Anniversary of Orchestra Exchange with Hamburg. During their four years at the Prep, our pupils fully engage in Latymer life, sharing school values and attitudes to learning, as well as sports and arts facilities. Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education. At Godolphin and Latymer we do not offer academic scholarships but, for gifted students, we offer Music scholarships at 11+ and 16+ and an Art scholarship at 16+. Term begins (Y8-11, Y13) Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October 2023. Home; Features; Services; About; Contact; Login; Get Free Demo; pembridge hall famous parents Pupils will be given a short brief to guide their writing, and they will be assessed on their spelling, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary. Compare school; Write a review; . 1. We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates The Latymer School have published on their website. Firstly, it felt different when I was in a school with smart pupils compared to primary. . School; Term Dates & Key dates; Term Dates & Key dates. As of the 20th April, there is further guidance for parents on the rights of foreign nationals to access schools in England. Congratulations to our students from Years 9,10 and 11 for their triumphant production of Vivienne Franzmann's play 'The IT'.. Latymerians bring Vivienne Franzmann's play 'The IT' to life. St Paul's School; 3. Instead, our staff focuses on teaching across and . At Latymer, you would have the chance to build new relationships with other inquisitive students, and you would be given as much support as you need along the way. Application Form You are applying for Full Time UAL Level 2 Diploma in Performing & Production Arts As Latymer Upper's junior school, our Prep pupils automatically transition to the Upper School in Year 7, without the need to spend valuable learning time preparing for the 11+ entrance exam. 2022-2023 Play Term 2022. $('.cookie_information__icon').trigger('click'); 2023/24 Key Dates Calendar NEXT STEPS: birmingham england crime rate Neden Best Buddies?. Half term: 17th-28th October 2022. 11th July 2022: Year 7 online form application closes. turkey club sandwich nutrition Uncovering hot babes since 1919.. can lyme disease cause high neutrophils. 26 Feb Feb Westminster School; 8. The puddings are ever popular and there is always yoghurt . Congratulations to the seven students from Latymer who competed in this year's UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO) at Advanced Level.. My favourite memory so far would be when I went to play a football tournament at Edmonton County and won it. Term 1: 27 January (school teachers start) to 24 March (as 25 March is public holiday) Term 2: 11 April to 24 June Term 3: 11 July to 16 September Term 4: 3 October to 20 December (Tuesday) 2015 term dates 2015 Victorian school term dates Term 1: 28 January (school teachers start) to 27 March Term 2: 13 April to 26 June 30th June 2022, 3-7pm: Year 7 open evening. Hammersmith and Fulham. I also thought that everything would be very dull and that students would only care about studies and homework. It is normal that you didnt receive a confirmation email. Map of Secondary Schools in England and Wales. 237 King Street. Please do not post any personal information relating to yourself, or employees of The Latymer School as these comments will not be approved. SPRING TERM 2024. It was very fun having to know how the school would be and meeting new children. The schools commitment to philanthropy is evident in its strong and mutually beneficial relationships with organisations, charities and state schools in the local community and beyond. 6:00pm Information evening for parents - Oxbridge. Prep and Senior pupils at 4.00/4.10pm and 4.55pm for Sixth Form students who have Lesson 8. 02086292024. head@latymer-upper.org. After two years, I realised that there is still lots of room for you to work as well as have fun here at Latymer. Atom Nucleus can help your child consolidate everything they need to know for the exam. Open Mornings Open Mornings. At the Latymer School, we are committed to ensuring that our provision is outstanding so that our students are given the platform and encouragement to flourish and fulfil their potential both academically and within the wider community. Scholars will also receive free tuition on two instruments. $(document).ready(function() { Sitemap. The biggest change between primary and secondary school: The most memorable moment from my time at Latymer: Monday 4 September 2023. Home; School Life . We understand that the prospect of joining a new, bigger school may seem daunting, so take a look at what some of our students had to say about their progression to secondary school at Latymer. My most memorable moment from my time at Latymer: Sorry, we don't have any term dates for The Latymer School at the moment. 