This often happened on the nearest street. : 86 You get a fragment from an old box score and the challenge of determining what game it is from and why it is significant. Free returns. Yankee Stadium, New York: 79 During one game, Feigner had easily beaten a team from Oregon 33-0. "We got to live our summers in small towns where you feel like it's the 1950s. Individuals inducted into the Shrine of the Eternals must have altered how the world views the game of baseball. He's been interviewed by Red Smith, Mike Douglas, Johnny Carson, Ed Sullivan and the guy Feigner says gave him his first significant interview, Grantland Rice. He is Rich Hoppe -- Bayonne native and pitcher for the King and His Court, the iconic four-man barnstorming softball team. He was the clown prince of softball. Over the years, the Court played everywhere, with Feigner firing his 100-plus mph heater (once measured at 112 mph) from behind his back, through his legs, from second base and even while blindfolded. Today, there are no great pitchers left out there. He was 81 years old. Bayonne native Rich Hoppe, a member of the fast-pitch softball team the King and His Court, on the diamond at Memorial Park in Linden last week. The decline of fastpitch, Feigner says, began shortly after he left the service. Granted, American softball players are the best in the world. For Hoppe, it all started in 1961 when he was a junior in high school and saw Feigner and his team play in Bayonne. (R.J. Oriez/Stars and Stripes). Feb. 13, 2007. Fastpitch.TV - A few weeks ago the King And His Court came to the Dallas area. In this years Olympics, there were 19 games that didntinclude weak sisters Greece and Italy. Bayonne native Rich Hoppe, a member of the fast-pitch softball team the King and His Court, on the diamond at Memorial Park in Linden last week. The Yankees rewarded the biggest star in the their history with a 30 percent paycut. Anyone? 2023 Stars and Stripes. Eddie Feigner, who for 60 years barnstormed the globe with his four-man softball team, hurling 100-mile-an-hour pitches that struck out Willie Mays and 141,516 other batters, died on Friday in Huntsville, Ala. In an interview, he said he liked having fun too much to be an MLB player. Im now 66 years old. Eddie Feigner was still anxious to play. And the guy blinks and says, `Right.' "It's surreal. He pitched behind his back, from second base, between his legs, when kneeling and, of course, while blindfolded. It was a great event, and here is . After the game was over, many of the players gathered at a tavern. Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum: 74 As the games rules were liberalized, the names for the pitches eventually changed. The King and His court is an extremely entertaining show to go watch! Which isnt to say there arent great hittersof course there are. The King and His court is an extremely entertaining show to go watch! Before the tour, Eddie Feigner and the other team members mailed thousands of letters to charity groups, service organizations, local governments, and more. You get to touch people and leave them with a message.". Eddie Feigner was asked to participate. ", The Olympics feature baseball as a demonstration sport, but won't add fastpitch since "the East Bloc doesn't play it; they're trying hard just to play baseball," Feigner said. 7. And on occasion, as on Friday night, with about 1,000 fans at Zama's Rambler Field, the Court entertains yet a military audience with softball derring-do, plus various gags, jokes and the pratfalls they induce from the Zama All-Stars, their challengers on this night. Which is why the King always had four players. Progressive Field, Cleveland: 82 194 Softball Trivia Podcast | King and His Court Original Pitcher He and a changing supporting cast that included only a catcher, first baseman and shortstop eventually logged more than 4 million miles, covering 50 states and more than 100 countries to play in front of 200 million people. In 1972, Sports Illustrated called Feigner, who pitched 238 perfect games, the most underrated athlete of his time. Daten ber Ihr Gert und Ihre Internetverbindung, wie Ihre IP-Adresse, Browsing- und Suchaktivitten bei der Nutzung von Yahoo Websites und -Apps. The news of a four-man team beating nine players spread all over the state. Challenges to play local softball teams came from around the state of Washington. You'll need it. He made Nolan Ryan look like a Little Leaguer. He quickly became a successful businessman and got back into softball, but his alcohol and drug addictions intensified. At the time, he was living in the Cogburn Health and Rehabilitation facility in Huntsville, Alabama. Feigner had been pitching in the Green Pea League of Walla Walla Valley. He took her last name and the name Eddie from a friend. Sign up to receive a daily email of today's top military news stories from Stars and Stripes and top news outlets Jim Caple is a senior writer for Thus, is Feigner, with a year or two left in his own career, the last of the great fastpitch showmen? "I know what I am, a recovering addict," he said. Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on April 26, 2018: I'd heard of this guy before, but you certainly gave me a great deal more insight into it. In the 2000 Olympics, the gold-medal-winning U.S. softball team allowed only seven runs and 24 hits in 10 games. It has been estimated the team played over 10,000 softball games in over 100 countries. A story is told of the time he stood in right field at Yankee Stadium and fired an underhand fastball over home plate. Feigner was confident he could win with only himself and a catcher but worried the other team would just walk the two and leave them without a batter. He is buried in the Huntsville Memory Gardens. (But) we're part sport and part vaudevillian," Feigner insists, adding that written into their show is a myriad of laughs that never end as each inning passes. VHS Tape, "How to Pitch Fast Pitch Softball Basic Styles With Eddie Feigner of The King and His Court" [autographed]. People still want to see Williams bat, Palmer golf; there's the charisma there. 15. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. If you have a few young girls/guys looking to get into baseball or softball then taking them to one of these games would be. Men's fast-pitch softball has the King and His Court. Nationals Park, Washington: 76 Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. Its just that the conditions of the game simply dont allow even the greatest hitters to be successful often enough for anybody to notice. I was lucky enough to be invited to come film the event. Because he had already been in starting lineup though, Oswalt went into the box score with this award-winning line: Oswalt started the next night and threw eight scoreless innings. "I don't know who'll play Eddie Feigner," he said. He struck out Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Brooks Robinson, Harmon Killebrew and Roberto Clemente consecutively. He discovered that his birth mother lived nearby and that as a teenager he had mowed her lawn. "Almost all the good pitchers the last 20 years came from Canada or New Zealand; that kept ASA alive the last 10 or 15 years. Eddie Feigner, "What Little I Know About Pitching and Hitting", 7. Patrick Villanova/The Jersey Journal He stands blindfolded, some 40 feet from home plate, gleefully hurling pitch after pitch at weary batters as fans in Linden's Memorial Park cheer on the peculiar . I guess in order to even make contact with the ball, you'd have to start your swing before he even released it and trust that it would be somewhere in the strike zone. Jeff, thanks. It would be really fun to watch videos of some of that stuff. Safeco Field, Seattle: 87 The Ballpark in Arlington, Texas: 77 Learn about Eddie and the Court, who first brought fastpitch to TV and mainstream America from the people who lived. 13. They were awesome. He's battled the best batters the major leagues have to offer, striking out Willie Mays, Brooks Robinson, Harmon Killebrew, Willie McCovey, Maury Wills and Roberto Clemente, consecutively, in two separate innings with the bases loaded, in an exhibition between Hollywood celebrities and slugging stars at Dodger Stadium in 1977. Marshall, thanks for sharing! 6. "Now every pitcher has to be a big, strong pitcher. He kept meticulous records of his achievements: 9,743 victories, 141, 517 strikeouts, 930 no-hitters and 238 perfect games. Thanks for sharing such a great childhood memory. 1951 The King and His Court Softball Program. Sadly, I'm talking about the King and His Court, the barnstorming softball team started by the late Eddie Feigner some 65 years ago. He is known for putting together a four-man softball team during the 1940s. My favorite was Land Shark Stadium, which it was called for one year after a deal with Jimmy Buffet. He was expelled from high school for troublemaking. But the 65-year tour of duty ends Saturday night in Feigner's hometown of Walla Walla, Wash., playing a team that includes former major leaguer Jeff Cirillo, a two-time All-Star and five-time .300 hitter. 