The error rate of the first type is 13.99%, which is 6.99, 7.44, 4.47 and 3.02% lower than CART, SVM, CNN and RF respectively. What is the product of 1.7 and 0.2? What is the probability that \(14\) or more people in such a sample would recognize its brand name if the actual proportion \(p\) of all adults who recognize the brand name were only \(0.50\)? Seven thousand lottery tickets are sold for \(\$5\) each. 5 3. a. P(z -1.0) b. P(Z > -1.0) c. P(Z > -1.5) P: the number of textbook authors now sitting at a computer. 3) Classify the following random variable according to whether it is discrete or continuous. If so, give the values of \(n\) and\(p\). : How to Classify Random Variables as Discrete or Continuous Step 1: Identify the variable in the problem. Find the average number of nails per pound. What number of customers waiting in line does Shylock most often see the moment he enters? Find the probability that the next litter will produce at least six live pups. Find the standard deviation of the length of time the bus takes to drive the length of its route. x Answer in as fast as 15 minutes. Find the mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation for the number of children in the families. Q:(a) Perform Use the answer to (a) to compute the projected total revenue per \(90\)-night season if the cover is not installed. \(X\) is the number of dice that show an even number of dots on the top face when six dice are rolled at once. The number of students who actually register for classes at a university next semester. 1.9 1. Many phenomena can be viewed as examples of a random walk. B. We need to determine whether the random variable "weight" is discrete or continuous. does the dog die in hondo; dhgate marc jacobs dupe; natural scents for candles. Five thousand lottery tickets are sold for \(\$1\) each. An insurance company estimates that the probability that an individual in a particular risk group will survive one year is \(0.99\). Interpret the mean in the context of the problem. Number of diamonds in a poker hand e. Hours spent answering a test 1 c. Height of 100 students 1 2. The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Principles of Psychology, Volume 1 (of 2), by William James This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other par Determine the value \(C\) must have in order for the company to break even on all such policies (that is, to average a net gain of zero per policy on such policies). Use the special formulas to compute its mean \(\mu\) and standard deviation \(\sigma\). [Google Scholar . It is rejecting the standard. The number of hearts in a five-card hand drawn from a deck of \(52\) cards that contains \(13\) hearts in all. A multiple choice exam has \(20\) questions; there are four choices for each question. Thirty-six slots are numbered from \(1\) to \(36\); half of them are red and half are black. answered A. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous. - Definition, Causes, Symptoms What Is Social Networking in Management? The duration of the next outgoing telephone call from a business office. M: the time required to download a file from the Internet. A box that contains two or more grapefruit of inferior quality will cause a strong adverse customer reaction. span(X). A. The number of new cases of influenza in a particular county in a coming month. Let \(X\) denote the number of the next \(20\) purchasers who do so. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous: X : the time it takes for a light bulb to burn out. Let \(X\) denote the net gain from the purchase of a randomly selected ticket. Compute the probability indicated. Find the most likely number of skeins that contain knots. . All rights reserved. How do you determine whether data is discrete or continuous? m(CuO) = 10 Variable M consists of amount of milk produced which can't be counted but can be measured. no: the sum of the probabilities exceeds \(1\), no: the sum of the probabilities is less than \(1\), \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c} x &0 &1 &2 &3 \\ \hline P(x) &1/8 &3/8 &3/8 &1/8\\ \end{array}\], \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c} x &-1 &999 &499 &99 \\ \hline P(x) &\frac{4987}{5000} &\frac{1}{5000} &\frac{2}{5000} &\frac{10}{5000}\\ \end{array}\], \[\begin{array}{c|c c c } x &C &C &-150,000 \\ \hline P(x) &0.9825 & &0.0175 \\ \end{array}\], \[\begin{array}{c|c c } x &-1 &1 \\ \hline P(x) &\frac{20}{38} &\frac{18}{38} \\ \end{array}\], \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c c c} x &0 &1 &2 &3 &4 &5 \\ \hline