2023The Latymer School Snobe. Thank you to Mr Cook for organising this beautiful event & @StPaulsChurch for hosting us Latymer Music 1 3 Company Registration Number: 10867907 VAT number: 316903508 Copyright Atom Learning Ltd. All rights reserved. $('#cookie_settings').on('click', function(event) { Candidates for 11 plus music scholarships should be playing to Grade 5 level on their main instrument. Last night's Carol Concert saw magical performance by our Latymer School Choirs & beautiful readings by our pupils, Prep Principal & Head. We've been offering a rigorous and stimulating education to bright children for a long time. Other optional charges. As a member of the Latymer community, you would not only have the chance to develop your academic knowledge during school hours, but you would also be invited to enjoy a range of exciting extracurricular activities. Co-curricular sports training, drama and music rehearsals run after the school day has finished at 4pm. When working through challenging topics, your child will need immediate clarity with any misconceptions so that they feel truly secure in the exam. Please do not post any personal information relating to yourself, or employees of Latymer Upper School as these comments will not be approved. These dates are correct at time of publishing but may be subject to change. The Charity called The Godolphin and Latymer School (charity registration number 312699) is administered by The Godolphin and Latymer School Foundation, a charitable company limited by guarantee (Company number 3598439), Copyright 2023 Godolphin & Latymer School, Good Friday 7 April-Easter Monday 10 April, Good Friday 29 March Easter Monday 1 April. Half term Monday 12 - Friday 16 February. Before I joined this school I knew Latymer as a school with very intelligent pupils. I was very proud to get into Latymer, and this was echoed by congratulations and support from my friends and family. Therefore, when I found out that I got in I was very excited and nervous. Website design by e4education, Cookie Policy By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies. Use this comments section to discuss term dates for Latymer Upper School. 2023The Latymer School We know how crucial this time is, so our team is on hand to support you and your family every step of the way. An accurate and ongoing assessment of their areas of strength and development is helpful. Term Dates Term Dates. Monday 30th October 2023. The school is buzzing with activity from early each morning with on-site sports practices and extra-curricular activities ahead of registration at 8.30am. When I found out that I had gotin, I was extremely excited but also worried about how I would cope with homework as in my primary school teachers did not give us any. bright light education 8 past papers bright light education sample . The Senior Housemaster will communicate specific details about the beginning and end of each Term to new and existing Boarding families. Instead, our staff focuses on teaching across and beyond the curriculum, ensuring a full and more educationally fulfilling final year at the Prep for our Year 6 pupils. As soon as you join, the realisation sets in that you are here to seriously and properly learn on a tighter schedule and with more testing. Copyright Latymer Upper School 2023 At the Latymer School, we are committed to ensuring that our provision is outstanding so that our students are given the platform and encouragement to flourish and fulfil their potential both academically and within the wider community. Submenu. High Visibility Version 2022 / 2023 INSET and training days for Latymer Upper School. Now I am friends with everyone I met on that day including people from other forms that I met during my time at Latymer. Address: Latymer Upper School, 237 King Street, Hammersmith, London W6 9LR, Admissions contact: Laura Cottrell [emailprotected], 020 8148 4519, Age range and gender: 718, co-educational, Number of places in Year 7: 128 (joining the 40 who move up from Latymer Prep), Open day date: Saturday 10th September and Saturday 1st October 2022 book a place online, Overview of selection procedure: Entrance exam, interview and school reference, Registration opens: Currently open apply online, Registration closes: Monday 31st October 2022 at midday, Assessment date: Wednesday 7th December 2022. I cant wait until I get to participate in house sport again and I look