The novices are conducted along the pathway to the goonambang, and are placed sitting down on a couch of small bushes and, Figure 10: Bull-roarers. [7] Gringai land also includes the southern valleys of the Barrington Tops. On 7th August [1830], Mr. Field, the constable, returned and informed me that he had succeeded in coming up with the tribe of blacks who had speared Delaney and killed the sheep. of two men. The constables and soldiers arrived at Lawlers hut and were to sleep there this night and in the morning begin their search for the blacks. The Tribal group I belong to are known as the Gringai Clan and are a part of the Wonnarua people in general. They pronounced g nasally like the ng in sing. The T and D sounds were very difficult to differentiate. The stone is about the height and size of a [woman]. Ganghat . It could hardly be said that they had any conception of a God, yet they feared, and feared profoundly, some terrible invisible being they named Cooen supposedly capable of exercising a maleficent influence over their lives. The stranger produced a small pipe from his belt, stooped down to the fire, lit the tobacco with a coal, and took a few puffs. Fatal was the effect. They were very neatly made and provided both warmth and protection from rain when occasion arose. Filling in under the logs with stones fitted, or saplings, with twigs woven in and out to let thee smaller fish get away. Arriving at the foot of the hill the men threw down their weapons on the ground, and springing on to the cleared space, danced on the fire with their bare feet until it was extinguished. A complete guide to the Duttons, from 1883 to Yellowstone. They were not over-particular about the thoroughness with which the delicacy was cooked. Coen was responsible for the storms, floods, droughts and fires and had carried off manyfor offences against tribal laws. Bark was then carefully placed over the body. [1], The Gringai are a known clan of the Wonnarua people, whose traditional lands are the Allyn River valley,[9] and include what is now known as Dungog, Paterson, Gresford, Brookfield,[7] Tocal,[10] to the headwaters of the Williams and Chichester rivers. ~;26BBV?AsU7uNbhGkC5x"lvV3=: ;A~=6456v;H>JEl$v+vmK9ox-+/NpC*xj}HQJYvaKv`?6- \
[6], This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. In times of wet weather when long continued rain (Kueywon) made everyone and everything miserable and gloomy, the old men of the tribe would perform a remark- able ceremony to ensure a recurrence of fine weather. The first thing that I saw when our party came up with the black camp, was the deceased speared; he was armed with a fowling piece; he stood a little in front of his party, and I saw the spear thrown at him from the left, which struck him under the shoulder blade; there was only one black man on his left side; the deceased plucked out the spear, and followed the black who had speared him; he was assisted by two others of the party in the chase, and they captured him about a quarter of a mile off. (I may here mention this burial place has been held sacred by his descendants, and many of the tribe have been buried there since then, the dead being conveyed many miles in order that they might make this their last resting place.) Sunday, 9th June. As a feat of agility it was more than ordinarily remarkable. Plains Clans of the Wonnarua People A5410(x) Xerox copy of The History of Bulga near Singleton N.S.W. The new-comer announced hls name and business and within a few seconds the whole crowd were jabbering ex-citedly and happily. They were always in dread of war with the Kamilaroi, a fierce and warlike tribe, who followed down the headwaters of the Hunter from the Talbragar to the Nunmurra waters, and even occasionally made raids as far as Jerrys Plains. The blacks were always fearful of a raid by the Myall River natives, who were reputed to be very warlike and aggressive. The pieces of burning bark which the sisters of the novices have been obliged to carry, as before stated, are left at the kweealbang. . This extended family group inhabited the country north of present day Gresford. Conclusion.-The following day, the strange tribes begin to disperse, and start away on their return journey to the districts from which they have come. 1844, my father, John Scott, being employed in a secretarial capacity at Carrington by the Australian Agricultural Company. In some vague fashion they sensed a spirit existence, but in the fifties and sixties it was generally accepted that a dead native would go down blackfellow, jump up white-fellow.. The possum was hauled from his hole in a rotted limb or spout and tossed to the ground. As everything relating to these ceremonies is kept very secret it is only hearsay. They disappeared in a northerly direction but were pursued by a party of armed soldiers and assigned servants and overtaken some twenty miles away. Fame Cove was taboo after the sun had fallen, and no native would linger in that vicinity when the shadows began to lengthen. English thesaurus is mainly derived from The Integral Dictionary (TID). His mother then approaches him, and holds her breast to his face, pretending to suckle him. After being prepared by their families, the boys were now ready to experience the transition from boyhood to manhood. The old father rushed past me, seized a tomahawk, and cut his head in several places, until the blood gushed in quantities from the wounds; another old man snatched it from him, amid commenced upon his own bead. One of a small camp of blacks about a quarter of a mile from our house died of some sickness. Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation chief executive Laurie Perry said there were "tit-for-tat skirmishes" on the land, but "there was no massacre on the site or recorded massacre on the site". The law claimed yet another victim. In an article The Kattang, (kutthung) or Worimi: An Aboriginal Tribe by W. J Enright March 1932 Mankind p. 76) [Enright states]. Amid dust, sparks and smoke this wild revel went on until the fire was completely obliterated. Very carefully was the length of bark separated from its hold so that not a crack appeared in Its tough surface. The head was of four prongs made of iron-bark and hardened by fire. In the Wonnarua dreamtime the Hunter Valley was created by the great spirit, Baime (Byamee). In a new document, Filling A Void, the heritage office says there is no record of the word Guringai or any of its derivatives, including Ku-ring-gai, in any of the early accounts of the colony after white settlement and no hint that the Aborigines of the northern beaches or any other part of Sydney had ever heard the word. The Blacks of Dungog, Port Stephens and Gresford. They were going to the bora ceremonies. . During the early part of each day, the men go out hunting, and bring home the results of the chase, consisting of kangaroos, iguanas, birds, and other game, as well as wild honey. A row of wooden forks, about 4 or 5 feet high, are first inserted in the ground, and saplings laid from fork to fork, resembling a fence with only one top rail. In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Baiame (or Biame, Baayami, Baayama or Byamee) was the creator god and sky father[1] in the Dreaming of several Aboriginal Australian peoples of south-eastern Australia, such as the Wonnarua, Kamilaroi, Guringay, Eora, Darkinjung, and Wiradjuri peoples. Groups living near the Wonnarua include the Darkinjung and the Wirad. Baime awoke and created everything, the mountains, plains, rivers and every living thing. Meaning people of the hills and plains, the Wonnarua were bounded to the south by the Darkinjung, to the northwest by the Nganyaywana, to the northeast by the Awabakal, and to the southeast by the Worimi peoples. In every creek and in every gully lay dead blacks. It was the biggest collection of blacks ever seen in the district. The keerango, and other men who remained at the womens camp have been standing by as spectators, directing the proceedings all the time - the principal headmen being among them. The women at the camp, on hearing this, assemble at the kackaroo, and begin to sing and beat their rugs, and some of them dance. The lamentation at the grave and the chopping of heads.and burning of arms was something not easily to be forgotten. As- suming that the invitation has been accepted, the initiator immediately commences to prepare the keeparra ground, and dispatches another set of messengers, each of whom are on this occasion provided with a bull-roarer (goonandhakeea), several tails or kilts, a belt, and other articles. long, having at the narrow end another piece of hardwood, about. Various articles by Gordon Bennett, chiefly in the Dungog Chronicle (GB). The men stood behind beating boomerangs. He is always painted in front view; Dharramalan is drawn in profile. The headman does not take this step on his own responsibility, but after due consultation with the elders of his tribe. They went into the water-hole one after the other, and came out in the same way. Monday, 10th June. Personal - Birth, death and marriage notices, inquests, obituaries, funeral notices, memorial notices, biographies, marriage items, kitchen teas, work and community farewells etc. [T]here was the fear of darkness, general among all members of the tribe. The next morning the women proceed again to the kweealbang and light a fire. No doubt the Idea was that the fire would dry up the teeming heavens, and the artificial gusts from their mouths blow the storms away At Port Stephens it was the custom, when some of the boys had reached that stage of adolescence that their admission to the full privileges and prerogatives of the adult men of the tribe was deemed advisable by the older wiseacres, to segregate them for preparation for the ceremonies. It was there in the Dreaming, though mountains, trees, animals and people were not yet formed. See what others have contributed about your ancestors. Lyn MacBain, who hasstudied local history in Singleton for the past 30 years, said the homestead should stay put. It is therefore necessary to give them a little relaxation to afford them an opportunity of regaining their strength before attempting the journey to the kweealbang. It was here intimated to the Court, that the prisoner wished to retire for a short time, and he was therefore directed to be removed in charge of a