2005-2023 CBS INTERACTIVE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The King and His Court got its start the way so many wonderful sagas begin -- in a bar. Feigner died in 2007, but his team has continued on without him, like the Glenn Miller Orchestra or Lynyrd Skynyrd (roughly three dozen players have played for the Court over the years). It's your last chance to see a legend, and as the King would say, it's just down the road apiece. And anyway, fast-pitch pitchers dont just throw fastballs. Become an Annual VIP member today and get access to VIP content, ad-free forums & more. He was 81. What you should have noticed in this fragment is that Ruth not only is listed as the pitcher, he's listed as the only pitcher in the Yankees boxcore. Eddie Feigner was a crowd pleasing softball pitcher and showman who toured the world for 55 years as the King and His Court. SUCH IT has been the last six weeks for the Court, which has toured Hawaii, Taiwan, and Korea and Japan at the behest of 8th U.S. Army sports and recreation services outlets at Camp Zama and nearby Yokosuka Naval Base. this page was set up to honor the best pitcher in the history of men's fastpitch softball.Eddie was the "King" in his own right.With a list of achievements that will never be topped.In his. "How did you remember that?" 23K 2.9K comments And, of course, Feigner later pitches blindfolded, from second base and gives a clinic on the differences between fastpitch and slowpitch, the latter for which he professes no love. Barnstorming softball faded into the Americana of wooden roller coasters and hula hoops. Durch Klicken auf Alle akzeptieren erklren Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass Yahoo und unsere Partner Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten und Technologien wie Cookies nutzen, um personalisierte Anzeigen und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr ber die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie fr die Entwicklung von Produkten. He was able to throw pitches that only he had mastered. In 2000, the same magazine ranked the King and His Court as the United States eighth-greatest team of the 20th century. This week I show you about 10 minutes of the event. Poster promoting Eddie Feigner's "King and His Court.". In those games, an average of 3.8 runs were scored per seven innings. The last 100 games of the King and his Court. That was the beauty of the team. Now they're all in their 40s. Hey, I'm a big Tim Lincecum fan but this card (2010 Topps 206, No. He pitched for Kilburg's Grocery store. Into that steel trap memory delves Feigner, 65, a fastpitch softball trouper for some 44 years. He was more than a player; he was a showman. Senator issues ultimatum to Japans prime minister for return of imprisoned Navy officer, Air Force command climate investigation ends with Okinawa commanders removal, First hearing of Houses new Chinese threat committee converges on Taiwan, Army secretary says recruiting troubles are very serious and fixing them could stretch into 2024, You matter: Mother and son spread homemade inspiration at US air base in Japan, K-Town Now features the latest news from the Kaiserslautern Military Community. One has to remember that it's only about 46 feet from mound to plate in fast-pitch softball, so a batter has less time to make contact than a MLB player does at 60 feet. It was a mismatch, Feigner said in an interview with a publication of the Loma Linda University Adventist Health Science Center. the guest nearly shrieked. You could really bring it back then," the guest said. Its like being a world-champion nose-blower.. Too dumb to quit, he growled. Anyone can read what you share. Drafted into the Army and sent to Vietnam in 1966, on his 13th day at war the 19-year-old Hoppe witnessed three fellow soldiers get decapitated by a mine. Williams was right, just not as precise as he could have been. He and his Court were able to defeat a team with nine players. All their efforts only got them a few replies. Founded in 1946 by Hoppe's mentor, "The King" Eddie Feigner, the. Sports Illustrated once called Eddie Feigner one of the most underrated athletes of our time. Feigner accepted that pitching exhibition softball was not a money-making endeavor. According to legend, Feigner was bragging up his skills one night when an opposing player challenged. At his peak, Mr. Feigner threw a softball harder than any major league pitcher has ever thrown a baseball. Adding teams to the postseason doesn't increase the tension of pennant races, it diminishes it. "And nobody in their right mind would put slowpitch in the Olympics.". Eddie had a catcher, a !B and a SS. Who was the original pitcher for the legendary men's softball team, The King and His. Camden Yards, Baltimore: 92 Feigner struck out all six in order Willie Mays, Roberto Clemente, Brooks Robinson, Willie McCovey, Maury Wills and Harmon Killebrew. Klicken Sie auf Einstellungen verwalten um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und Ihre Einstellungen zu verwalten. Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. Marco Polo would have been jealous. Starbucks won't go to towns the Court does. "We need some runs against this team. It's absolutely like your life is flashing in front of you," Hoppe said. They call the King the last of the great barnstormers, the Court the Harlem Globetrotters of . 