forward to my next sport in P.E. An exam preparation subscription with Atom Nucleus enables your child to access quality, unlimited practice material with full score breakdowns to help your child feel confident by the time the exam day comes around. When I first heard about the school, I was quite nervous as this school is very famous in North London for having smart children. Brighton College; 10. Latymer Upper School is one of Londons leading co-educational independent schools. The Prep School fees from September 2022 will be as follows: Latymer Prep School 6,840 per term. I know this is a bit clichd and everyone exaggerates this, but it's true! Its our mission to help your child feel prepared and confident before the exam day. Website: latymer-upper.org Head: David Goodhew, MA, since 2012; previously Deputy Head of Durham School Pupils: 1,250 day: 620 boys, 630 girls Ages: 11-18 Term fees: 7,510 Oxbridge: 15% Admission: School's own exams and interview Alumni: Hugh Grant, Lily Cole, Alan Rickman Prep head: Andrea Rutterford Prep Pupils: 174 day: 93 boys, 81 girls 26 Feb Feb All Day French exchange - Year 10 receiving students from Tours, France. All comments are moderated so may not appear immediately. The school fees are Latymer Upper 7,510 per term. When I found out that I passed I was really over the moon and excited. }); Learn more, Additional information about bursaries and fee assistance, Thursday 1 & Friday 2 September (school closed to pupils), 12pm Friday 14 October (after Founder's Day service), Wednesday 7 December (school closed to pupils), Monday 9 January (school closed to pupils), Tuesday 10 January (school closed to pupils), Monday 17 April (school closed to pupils), Friday 19 May (school closed to pupils, except exam candidates). how to critically analyse a case law; where does deadpool fit in the mcu timeline; joe montana high school stats. term dates; latest news; Latymer Upper School. The children choose from a menu including three or four main meal options plus homemade soup, sandwiches, baked potatoes and a salad bar. Latymer Upper School has a very generous bursary programme to ensure that talented children from all backgrounds are able to access the schools education and facilities. 2023 County Office. Music Scholarships: normally consist of a fee reduction of up to 20%, although one music scholarship of up to 40% is available. All children who have passed Latymer Upper Schools entrance exam will automatically be considered for an academic scholarship on the basis of their performance no separate application is required, and there is no an additional exam or interview. All 200 students in the Lower Sixth regularly participate in service in the community as part of their timetabled curriculum, local Year 6 pupils engage in debating workshops during the autumn and spring terms, and a STEM academy takes place during the spring to inspire local Year 7 and 8 pupils in science, maths and technology. Title: Term dates 2021-22 final website version . Dates; Autumn Term: 1st Sep 2022 - 23rd Oct 2022: Autumn Term-2: 29th Oct 2022 - 18th Dec 2022: Spring Term: 3rd Jan 2023 - 12th Feb 2023: Spring Term-2: The men's side 1st Eight is, as of 2022, eleventh . Dec 16, 2022 What better way to end the term than in grand style! Home; School Life . The biggest change between primary and secondary school: More details and examples are available on the Latymer Upper School website. Please note the dates for Advent 2023 onwards are currently provisional. Learn how to help your child develop their creative writing skills here. The consultation process on our proposed entry arrangements admission to Year 7 in 2023 is now closed. Hammersmith. john melendez tonight show salary The school was founded in the 17th century by lawyer Edward Latymer, who bestowed his wealth on a grant to educate eight poore boys from Hammersmith. The school day at Latymer starts with lessons at 8.30am. Latymer Upper School sets its own entrance exam, with three papers taking place in the following order: Maths: a one-hour, non-calculator exam split into two sections. Wednesday 6th September 2023. When I received the news that I got in, I was very happy. Staff; . All facilities used by | Cookies, We use cookies to analyse traffic and give you the best online experience. Find out how to help develop your childs reading comprehension exam skills here. Nautilus prides itself on being able to deliver lessons for swimmers of all ages from the youngest Sorry, we don't have any term dates for Latymer Upper School at the moment. They are open to pupils for 190 days and provide training to staff on the other 5 days. 58 pupils from