constable. This being done, the whole force of the assembled tribes came up, running, shouting, and striking their shields with their clubs, and using a roarer which produced the most fearful and unnatural sounds. The keerang then march right through the line of men and boys, some going through at one place and some at another, the line opening to let them pass. In this section, there's a wealth of information about our collections of scientific specimens and cultural objects. How they worked out the mathematics of the curve and balance was ever a puzzle to me, as it has been to anthropologists all over the world, but though they always seemed to be making boomerangs, one never heard of any being spoiled or made in such fashion as to prove useless when put to the crucial test. According to the Eather Family, the Bora ceremony was not held on the Meerea property but at another nearby location. This was carefully secured, taken out into the bay, and, with great solemnity, committed to the deep. The Wonnarua were part of the land. Having long, prehensile toes they would use them as a white man does his fingers to grasp the object needed and thus would rise it to within reach of the hands. Any use of the language materials, and historical records, should be done in consultation with the WNAC. Their songs consisted mostly of a few lines, repeat- ed over and over again, with a loudly shouted wy-yahng as a re- frain. community together, who may be called the Chief Initiator, sends out messengers to all the neighbouring tribes whom it is desired shall be present. I have heard my father say when the blacks lost control of the river, the river lost its fish. The Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation was established in 1999 and represents the Wonnarua people. Three. I further observe that the party who apprehended him and some others were subpoenaed on his trial, and the reward for his apprehension as notified in the Government Gazette of the 15th July 1835 (10) ordered by the Colonial Secretary to be paid to them. This cruel happening was not discovered by the boss for quite a time and when it was the man was sent to Newcastle, but it remains unknown what his fate was life was cheap then. The marsupials ran in large mobs, easily driven by the nimble natives to a point where waiting groups could spear them with ease. But a different local Indigenous group said Indigenous oral history did not prove a massacre at Ravensworth occurred. The stripping operation was carried out with an exact judgment, lines being cut cross- wise with a tomahawk around and across the tree so that the section removed would be of the required size and shape. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 6 Sep 1940 Page 5 MASSACRE OF BLACKS. The triangle icon that indicates to play. In every creek, in every gully, lay dead blacks, and Ganghat became anathema; a place accursed, Then another name arose tor the locality Belbora (now mostly called Belbowrie.) Baal Bora to signify that the circular ceremonial of the Boombit should never more be enacted there Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 9 Nov 1923 Page 3 The Pioneers. The business of fishing was per- haps the most important of all to the natives. My great-great-great grandmother belonged to the Gringai group of the Won- narua people. Capt. The young fellows belonging to these new arrivals are always eager to be present and assist at the performances at the kweealbang, and accordingly they start out to the camp in the bush. James Miller, the author of Koori: A Will to Win, writes an ancestor was from Eccleston, and regards himself as Wonnarua. The aboriginal natives were the primary tenants of this soil ; they subsisted in the woods by fishing and hunting:, and it was illegal for any one to disturb them in the possession of these natural rightsThe jury af- ter having retired for considerably upwards of an hour, returned with a verdict of Guilty of Manslaughter, but recommended the prisoner to mercy, from the peculiar circumstances under which the offence was committed. must be carried bv them, when going from place to place, till they again meet their brothers at the kweealbang. For more information go to As part of the ceremonies, the aspirants undergo the ordeal of having an upper front tooth either bitten off or knocked out with a stick prepared for the occasion. Each lad approached his mother, or in default, his nearest female relative, and kneeling before her simulated the act of suckling nourishment from her breasts; this it being explained to us later, signifying the putting aside for ever of all childish things. When one of these messengers arrives at the camp of the tribe he has been directed to summon, he sits down in sight of the mens quarters, and some of them go over to him, knowing by his manner that he is the bearer of news to their tribe. The Baiame story tells how Baiame came down from the sky to the land and created rivers, mountains, and forests. These sheep were driven to Berrico at shearing time. He said the absence of a recognised native title holder, as was the case in the Hunter Valley, couldfurther complicate claims. Another bush dainty, easily procurable in the right season, was the curramali, a fruit that grew on a little vine in the bush. No return was made to this, and on repeating the sign an answer was returned in a loud and as it seemed menacing tone. . The shout then set up by all was deafening. It was the belief that when the name of the guilty person was called the corpse would start. Where the line was rolled the skin of the operative was hardened by the application of hot ashes, and in time be- came calloused, smooth, and as hard as dried leather. These two massacres are said to have taken about two hundred lives and the natives were still being pursued towards the Upper Arundel from where they could escape into The Falls Country. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 17 Aug 1923 Page 3 Early Recollections of Dungog. Fitzpatric seems to play down the extent of these engagements. 'The Valley was always there in the Dreaming, though mountains, trees, animals and people were not yet formed. he and his tribe seem perfectly quiet I think it may be as well to take no notice of him, unless he or his friends show a I disposition to disturb the settlers on the Williams. Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. I happened to have a few emu feathers stuck in the band of my hat as an ornament. This template also provides some clues as to where the . The wattie, however, was deadly in its execution, and there was never any doubt about it when it fell. The Wonnarua Strategic Plan 2009-2012 (WSP). has publicly denounced the use of the word Guringai. Social - dances, association meetings and gatherings, visitors, and general gossip columns. ) ?B6=! The Australian Museum now has links with Australian South Sea Islanders - ASSI (Port Jackson) - and decades of close links with Vanuatu, signified especially since its 1981 repatriation of the large now-famous Efate Island slit drum given in recognition of 1980 Independence. THE Wonnarua language is more nearly related . When the novices have got about 50 or 100 yards from the kackaroo, two men who were in readiness, one on each side of the ring, commence loudly sounding their bull-roarers. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 25 Apr 1919 Page 3 The Earliest Inhabitants. The body was dropped in sideways and after a stone hatchet and a club were placed beside it the grave was filled in and the ceremonies ended. I would respectfully call on His Excellency for instructions how to proceed that such evil and improper conduct may be speedily checked and further evil prevented. The Queen [women], so far as I could ascertain, were marked some- what similarly on the back and across the tops of the shoulders. Ms Ley said a decision on the application would be made "in the near future". Other blacks buried there were Nancy Green, Flash Jack, and Albert Brandy, the last of the tribe, died over Singleton way. In some other tribes there are series of sub-branches identified distinctively with their animal or bird totem, these groups being subject to rigid rules as re-gards inter-marriage, food taboos, and other things. The Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation was established in 1999 and represents the Wonnarua people. The illustration above, Broken Bay [Hawkesbury RIver]Jemmy. The lobsters were caught by the [women] who, on the sea front, dived down among the rocks for them. The rugs they used were made of animals skins, principally those of opossums. They, too, were buried at Violet Hill. The only record of punitive expeditions I can vouch for are as follows: In 1835, on the occasion of the great raid on Mackenzies shepherds, at Kiripit, now Rawdon Vale, the A. Each mother has her yamstick with her, and sticks it into the ground beside her, the top end of it being ornamented with the bunch of bushes which were fastened to it the morning the novices were taken away from the kackaroo. A few of the old men remain standing near them, armed with spears, to see that the covering is not interfered with. Never at any time could we get them to men- tion the name of anyone who had died. The bull-roarers are then given into the hands of the novices, who touch their bodies with them. Just as preparations were being made for a continuation of the rites, some of the strange blacks raised an objection to my being present with a gun, for I had with me a small sixteen-bore fowling piece I Invariably carried on my excursions in the bush. During, the last night of the sojourn at the kweealbang the old men sing [Ko- ens] song while the boys are lying in the camp. When quite young, a ligature was tied about the first joint of her little finger very tightly, and being left there for a considerable time, the top portion mortified and, in time, fell off. The A. Other plants indicated by the literature to have been exploited for food in coastal regions include various fruits (Caswell 1841), including a sort of wild plum (Threlkeld in Gunson 1974:55) and the stalk of the water lily (Scott 1929:41; Fawcett 1898:152). The Wonnarua people's traditional lands are located in the Hunter Valley area of New South Wales. The men took their share first and the women and children made a meal of what was left. Nature appeared to