Jewish tradition suggests that Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. 2022 History of Yesterday | All Rights Reserved. defines as &dquo;any offering, animal or. After the brothers make offerings to God and Abels is accepted and Cains rejected, just like in the official Bible, Cain takes Abel for a stroll and then kills him. It was only later that God made the restriction not to marry one's own sister or brother.Genesis 5:4 The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters.As . Dr. Wallaces mitochondrial DNA lineages are also technically known as the haplogroups but much more colloquially as the daughters of Eve because all are the branches of the trunk that stem from the mitochondrial Eve. Original publishers: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, UK. I recall someone suggesting to me one time that Adam and Eve had a total or twenty of so children, and that this came from some Jewish writings. (Scientists could explain this by gesturing frantically at Joffrey Baratheon.) As Joseph Zucker of Bleacher Reportwrites, the hulking New England, As COVID-19 continues its tear through the general public, killing hundreds and throwing the, It's easy to imagine the Amish leading a harshly charmed existence. Specifically, 33 sons and 23 daughters so 10 married nieces. Well,Answers in Genesis says thatCain and Luluwa didnt break Gods commandment because He hadnt made it yet. It says that After the birth of Seth, Adam lived another 800 years and he had other sons and daughters, (5:4) as if there was a long period where it was just Adam, Eve, and their two sons followed by a big expansion after Seth. This is actually mentioned in one of the answers to a question on this site regarding how the world got populated. We will discuss everything in detail. The King James Bible says, And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters (viaGenesis 5:4). Your email address will not be published. Geneticists believe this ancestral human population lived somewhere in Africa and also started to split up some time after 144,000 years ago; you can live or take 10,000 years, the, Mitochondria, which lives inside the human cells and outside the nucleus, escapes the shuffling of the genes that will occur between the generations and are, In principle, all people should have the same string of DNA letters in their mitochondria. Genesis 4. And she said, God has appointed for me another offspring instead of Abel, for Cain killed him (Genesis 4:25). The significance of thirty-three is also seen at Jesus' death at the age of 33. The real Garden Of Eden has been traced to the African nation of Botswana, according to a major study of DNA. The Bible only tells us that Adam and Eve had three sons (Cain, Abel, and Seth.) That is the first and last time she is mentioned, after being conjured seemingly out of thin air, and not even given a name. Seths wife (Aklia) isnt mentioned in the Bible, butGenesis 5:6-7 says that Seth had a son named Enos, followed by an unknown number of nameless sons and daughters. Hopefully they were fine. But one of the things its clear about very early on is that incest is a no-no. Genesis 5:4 clearly states that Adam and Eve had daughters, and their sons found wives among Adam's daughters. Is It True That Adam And Eve Had 33 Sons And 23 Is It True That Adam And Eve Had 33 Sons And 23 Daughters? Cain was afraid of his own brothers, sisters, nephews, and nieces, who were already born and would be capable of seeking revenge. Hendrickson Publishers [First AD 93, this ed.1804] Book 1, Chapter 2, verse 3 footnote. Cain had learned nothing from the punishment he got after killing his brother. At a rate of only one child every seven years, this would result in 50 children for Adams immediate family. After 130 years, he fathered Seth. So unless he married his mom, where did this wife come from? One of the things the official Bible does a terrible job of explaining is where Cains wife comes from. Seth later had a son named Enosh (Genesis 4:26), and genealogy in Genesis 5 focuses on Seths descendants, ending with Noah who would become famous for building the ark. The Bible tells us that after Cain killed Abel, he was banished to wander in the land of Nod. This also means that Adam and Eve had time to give birth to many other children along the line, and a text within the Bible also states that Eve gave birth to sons as well as daughters, but very briefly and rarely mentioning this information. Genesis 1 tells of God's creation of the world and its creatures, including adam, meaning humankind; in Genesis 2 God forms "Adam", this time meaning a single male human, out of "the . A thought would be that whoever wrote the texts was trying to hide the fact that the reproduction of humanity took part by incest which would bring shame, but at the same time people should understand that this was the only way for humanity to reproduce. Cain was the first son, the Bible doesnt specify how much later that Abel was born. RT @BaddCompani: A little tidbit about the Bible, if it was accurate, then help me out with something If Adam and Eve were the first humans and they had 2 sons, Cain and Abel, and they had children, could you explain how this was possible, please? First, Cain said after God cursed him that he feared, anyone who finds me will kill me! If there were no other children of Adam and Eve around at this point, who could Cain be talking about? Research tells us when Cain was born and Eve also gave birth to Cains sister called Luluwa. He has contributed over 1,000 articles to various publications, including interviews for Christian Communicator and book reviews for The Evangelical Church Library Association. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. One of the very vexed issues in human prehistory is the excellent timing and number of the migrations into the Americans. Find out more about his work here. If we look at Bible genealogy, we see that Noah lived long enough to meet Abraham. It is not just about having the story told in a different manner, but also the referral to the wives of the first two sons Cain and Abel, as if the wives they married were just two unimportant strangers and not their sisters. Apparently, they had a further 56 children:33 sons and 23 daughters. When Adam and Eve left the Garden, their family consisted of four generations numbering 1,647 pure-line descendants. But Genesis 5:4 is very clear, "After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters." As The Bible Answer explains, the plural on both those words indicated there would have been at least two more children of each sex, bringing the minimum number of kids they had to seven. If these two pairs of siblings were supposed to populate the world, wouldnt the issue have been obvious pretty quickly? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. But is this really a credible number? Regardless, God does forbid incest later (and then quite firmly) in the Bible. Toll Free: 1(800)-422-4253 Like, lots more. Even if you werent raised in any of these religions, or any religion at all, you probably know the broad strokes of the story: God makes Adam, God makes Eve out of a bit of Adam, Satan tempts them to eat from a tree God told them not to, God finds out they disobeyed him, they get thrown out of the Garden of Eden, Eve gives birth to Cain and Abel, Cain kills Abel. Eve is called the mother of all living 3:20, so there could be no other . Dr. Wallace suggests a part of this group may have made their way to America via Siberia, even though no traces of the X-lineage have yet turned up in eastern Asia. People ate the flesh of animals which led to the shortening of life (Genesis 9:3). Four of which were sons and two were daughters. Adam's Children Cain and Abel had twin sisters! Cain, on the other hand, means hater. The text explains that even when the twins were in the womb, Cain hated his sister. All rights reserved. However, when it comes to how humans evolved, and most importantly, multiplied, the texts do a poor job at logically and chronologically showing how we got to be almost eight billion people from just our eldest ancestors based on these religious records, Adam and Eve. But you must subdue it and be its master.. Neither the Bible nor Qur'an explicitly names or . It is believed by old Jewish traditions the children of Adam and Eve numbered 56. Eve, knowing that her godly son was killed and seeing that Gods words concerning the promised seed could not find their fulfillment in the cursed Cain, showed her faith that the promised Deliverer would come through Seth. In fact, The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (viaSacred Texts) says that Luluwa was the cause of Abels murder, although thats uncalled for. Second, Genesis 5 talks about Adams lineage without mentioning Cain and Abel at all. Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve, born after his brother Cain had killed Abel. We have detected that you are using extensions to block ads. So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? Weirdly, the Bible actually does say something about this, although you might not have heard it either. Both people live in isolated regions, which may be why their mitochondrial DNA does seem a little changed from that of the ancestral population. The only wife available to Seth was, of course, Abels twin, Aklia. This age is about ten times longer than most people live today. Eve is known also as Adams wife. Genesis 5 records this: 1 This is the list . Then Adam and Eve decided that their sons needed wives, and how to pair them off. (Bible Odyssey says thatother texts trace the disagreement to Abel and Aklia having a triplet sister, and the fight was over who would get a second wife.). The Remains of Dead US Presidents Will Be Sent Into Space, The Man Who Surgically Brought Back Unicorns. In each instance, the record simply gives the name of the first son, then adds and begot sons and daughters. With these words, the minimum number of children per family then becomes five. Cain did well for himself in Enoch. Dr. Wallace has recently been exploring the root of the mitochondria tree. God accepted Abels offering but did not approve of what Cain brought. All sins shall be forgiven, except the sin against the Holy Ghost; for Jesus will save all except the sons of perdition. Thus, Cain (1) + Abel (1) + Seth (1) + other sons (2+) and daughters (2+) would equal at least seven children. Son III S lineage migrated to Asia and begat sons, who spread through the rest of the world to the Sea of Japan, northern India, and the South Caspian. Adam and Eve did have daughters. Since Luluwa and Aklia arent mentioned in the official Bible or the Torah, most people havent heard of them. However, the Bible states that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters according to Genesis 5:4. He became a a great leader of men, but led them into wicked courses. He invented weights, measures, and property boundaries, which sounds cool, but it meant people went from being innocent and chill to practicing cunning craftiness. So Luluwa would have been married to the most important guy in the city, with lots of money, but all of it gotten with evil. were twins, as it is said, And she conceived and bore Cain (Gen 4:1). Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. However we interpret who Adam and Eves sons married, we are left with the fact that the Bible doesnt tell us every single bit of information we want. Everything in the Garden of Eden was perfect, so it was only after God kicked them out for disobeying him that things could start going downhill. 56 children is also quite logical, considering Adam's lifespan of 930 years. The story of Adam and Eve's children Cain and Abel doesn't take up much room in the Bible. However, prior to this law being given in Leviticus, there are various instances of men marrying their sisters or other relatives. Proportionately, the female period of fecundity today 30 to 35 years would then be about 350 years. Lets look at the untold truth of Adam and Eves daughters. Reproduction Through Incest. Long Life Spans Furthermore, Genesis 5 records long life spans of the descendants of Adam. Adam's sons apparently found wives among his daughters. The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (viaSacred Texts) says that when Seth was 9, Satan came and tempted him, but the boy wasnt swayed and went home and told his parents. This was possible, in part, because Adam lived to be 930 years old. werent a problem. This is when an unexplained, unnamed wife appears: And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he built a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. (Genesis 4:17) Thats it. Cain was upset and jealous of Abel as a result (Genesis 4:5), and God warned Cain to be careful: Why are you so angry? the Lord asked Cain. (Hindi) Espaol (Spanish). If on the other hand he does not, his anger will overcome him and he will commit a terrible crime. Why suppress something no one was aware of? While some might make it seem like the Bible is a single, infallible document, it actually took a long time for the early Christian church to decide which of the stories knocking around it wanted to include. Dr. Cavallo-Sforza believes these Y chromosome lineages may be associated with the most major language groups of the world. The total number of Adams children is not given in this work; however, it is found as a footnote in The Works of Josephus where it states: The number of Adams children, as says the old tradition, was 33 sons and 23 daughters. In view of their longevity, these appear to be reasonable figures while it would have to be said that, sinners though they were, Adam and Eve had faithfully obeyed Gods first commission to: be fruitful and multiply [Genesis 1:28]. G.J. rev2023.3.1.43269. Because women were steadily spreading across the globe when many of the changes also occurred, some changes are found only in particular regions and continents. This same passage also tells us that Adam lived for 930 years [Genesis 5:5]. How did the world get populated according to Bible? Now, you would say that incest goes against the Bible and Christianity as a whole, which it does, but at that time the Bible says that these souls, as the first ones to be given life were excused as there was no other way to reproduce. So after the twins Cain and Luluwa finished breastfeeding, The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (viaSacred Texts) says that Eve again conceived, and when her days were accomplished she brought forth another son and daughter; and they named the son Abel, and the daughter Aklia.. ESV The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters. Unfortunately, The Books of the Daughters of Adam is lost to history, but based on the name youd assume it would have filled in lots of blanks about the first couples female kids. In this case, it was the great Jewish historian Josephus, who lived in the Middle East in the first century A.D. His work Antiquities of the Jews adds some details about what Cain got up to in the city of Enoch, and from that we can infer what Luluwas life would have been like. Some scholars believe that the length of the life spans of the people of this time was due to a vapor canopy in the atmosphere. Dr. Joseph Greenberg, a linguist at Stanford University, has also proposed three migrations corresponding to the three language groups of the Americans, which are known as Amerind, Na-Dene, and Eskimi-Aleut. It had to be many, as they were commanded "Be fruitful and multiply" to populate the earth, but an exact number, based on the Bible, is not known. The answer, is yes! Adam only had one wife (Eve), which is an argument based strictly on a lack of evidence. Cains works were evil and his brothers righteous (1 John 3:12). You will be accepted if you do what is right, then watch out! What did Cain give to God as a sacrifice? Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. In Genesis 6:3, God decrees that humans will only live to be 120 years old, and other than a few patriarchs this holds true throughout the rest of the Bible. When Abel was born Eve again also gave birth to another duaghter called Aklia. The European X lineage also originated in Western Asia around 40,000 years ago. (Later this was forbidden by the Old Testament, but was necessary at the beginning of the human race.) So, its possible that in Cain and Abels period, human genetics were so good that all the biological problems that incest creates (mutations, etc.) Geneticists believe this ancestral human population lived somewhere in Africa and also started to split up some time after 144,000 years ago; you can live or take 10,000 years, the inferred time at which both of the mitochondrial and Y chromosome trees make their first branches.. Mitochondria, which lives inside the human cells and outside the nucleus . Such marriages in the beginning were not harmful. And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all (Colossians 3:10-11). What color is Gods skin? Adam and Eve had "other sons and daughters," and death came to Adam at the age of 930. This would fit the shift we see in Genesis from early generations with long lives producing children past their 100s to humans with shorter lives and shorter fertility rates. L3, one of the youngest branches, is also ubiquitous in East Africa and is believed to be a good source of Asian and European lineages. We know that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters in addition to Abel, Cain, and Seth ( Gen. 5:4 ), and if there was only one original family, then the first marriages had to be between brothers and sisters. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. And in the ensuing 800 years, scripture tells us that Adam had many sons and daughters. With likely hundreds of years of child-bearing capability, Adam and Eve likely had 50+ children in their lifetime. That would be disgusting. Evry mans the same in the good Lords sight.. Scripture tells us that Adam lived 930 years. If we scale todays fertility to the antediluvian time, it would be about 350 years. If they had no daughters, then humanity would have gone extinct. The apostle Paul mentions Eve three times in his letters in 2 Corinthians 11:3 and 1 Timothy 2:8-14, and 1 Corinthians 11:8-9.. How many daughters did Hazrat Adam have? If that is the case, then how did they manage to keep reproducing?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'historyofyesterday_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historyofyesterday_com-medrectangle-3-0'); There are many different entries within the Bible that argue against the first statement, saying that Adam and Eve had more children than just Cain and Abel. Just like how many younger children find there are a lot fewer photos of them than their older siblings, the text doesnt seem as interested in these two twins, at least surrounding their birth. The name Seth means the appointed one, the compensation or substitute for Abel. Cain is a Biblical figure in the Book of Genesis within Abrahamic religions. Published 2005 by: Ibis Press, Berwick, Maine. And by the time they did, God told Moses to tell everyone to stop boning their relatives. Chapter five from Genesis represents the genealogical tree of Adam, where we are only told the name of the father and how many years he had lived. Cain and Able were the first two children mentioned, but that does not mean they were the only two. He is stated as the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron. This isnt something mentioned, but it is a logical connection that is made as the Bible states that the first humans ended up living even up to 1,000 years, once again explaining the fast levels of reproduction. The total number of Adam's children is not given in this work; however, it is found as a footnote in The Works of Josephus where it states: "The number of Adam's children, as says the old tradition, was 33 sons and 23 daughters." In view of their longevity, these appear to be reasonable figures while it would have to be said that . Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? And indeed, if you are only using the Bible or Torah as your source, there isnt that much detail youre missing out on, especially once Adam and Eve are out in the real world and raising their sons. The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (viaSacred Texts) goes into much more detail. Beyond its use as the name of the first man, adam is also used in the Bible as a pronoun, individually as "a human" and in a collective sense as "mankind". A very old Jewish tradition, recounted by the first century A.D. historian Josephus, states that Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters! How did Dominion legally obtain text messages from Fox News hosts? Genesis 4:25 ESV, The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters. In principle, all people should have the same string of DNA letters in their mitochondria. Not only was Cain jealous of God favoring Abel, but he also didnt appreciatethe warning that God gave him. Christianity Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for committed Christians, experts in Christianity and those interested in learning more. 2 Male and female he created them, and 3 Adam became the father of . The Adamic language, according to Jewish tradition (as recorded in the midrashim) and some Christians, is the language spoken by Adam (and possibly Eve) in the Garden of Eden. Gigantic Tree Stumps Are Now called Ancient Pyramids Mountains Of The Fallen Nephilim Giants.. PICTURE 13 Abel grew up to be a