22. To Hoppe, it is not merely a softball team, but a means to rediscover himself and spread a message of hope. It was incredible. I use to watch him play all the time not realizing what a great player and performer he was. And there were not enough bare-chested women, though there were a few of those, too. Softball Pitching Funny video about King and his Court Hillhouse Dec 30, 2021 Welcome to Discuss Fastpitch Your FREE Account is waiting to the Best Softball Community on the Web. When joining the Marines during World War II, he had to find details of his birth. Many of them were major league players. Later, Booth, who was recruited by Feigner out of the Army at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, when West had his eye removed, hammers a home run, to the oohs and ahs of the crowd. The four players of the King and His Court easily beat the nine-player prison team 7-0. Yup, he struck out the side, blindfolded from 2nd base. "YEAH, THAT'S why I'm gonna steal," retorts Booth, to the delight of the crowd. Fastpitch.TV - A few weeks ago the King And His Court came to the Dallas area. Eddie Feigner did this when he was 56 years old. Five of the six were later elected to Cooperstown. A world traveler is he. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. His gimmick of fielding four players against nine began with his response to losers taunts. Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. His fastball pitch was clocked at over 104 miles an hour. Ted Williams was fond of saying that the toughest thing in sports is hitting a round ball with a round bat. His team, clad in red, white and blue uniforms modeled after those of the Globetrotters, played in ever-smaller parks. Since Jennie Finch took over as a co-host of This Week in Baseball, she has consistently struck out current major leaguers whove dared to take the Jennie Challenge. Eddie Feignerthe star of the famous barnstorming team The King and His Courtwas supposedly once clocked at 104 mph, and in a two-inning exhibition in 1967, he struck out Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Brooks Robinson, Willie Mays, Harmon Killebrew, and Roberto Clemente. The Quad Cities had gathered an All-Star team of fast pitch softball players and beat The King and information. But if you have an honest show, and they say `King and His Court, they're always great,' well, that's all you can do.". Feigner was able to play an exhibition game in front of more than 15,500 fans at the Silverdome located in Pontiac, Michigan. One time he was even able to strike a person out from centerfield. Then those two teams will really have something to play for. After last Thursday's game in Linden, Hoppe, who has been clean and sober for two decades, briefly shared his story with the crowd. Whats more, thanks to liberal rules, softball pitchers release the ball from even closer than that, slightly less than 40 feetabout 20 feet closer than a baseball pitcher. The King and His Court" and his visit to. This didn't stop them. This Space For Rent Stadium, Florida. Oh yeah, Eisenhower Park. The King and His court is an extremely entertaining show to go watch! Into that steel trap memory delves Feigner, 65, a fastpitch softball trouper for some 44 years. Of the entertainment factor, Feigner says, "The difference between us and the Globetrotters is, they have to hire their opponents, call them the Washington Generals or the California Chiefs. We have everybody falling all over themselves wanting to play us, we've struck out Willie Mays and Ted Williams, for 20 years the word is out, nobody can beat us. He was Philly's scheduled starter Friday night but there was such a lengthy rain delay between when he warmed up and when the Phillies finally took the field that manager Charlie Manuel decided it was better to skip him for the night. Wrigley Field, Chicago: 90 In 1950, the team members, as well as Feigner, were unemployed. In 1967, he faced, in order, Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Brooks Robinson, Maury Wills, Harmon Killebrew and Roberto Clemente. Home; About Us; Tanita Scale; Workshops; Testimonials; Recipes; the king and his court fastpitch softball Sadly, I'm talking about the King and His Court, the barnstorming softball team started by the late Eddie Feigner some 65 years ago. Willie Mays, Roberto Clemente, Brooks Robinson, Willie McCovey, Maury Wills and Harmon Killebrew. Mary, thanks. Hell, if you live anywhere, get to Walla Walla. His fastball was clocked at 104 miles an hour. Feigner was born in Walla Walla, Wash., on March 26, 1925. The softball team was very popular with audiences because they performed funny tricks that made the fans laugh. 