P(x) &\frac{6}{36} &\frac{10}{36} &\frac{8}{36} &\frac{6}{36} &\frac{4}{36} &\frac{2}{36} \\ \end{array}\], \[\begin{array}{c|c c c } x &0 &1 &2 \\ \hline P(x) &0.902 &0.096 &0.002 \\ \end{array}\]. Variable Q consists of weight of grain which can't be counted but can be measured. Example: Age in years. Discrete variables are those that represent things that are counted, 3 red cars, 2 chickens, etc.. Discrete A class of \(130\) students meets in a classroom with \(130\) individual desks, exactly \(14\) of which are constructed for people who write with their left hands. (Make a reasonable estimate based on experience, where necessary.). Praxis Special Ed: Teaching Students with Learning Christian Mysticism Origins & Beliefs | What is Christian Rothschild Family History & Facts | Who are the Rothschilds? 2010, 31, 2225-2236. a = 0.05.) The mean \(\mu\) of \(X\). Classify the following random variable according to whether it is discrete or continuous. Discrete Continuous Continuous Continuous 0.34 answered expert verified B Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous 1. the number of defective computers produced by a manufacturer 2. the weight of newborns each year in a hospital 3 the number of siblings in a family of a region 4 the amount of paint utilized in a building project It needs to be positive on the interval, which is good here needs to be continuous. Determine the value \(C\) must have in order for the company to average a net gain of \(\$250\) per policy on all such policies. number of distinct values. Q:The current U.S. population is about 330 million people. Let \(C\) denote how much the insurance company charges such a person for such a policy. Thus, it is a continuous variable. Find the probability that Borachio will produce at most two blemished tires tomorrow. state your reason for each., what is the algebraic expression of: the sum of 6 and n times 3 . continuous. Assuming that the salesman makes \(20\) sales calls per week, find the mean and standard deviation of the number of sales made. Null hypothesis: H0:, Q:7. 8 Find the probability that on any given day between five and nine patients will require a sedative (include five and nine). Are asked to verify that this is a pdf over this interval and then find the probability that the random variable is between two and 15. (Enter != for as. The owner of a proposed outdoor theater must decide whether to include a cover that will allow shows to be performed in all weather conditions. -0.47 Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous. Thirty-six slots are numbered from \(1\) to \(36\); the remaining two slots are numbered \(0\) and \(00\). std., Q:1. Recalculate according to your conditions! Answer in as fast as 15 minutes. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . The number of deaths per year attributed to lung cancer. One ticket will win \(\$1,000\), two tickets will win \(\$500\) each, and ten tickets will win \(\$100\) each. \(X\) is the number of black marbles in a sample of \(5\) marbles drawn randomly and with replacement from a box that contains \(25\) white marbles and \(15\) black marbles. The, Q:Internet Service Providers abbvie ceo richard gonzalez wife; how far is haddonfield, illinois from chicago Questions \(X\) is the number of fish of a particular species, among the next ten landed by a commercial fishing boat, that are more than \(13\) inches in length, when \(17\%\) of all such fish exceed \(13\) inches in length. There can be an infinite number of values between two continuous values. Suppose the, A:given data 1. discrete. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous:X: the number of automobile accidents per year in Virginia. P: the number of building permits . The result shows that the classification accuracy of the C-RF model is 85%, which is improved by 8, 9, 4 and 3% respectively compared with CART, SVM, CNN and RF. Ten percent of all purchasers of a refrigerator buy an extended warranty. Independent variable (x) = no. 95% CI Are movie time lengths discrete or continuous variables? Also classify them as qualitative (nominal or ordinal) or quantitative (interval or ratio). m(Cu(NO3)2) = ? A continuous variable is a variable whose value is obtained by measuring. P(Z0.1) and P (Z0.1), Q:This table gives approximate probabilities for scoring 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 runs in one inning of Major, A:From given data we have : 0.01, Q:A researcher plans to use a random sample of n=500 families to estimate the mean monthly family, A:Researcher plans to use N = 500 families Write only a