shepherd, producing wool.. A very old Jewish tradition, recounted by the first century A. . God created Adam and Eve to be fruitful upon this earth. Weren't Adam and Eve the first people created? With the exception of Enoch, all of these pre-flood descendants of Adam lived a minimum of 777 years, while most were over 900 years. In Asia, there is a very ancestral lineage known as M, with the descendant branches E, F, and G, as well as the A through the D lineages, also found in the Americas. We notice that it was not as important to the Bible author to note the quantity of the children as it was the quality of their character. In Genesis 4:16-17 it says that Cain left Eden and went towards the east to live. However, the Bible states that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters according to Genesis 5:4. First, that's the line - at least through the . Genesis 4:25 states that they had another son named Seth. Some scholars believe that the length of the life spans of the people of this time was due to a vapor canopy in the atmosphere. The first was Cain, then Abel, and then Seth. So, all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died (Genesis 5:4,5). Genesis 5:4-5 states that Adam fathered "sons and daughters" before his death, aged 930 years. He was followed by his sister and Eveson, the second son of Adam and Eve. If we suppose that Adam and Eve had just one child every seven years of her fertility, then they would have had 50 children. It seems they would have likely had at least seven, as Cain, Abel and Seth are named. Can the Spiritual Weapon spell be used as cover? The Bible does not specify how many children Adam and Eve had. Still, the B lineage, though it has been found somewhere in Asia, has not ever turned up in Siberia, a hint that the B people may have taken a sea route to the Americans and they merged there with their A-, C- and D- carrying the cousins. But the Americans X lineage, which turned out to be the pre-Columbian, and its owners would still have arrived in America either 15,000 or 30,000 years ago, depending on the certain genetic assumptions. If he changes, he will be able to control his anger and not sin. Jacob married two of his female cousins (Genesis 29-30). Later, Cain married and begat his own nation (see Where did Cains wife come from?). Answer (1 of 30): The number of sons an daughters Adam and Eve had is not specifically defined in the Holy Scriptures. While Cain and Abel were among Adam and Eve's first children, they were not their only children. WhenCain finds out its true he has to marry Aklia, he curses his mom. In that time, lots of freshly minted Christians wrote books that didnt make it into the final cut. Adam and Eve had many other children, and their children had children, etc. In this article, we will discuss whether it is true that Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Thus all the days that Adam lived were 930 years, and he died. The Wife of Cain. After Seth was born, Eve said, God has granted me another son in place of Abel, whom Cain killed (Genesis 4:25). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times, 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. So when Satan appeared and told him his younger brother, who he disliked so much, was going to get to marry the sister who was, by process of elimination, the hottest woman on Earth at the time, it sent Cain over the edge. Whiston, William [translator]. So Cain married a sister or possibly a niece. ( Genesis 3:15) What a promise! The usual assumption is that Cain and Abel married their sisters. Adam had 33 sons and 23 daughters. Accordingly, in their time, they werent doing anything wrong. Genesis 4:17 mentions that Cains wife (Luluwa) gave birth to Enoch. His life stretched more than half the time to the Flood. All About Creation says thatJewish tradition records not just how many more kids Adam and Eve had, but their ratio as well. Share. The key one in Luluwa and Aklias situations is Leviticus 18:9: Do not have sexual relations with your sister, either your fathers daughter or your mothers daughter, whether she was born in the same home or elsewhere., Just in case you thought He stuttered, God is back in Leviticus 20, repeating a variety of unacceptable incestuous pairings, including, in verse 17: If a man marries his sister, the daughter of either his father or his mother, and they have sexual relations, it is a disgrace.. In an article he published in March in The American Journal of Human Genetics, he and his colleagues identify the Vasikela King of the northwestern Kalahari desert in southern Africa as the population that will lie nearest to the root of the human mitochondrial DNA tree. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? At first, they assumed it came from the intermarriage with the very, In this article, we have discussed whether it is true that Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters. Dr. Wallaces mitochondrial DNA data, which broadly supported this general thesis through the arrival of the Amerind speakers, seems much more complex than a single migration. The official Bible or the Torah, most people live today family consisted of four generations numbering 1,647 pure-line.... From? ) child every seven years, and then quite firmly ) the! More kids Adam and Eves daughters brother Cain had killed Abel, he his. 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