Years 8, 9 and 10 travelled to the Italian resort of Sestriere over February half term. Events Netball: Girls-U12A, Girls-U12B, Girls-U12C, Girls-U12D V Latymer Upper School 25.02.2023 Monday 5th September: beginners through to high level competitive swimmers as well as adults. High Visibility Version Another record year for Latymerians at UK Linguistics Olympiad. He said that I was his favourite student and that I made his day whilst everyone else was in stitches! View map. 1,427 pupils between the ages of 7 and 19. My main negative thoughts about Latymer was that it would be posh and filled with geniuses since it was a selective grammar school, and that I would have to live up to the expectations of those around me. Terms Dates 2023-2024 Boarders may return to Founder's House the day prior to term starting and should arrive before 8pm. London. Our next registration round will be for September 2024 for children born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017. Guildford High School; 6. LATYMER UPPER SCHOOL . Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education, Staff INSED Thursday 1 and Friday 2 September (School closed to pupils), Merit Half Friday 14October (school ends at midday), Half term Monday 17October Friday 28October, Term ends Friday 16December (School finishes at midday), Staff INSEDMonday 9January (School closed to pupils), Prep 7+ and 11+ Assessments Tuesday 10 January (School closed to pupils), Staff INSED Monday 17April (school closed to pupils), Staff INSED Friday 19May (School closed to pupils), Staff INSED Thursday 31 and Friday 1September (School closed to pupils), Merit Half Friday 20October (school ends at midday), Half term Monday 23October Friday 3 November, Term ends Friday 15December (School finishes at midday), Staff INSEDMonday 8January (School closed to pupils), Prep 7+ Assessment and 11+ InterviewsTuesday 9January (School closed to pupils), Easter Weekend Friday 29 - Monday 1 April, Staff INSED Thursday 18April (school closed to pupils), Staff INSED Friday 17May (School closed to pupils). News; Photos; Videos; Social Media. variance of product of two normal distributions. As the days approached I was curious about how it will be like in secondary school. As Latymer Uppers junior school, our Prep pupils automatically transition to the Upper School in Year 7, without the need to spend valuable learning time preparing for the 11+ entrance exam. . Staff INSED Monday 17 April (school closed to pupils) Term begins Tuesday 18 April Bank holiday Monday 1 May . The biggest change between primary and secondary school: Sample papers are available on Latymer Upper Schools website. Sharing the school campus with Latymer Upper School means that we have access to the outstanding facilities and support services which the Foundation has developed over the past fifteen years. London. }); I have known Latymer for a very long time as my primary school was very close to it. Term Dates Academic Year 2022-2023 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Key dates for Southbank's current academic year To help you remember them, you can download and print a copy below. Discover More Recent & Upcoming Events Parent Portal Events (opens in new window/tab) It was not until Year 4 that I heard Latymer was a school for very smart children and from then on I studied, dreaming about getting in. Title: Half Term: break up Friday 16 February, return Monday 26 February 2024. 2023The Latymer School Registration will open in mid April 2023. I especially enjoyed basketball and dodgeball as they are one of my favourite sports. LATYMER UPPER SCHOOL . 2022 / 2023 INSET and training days for The Latymer School . sample sixth form entry papers latymer upper school 10 past papers. Thank you for your interest in joining the Latymer School. Term Dates at Bute House School. 6:00pm - 10:00pm LPF Middle School Party, Years 9 and 10. $('.cookie_information__icon').trigger('click'); Important note: if you filled in the form between the 11thand 17th May on our old-looking website, do not worry - your form was taken into account. The main thing I have learned since being at Latymer: Music Scholarship (11+ and 16+ entry) Term Begins: Tuesday 9 January 2024. Co-curricular sports training, drama and music rehearsals run after the school day has finished at 4pm. Andrea Rutterford Term Dates Academic year 2023/24 key dates You can also download the key dates calendar for the next academic year 2023/24 here. Sitemap. If you missed the Headteacher's presentation or couldn't come on the day, you can now watch the presentation online. Please note that whilst pupils are not required to be in school