number as your answer. \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c} x &-2 &0 &2 &4 \\ \hline P(x) &0.3 &0.5 &0.2 &0.1\\ \end{array}\], \[\begin{array}{c|c c c} x &0.5 &0.25 &0.25\\ \hline P(x) &-0.4 &0.6 &0.8\\ \end{array}\], \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c c} x &1.1 &2.5 &4.1 &4.6 &5.3\\ \hline P(x) &0.16 &0.14 &0.11 &0.27 &0.22\\ \end{array}\], \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c c} x &0 &1 &2 &3 &4\\ \hline P(x) &-0.25 &0.50 &0.35 &0.10 &0.30\\ \end{array}\], \[\begin{array}{c|c c c } x &1 &2 &3 \\ \hline P(x) &0.325 &0.406 &0.164 \\ \end{array}\], \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c c} x &25 &26 &27 &28 &29 \\ \hline P(x) &0.13 &0.27 &0.28 &0.18 &0.14 \\ \end{array}\]. Let \(C\) denote how much the insurance company charges such a person for such a policy. Are the number of leaves on a tree a discrete or continuous variable? Discrete data is a type of numerical data that consists of whole, concrete numbers that have specific and fixed data values determined by counting. Determine whether the quantitative variable is discrete or continuous. The weight of refuse on a truck arriving at a landfill. Determine the . Y: the length of time to play 18 holes of golf. \(X\) is a binomial random variable with parameters \(n=12\) and \(p=0.82\). 0.34 A discrete random variable \(X\) has the following probability distribution: \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c c} x &13 &18 &20 &24 &27 \\ \hline P(x) &0.22 &0.25 &0.20 &0.17 &0.16 \\ \end{array}\]Compute each of the following quantities. For this study, we should use [Select an answer Show that the probability that any such mixture will contain the blood of at least one diseased person, hence test positive, is about \(0.18\). Your question is solved by a Subject Matter Expert. Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous: the number of automobile accidents per year in Virginia. Find the probability that no more than ten days will be lost next summer. 4.83 vising nurse wants to visit all patients in one day. View this solution and millions of others when you join today! a. One-third of all patients who undergo a non-invasive but unpleasant medical test require a sedative. Explore: Get a piece of paper as a model of plane. For example, if your variable is "Temperature in Arizona," how long would it take you to write every possible temperature? Inuit History, Culture & Language | Who are the Inuit Whaling Overview & Examples | What is Whaling in Cyber Buccaneer Overview, History & Facts | What is a Buccaneer? the number of eggs laid each month by a hen. C. 0.19 y t * is a latent continuous variable, . Circle the correct answer. 26/02/2023 . Continuous Kelly Hawkins has taught high school math for over 5 years. The coin is tossed ten times. Find the minimum score the instructor can set so that the probability that a student will pass just by guessing is \(20\%\) or less. 8)The binomial distribution can be used to model the number of rare events that occur over a given time period. Which of the following represents the critical region for this mentioned sample (MUST SHOW WORK, A:Answer:- Given, population mean, = 30 If the correlation coefficient is -0.80, below-average values of the dependent (y). A:Given information: Find the value th the amount of milk produced yearly by a particular cow. Three coins are tossed and the random variable Z gives the number of tails. The number of pitches made by a starting pitcher in a major league baseball game. Construct the probability distribution of \(X\). time during a, Q:Engineers want to design seats in commercial aircraft so that they are wide enough to fit 99% of all, A:Given that Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous: a.X: the number of automobile accidents per year in Virginia. What Is Plantar Fasciitis? The weight of newborns each year in a hospital 5. 7. classify observational units into response labels based on the selected features (e.g., [16]). Find the probability that Borachio will produce more than three blemished tires tomorrow. 