have safeguarded them In her own Inscrutable fashion against most of the ailments that afflict civilised man but she had not prepared them against the diseases that the white man brought in his train. There are indications that yams (Dioscorea transversa) were eaten elsewhere on the coast (Scott l929:4l) and Backhouse (1843:399) noted that in the Raymond Terrace area, in the more fertile spots by the sides of brooks, there was a species of Yam, the root of which was eaten by the Aborigines. I often heard my father speak of the blacks fish traps but it was years after his death that I read Mary Gilmores book, and so I could not ask the questions I wanted to. Ganghat became anathema to the tribe a valley of death. Children were not weaned until six or seven years and it was quite a common thing to see a boy or girl of that age suddenly leave oft playing about the camp to obtain a little refreshment from the mothers breast. The blacks living in the district that extends from just about where Brookfield now is to the headwaters of the Chichester and the Williams belonged to a tribe known as the Gringai. The manner in which the Grlngai communicated their movements to following friends was noteworthy. They were made to lie prostrate on the ground, and were covered with rugs and blankets, an old man guarding them, waddy in hand, as I had seen many years before. It was probably at this site that my great-great- grandmothers kinship fathers passed those intermediate days between boyhood and manhood. They wrote down what they thought they heard, but the Gringai language (Kathang or Gathang) does not have equiv- alent English consonants. Last week we received seven blacks from the Paterson without a warrant or charge, consequently the Bench could not investigate the matter. Choose the design that fits your site. For the most part full dress consisted of a possum-fur belt, with narrow strips of skin pendant there from both in front and at the back. These were called cumiml, and varied considerably in size and construction according to the purpose for which they were designed. Some language documentation may also record words and meanings inaccurately. established a heifer station at Bakers Creek, twelve miles north-east of Gloucester, now known as Upper Ghangat. This nomadic minstrel was a most important individual, posturing, gesticulating and leaping about the fitful flames of the camp fire he would sing, over and over again, his latest melody, which usually had to do with some well known incident. [4], In the area surrounding Awaba (Lake Macquarie) in New South Wales, Australia,[5][6] he was believed to have created all of the mountains, lakes, rivers and caves in the area. . (VMR, VHR). This unfor- tunate circumstance has given the blacks more courage, and their depredations are becoming more formidable, so that several respectable persons who have stations on the Manning have lately called on me and [called] for protection, but I could only refer them to Captain King, the Commissioner for the Australian Agricultural Company. Australia's largest language family is Pama-Nyungan. They had knocked down and carried away eight colonial sheep; all the rest were stolen yesterday. Sir By the directions of T. Cook, Esq., our Supt of Police, and in explanation of that part of your letter to him dated the 30th July, relative to the aboriginal black named in the margin [Jemmy], I do myself the honor to inform you that the said black native was tried at this court on 29th January last, and found guilty of an assault and robbery, and committed to take his trial before the Supreme Court. As the boys took this symbolic leave of their mothers, the ceremony geared towards its climax. The men seem to have been attacked singly and in open daylight. The Earliest Inhabitants - Aboriginal Tribes of the District. Climactically the upper tooth was extracted by an elder and the slightest indication of objection or pain resulted in ridicule. Amongthe dense patchwork of open-cut coal mines in the New South Wales Hunter Valley sits a sandstone colonial homestead dating back to the early 1800s. The affair took place on the flat about 100 yards south of Camerons fence. On the floor of the canoe, usually at the stern, there would be the inevitable mound of clay, the floating fireplace. If an officers command were directed to proceed thither to scour the bush for a few days and, if possible, capture the offenders, for whose apprehension the Magistrates warrant was granted, it would have a good effect, by striking terror into the savage mind. provided seeds suitable for grinding and baking into seed cakes (McBryde 1976:65), as may the kind of oat-grass seen by Cunningham (Joumal 7/5/1823 ) in the upper Goulburn Valley. We would also like to pay respect to Elders both past and present of the Wonnarua nation and extend that respect to all other Aboriginal people. That, so far as I can recollect, concluded that particular ceremony. They were formed in two divisions, and kept crossing and recrosslng the path, interlacing as the met at the run, and descending the hill rapidly, all the time yelling at the top of their voices. 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