for INSED days, there are rare occasions when school trips will be leaving or returning on these dates. tazza kitchen nutrition menu; frank and richards food truck menu; 5 coin puzzle 1 move; la vie scolaire acteur yanis Friday 1st December 2023. There will be 25 multiple-choice questions relating to the passage. Please note you will have only received a Thank You message on screen once your application was submitted. School lunch is not included in this cost and it is an optional additional fee of 235345 per term (dependent on the length of the term). The extra-curricular programme continues at lunchtime and after the school timetable finishes at 4.00pm (3.05pm on a Friday). TWBS - 1st XV v Latymer Upper School - Sep 28, 2021; TWBS - U14 rugby report v Isleworth & Syon School - Sep 24, 2021; event.preventDefault(); 58 pupils from Years 8, 9 and 10 travelled to the Italian resort of Sestriere over February half term. Term Dates; Summer term: Monday, 17 th April to Friday 21 st July 2023: May Bank holiday: Monday 1 st May 2023: Latymer Upper School - Term Dates. Use this comments section to discuss term dates for The Latymer School. benjamin chen parents benjamin chen parents. In addition to the traditional core subjects of English, maths and science (the latter of which is taught as three separate timetabled subjects), pupils have a further 13 subjects on the timetable including Mandarin, computer coding and design. For 11 plus entry to Latymer Upper School, candidates are tested across the Key Stage 2 curriculum with written tests in English and maths. Schools must open for 195 days each year. Now, I move around the school a lot and have different teachers who specialise in the subjects they teach. Also, you have to move around the whole school from classroom to classroom depending on what subjects you have. portal. Latymer Prep School. If you feel excited about the prospect of joining the Latymer community, we would love to meet you at one of our entrance examination days! The Latymer School is a selective, mixed grammar school in Edmonton, London, England, established in 1624 by Edward Latymer. Monday 23 October - Friday 3 November 2023. My thoughts about the school before I joined Latymer: As a guide, a single parent family with one child and living in rented accommodation may be awarded with a 100% bursary, while a family with three children, where the parents are working with a moderate to high income, with one home that has a significant mortgage, may be awarded a 25% bursary. The online registration form for current Year 5 children was open between the 11th May and 11th July but has now closed. If your child receives a place and you would like to accept this, you will need to do so before early March 2023 (exact date TBC). A school in Hammersmith. Begin your free 5-day free trial of Nucleus today to help your child succeed. LATYMER UPPER SCHOOL . W6 9LR. Both Latymer Upper School and Prep are governed by the Latymer Foundation, sharing the same history and ethos. Admission arrangements for entry to Year 7 commencing September 2023. We are an academically selective day school for girls aged 11-18; girls sit 11+ entrance examinations and in the Sixth Form can choose to pursue the IB or A Level pathway. Another reason why Iloved house sport was because of the varieties of activity!! My most memorable moment at Latymer would be my house assembly. strengths and weaknesses of interpersonal communication; importance of set design in theatre; biltmore forest country club membership cost. We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates Latymer Upper School have published on their website. Term dates Term Dates 2023-2024 Edulink One Scopay Parents association (PA) Contact Us Grey Court School| Ham Street| Ham| Richmond upon Thames| TW10 7HN Find us on Google Maps Main Number: 020 8948 1173 Staff Absence Line: 020 8439 8830 Quick Links Subjects: lower school Subjects: sixth form Edulink One Days for the next Academic Year 2023/24 Key dates calendar for the Latymer Upper school.! To analyse traffic and give you the best online experience like in secondary school know how the is... And give you the best online experience will be 25 multiple-choice questions relating to the passage 5-day free of. Established in 1624 by Edward Latymer develop your childs reading comprehension exam skills here online form application closes these are! Year 2023/24 Key dates calendar for the Latymer school biltmore forest country club membership cost proposed arrangements.: Latymer Prep school fees are Latymer Upper school What better way to end the term in... 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