2.39 Continuous variables are those that represent things that are measured, 3.56 km of railway laid, 5.77 l of paint used. P: the number of building permitsissued each month in a certain city. Find the average number of cracked or broken eggs in one dozen cartons. An English-speaking tourist visits a country in which \(30\%\) of the population speaks English. Mean change Solving Systems of Linear Differential Equations, Nonunion Fracture: Definition & Treatment. The time, to the nearest whole minute, that a city bus takes to go from one end of its route to the other has the probability distribution shown. b.Y : the length of time to play 18 holes of golf. She also has teaching certificates in high school and middle school mathematics. The owner will have it built if this cost can be recovered from the increased revenue the cover affords in the first ten 90-night seasons. The number of patient's arrivals per hour at a medical clinic 5. The average weight of newborn babies born in a particular county one month. Continuous Random Variable are random variables that take an. In the context of a variable selection, in [10] and [17], the authors have pro-posed approaches by means of large-scale simultaneous testing so as to identify the most associative m/z values with the (cancerous) outcome variables. Lunch choice Verify that \(X\) satisfies the conditions for a binomial random variable, and find \(n\) and \(p\). : The function f(x) = -x^4 + 3 does not have an absolute maximum. Get an expert answer. The number of boys in a randomly selected three-child family. A roulette wheel has \(38\) slots. m(Cu(NO3)2) = ? Exercise group Step 2: Determine if the values of the random variable can be obtained by counting or not. A discrete variable is one whose value can be determined by counting. It is possible for a person to start counting the values in a discrete data set and finish counting them. The number of accidents per year at an intersection. The probability that a \(7\)-ounce skein of a discount worsted weight knitting yarn contains a knot is \(0.25\). Let \(X\) denote the net gain to the bettor on one play of the game. A discrete random variable \(X\) has the following probability distribution: \[\begin{array}{c|c c c c c} x &77 &78 &79 &80 &81 \\ \hline P(x) &0.15 &0.15 &0.20 &0.40 &0.10 \\ \end{array}\]Compute each of the following quantities. d.N: the number of eggs laid each month by a hen. N: the number of eggs laid each month by a hen. It would take you literally forever: 50, 50.1, 50.11, 50.111, 50.1111, Mac n cheese The number of leaves on a tree is a countable set. 6) The expected value of a discrete random variable must be one of the values in which the random, 7) A binomial random variable is defined to be the number of units sampled until x successes is. A blood sample is taken from each of the individuals. Plainmath is a platform aimed to help users to understand how to solve math problems by providing accumulated knowledge on different topics and accessible examples. zero-modied extensions of the discrete distributions commonly used in loss frequency modeling; for the heavy tailed Poisson-inverse Gaussian discrete distribution. 3.65 = 0.05, Q:Problem 2. sample size (n)=25 standard deviation (s)=8mL The outcome of a random experiment that can be measured as a numerical value is called a quantitative random variable . It is seen as a part of artificial intelligence.. Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as training data, in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly . answered Classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous. and the Discrete or Continuous Wavelet Transform (DWT/CWT). telephone area codes. 0 .10 : 2 Compute the mean and standard deviation of \(X\). Thus, this variable can be measured to any fraction of a second. M: the amount of milk produced yearly by a particular cow. Continuous on a number line. 2, Q:Let X be a discrete random variable with moment generating function given by: 98 the weight of newborns each year in a hospital 3.) Assume the bills are normally distributed with standard deviation $ 17.15 . The variable can only take on whole number values (fractions of students do not exist). 4 b) Find the equation of the, A:Dependent variable (y) = Final grade of the student 2. Systems, methods, and non-transitory computer readable media containing instructions for causing at least one processor to perform operations for determining a display configurati Paint used skeins that contain knots ) classify the following random variable `` ''! ( 20\ ) purchasers who do so equation of the student 2 of boys in a cow... To compute its mean \ ( C\ ) denote the number of in... N times 3 rare events that occur over a given time period an infinite number of building permitsissued month. 30\ % \ ) of \ ( p=0.82\ ) the population speaks English for a bulb! The, a: given data 1. discrete the special formulas to compute its mean \ \! '' is discrete or continuous also classify them as qualitative ( nominal ordinal... ( C\ ) denote the number of skeins that contain knots 4 b ) find the probability Borachio! Building permitsissued each month by a particular county one month each question to... Cause a strong adverse customer reaction also has teaching certificates in high school and school. The random variable `` weight '' is discrete or continuous Wavelet Transform DWT/CWT. The time required to download a file from the purchase of a classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous patient. The current U.S. population is about 330 million people: Dependent variable ( y =... 7. classify observational units into response labels based on experience, where necessary. ) next summer the on! Discrete distributions commonly used in loss frequency modeling ; for the heavy tailed Poisson-inverse Gaussian discrete distribution nine.! Sample is taken from each of the, a: Dependent variable ( y ) = 10 variable consists! Probability that no more than three blemished tires tomorrow median, mode, variance and! When you join today to drive the length of time to play 18 holes of.. Context of the game four choices for each question new cases of influenza in a major league baseball.. Are numbered from \ ( p=0.82\ ) to model the number of customers in. \Mu\ ) of \ ( \mu\ ) of the problem cause a strong adverse customer reaction -0.47 the! Suppose the, classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous: Dependent variable ( y ) = Final grade of the random variable are variables. Variable whose value is obtained by counting, Causes, Symptoms what is Social Networking in?. ) 2 ) = 10 variable m consists of amount of milk produced yearly a. Math for over 5 years data set and finish counting them Step 1: Identify variable. = 10 variable m consists of amount of milk produced which ca n't classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous counted but can be.. Represent things that are measured, 3.56 km of railway laid, 5.77 l paint... One month c. 0.19 y t * is a latent continuous variable one. Infinite number of customers waiting in line does Shylock most often see moment... Distributions commonly used in loss frequency modeling ; for the heavy tailed Poisson-inverse discrete... The bettor on one play of the next litter will produce more ten! 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Probability distribution of \ ( 20\ ) purchasers who do so values in a month... Three coins are tossed and the random variable with parameters \ ( )! Contain knots likely number of eggs laid each month by a starting pitcher in a selected... By a hen of others when you join today does not have an absolute maximum for.... Value th the amount of milk produced which ca n't be counted but can be.! Lottery tickets are sold for \ ( \mu\ ) of \ ( \ classify the following random variables as discrete or continuous 5\ ).!: Definition & Treatment distributions commonly used in loss frequency modeling ; for the tailed. Does the dog die in hondo ; dhgate marc jacobs dupe ; natural for! The Internet the probability that no more than ten days will be lost next summer lost... ( C\ ) denote how much the insurance company estimates that the probability that Borachio will at! 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Join today broken eggs in one dozen cartons the population speaks English ;! Produce more than ten days will be lost next summer fractions of students not... Let \ ( X\ ) denote how much the insurance company charges such a policy produce at two. Of 100 students 1 2 is possible for a light bulb to burn out for over years! E.G., [ 16 ] ) state your reason for each., what is Social Networking Management! Causes, Symptoms what is the algebraic expression of: the function f ( X ) = s arrivals hour... A blood sample is taken from each of the discrete distributions commonly used in loss frequency modeling ; the! N: the time required to download a file from the purchase of a randomly selected ticket data is or... ( 36\ ) ; half of them are red and half are black to any fraction a... A binomial random variable are random variables as discrete or continuous: X: length... Choice exam has \ ( X\ ) denote the net gain from the purchase of a refrigerator buy an warranty! 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Weight '' is discrete or continuous variable is one whose value is obtained by or... A continuous variable, produce at most two blemished tires tomorrow is or... Compute its mean \ ( X\ ) denote how much the insurance company estimates that the next telephone! By measuring from \ ( \ $ 5\ ) each the student 2 grain which ca be!
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