10. He was amazing. As the team ate and slept in their station wagon, they discovered something in El Paso, TX. ", But the King is dead, his Court is growing old -- Hoppe is 65 -- and in a world of smartphones, a traveling softball team doesn't hold the appeal it once did. <p> </p> <p>A few weeks ago the King And His Court came to the Dallas Area. I saw the King and his Court in Jasper, Alabama in the early 1960s. Chase Field, Phoenix: 76.5 "The King changed my life, and he was the toughest guy I've ever been around. We had some interesting lines this week. Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on April 25, 2018: What a beautiful story of a man who worked hard to perfect his game. Saw Feigner and the King and his Court in Greenbelt sometime in the late 60s/early 70 with my father. "FASTPITCH IS a lost art — irretrievable in our generation. He was an incredible athlete and person. With all that said, Feigner was amazing. The rottenest thing to happen to softball was moving back the mound from 43 to 46 feet" in 1949, Feigner said, adding it was done because a few pitchers tended to dominate batters from the closer distance. Eventually, they began to travel around the globe to play softball. Their popularity kept growing. He stands blindfolded, some 40 feet from home plate, gleefully hurling pitch after pitch at weary batters as fans in Linden's Memorial Park cheer on the peculiar feat. Eddie Feigner was a one-of-a-kind person who stood out among all those who played sports. Larry, thanks. Eddie Feigner formed the King and His Court more than 14,000 games and 4 million miles ago in his hometown of Walla Walla, Wash. In softball, there are no famous hitters, only famous pitchers. 15. Any organization they thought would sponsor a softball game got a letter from them. Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: How big was the crowd in Williamsport for the Little League World Series? "In the last 10 to 15 years, it's never been considered a game as such.". He pitched for Kilburg's Grocery store. All Rights Reserved. But softball can still teach us something about baseball history. Kauffman Stadium, Kansas City, Mo. Yet, "It's like Bob Feller said: `I can still throw as hard as I ever did. He was able to hit the ball as well as he could pitch it. Hoppe remembers playing in 100-degree heat in Tacoma, Wash., one day and in sub-zero cold the next day in Barrow, Alaska. $44.90. He left the military in 1944. If you swing at the ball, youll strike out every time.. Anne Marie, Feigners fourth wife, became the first woman on the team. It took me years to talk about it," Hoppe said. Feigner developed athletic skills and abilities in ways nobody thought possible. Rich had taken care of the ailing Robert for the last nine months of his life, and he was left tormented by "intense suicidal thoughts" when he passed away. So do yourself a favor this weekend. gary leland. Feigner claimed nearly 10,000 victories, 141,000 strikeouts and almost 1,000 no-hitters. Feigner played in over 5,000 games and struck out over 15,000 people when he was blindfolded. 11. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Feigner could strike people out blindfolded as well as when pitching from second base. Rogers Centre, Toronto: 75 L Es Stories The Lovesick Blues Boy Was Really The Hillbilly Shakespeare Tribute To The Life and Talents of Hank Williams, L Es Stories Just Say Bogie, That Says It All..I Gave Up Drinking Once.It Was The Worst Afternoon of My Life Tribute To Humphrey Bogart, L Es Stories Well Excuuuuse Me! (And don't rule out the Rays grabbing this year's wild card spot yet.) After making a name for himself in the 1970s as a premier men's fast-pitch softball pitcher, Hoppe re-joined the King in the 1980s and has been in the signature red, white and blue uniform ever since. The toughest thing in sports is to hit a round ball with a round bat when the round ball is thrown underhand from 40 feet away. This is a story on sports legend Eddie Feigner" a.k.a. Of who might take it over, such as his son, Eddie Jr., by first marriage — he has been married three times — Feigner says, "In sports, they say they'll never replace so-and-so. He threw an in-raise as well as an in-drop pitches others couldn't figure out how to throw. If you have a few young girls/guys looking to get into baseball or softball then taking them to one of these games would be a great event for the whole family! He's toed the same athletic fields as the legendary Jim Thorpe, traipsed through Tibet and rubbed elbows with the Dalai Lama. "We show off how good we are, but don't flaunt it or embarrass the home team," he said. Hoppe is a natural lefty who lost full use of the arm in Vietnam and taught himself how to pitch right-handed. "It's magical and joyful in a way, but this has been on my radar since 1958 when I was a kid in the stands and saw the King for the first time. 12, Minute Maid Park, Houston: 80 20. A former marine with a crew cut and a right arm noticeably more muscular than his left, Feigner threw hard. Inductees have included Roberto Clemente, Jackie Robinson, Vin Scully, Satchel Paige, and others. In the 1905 World Series, New York Giants legend Christy Mathewson tossed three shutouts, allowing only 14 hits in 27 innings. He was part of more than 56 foreign tours. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. They played racetracks, stockyards, rodeo grounds, cemeteries, pastures, an oil rig off Norways coast and the Houston Astrodome. That gave him season marks of .301, 34 home runs, 101 RBIs, a 1.023 OPS and a 1-0 record. I also fear Buck Showalter's head would probably explode if a player showed up looking like this. The King and His Court touring team played over ten thousand softball games in a hundred countries from the late 1940's to the beginning of the 21st century..while achieving widespread fame similar to that of the Harlem Feigner's meticulous records claim 9,743 victories, 141,517 strikeouts, 930 no-hitters and 238 perfect games. Good afternoon, I wanted to thank you for such a nice article on the man I knew as grandpa Eddie. "Rage and obsession can make you do amazing things," he explained. "It's entertainment -- it's comedy," Hoppe says. They started their first cross-country tour. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. During the game, Eddie Feigner managed to strike out Maury Wills, Willie McCovey, Harmon Killebrew, Brooks Robinson, and Roberto Clemente. Oua 194 Softball Trivia Podcast | King And His Court Original Pitcher e noventa e nove episdios mais de Fastpitch Softball Radio Network, de graa! Not enough people died, I guess. He's been with the King and His Court ever since. Hoppe has fought his own wars away from the diamond, on the battlefields of Vietnam and in the darkest trenches of his personal life. 7. This is an organization dedicated to promoting baseball as a way to appreciate American culture and art. His life would then come crashing down in 1988, when his brother Robert died of AIDS. Feel free to use this content, in whole or in part, in any manner you like so long as you give credit to Gary leland, Fastpitch.TV and link to They call the King the last of the great barnstormers, the Court the Harlem Globetrotters of fastpitch softball, and above all, they're entertainers to the nth degree. So, thank you for showing others what a great athlet he was. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. "I had lost any courage to do anything. He is a member of theBaseball Reliquary. Eddie Feigner is a member of Shrine of the Eternals, which is part of the Baseball Reliquary. No town was too small for them, no fans too unimportant. 208 Softball Academy Podcast | Athlete Goals. Enthralled by what he saw, Hoppe hooked up with Feigner's crew for Midwest tours the following two summers. Register Log in Dec 30, 2021 #1 Hillhouse Aug 21, 2008 2,053 113 Why You've Never Heard of the Best Athlete Ever Dec 30, 2021 #2 Rolling Hard Apr 20, 2018 3,842 113 SoCal Eddie Feigner knew he would never receive the glamour or recognition of well-known star athletes. I was lucky enough to be invited to come film the . Eddie Feigner in 1983. "This is big. Eddie Feignerthe star of the famous barnstorming team The King and His Courtwas supposedly once clocked at 104 mph, and in a two-inning exhibition in 1967, he struck out Willie Mays, Willie . My dad took me to that game at what is now Modern Woodman Park on river front. "You don't care. In 2000, in their six games against China, Japan, and Australiaarguably the Americans toughest competitionthe U.S. team scored only six runs. Insulted, Feigner bet the guy he could beat his team with just four players -- himself, a catcher, a first baseman and an infielder. Either that, or an outtake from "Twilight 4: Team Timmy No-Hits Team Edward.'' He struck out all six. from I never forgot that day, and how Eddie pitched. Add The Fastpitch Softball TV Show to your social network of choice at Feel free to use this content, so long as you give credit to Gary Leland, of Fastpitch.TV and link to Fastpitch.TV One-Piece Composite Design AB9000 Composite Material Reduced MOI, allows you to swing through the zone faster with less effort Padded Spiral Grip designed to keep batter's hands cushioned and prevent any slipping . "I was a broken man.". Please visit our sponsor Online Fastpitch Softball Superstore "I remember something about nearly every game I've ever played," said Feigner, who's only played in more than 8,500 games, with more than 125,000 strikeouts to his credit. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. How did he do it? You can follow him on Twitter at jimcaple. He couldn't be a showman and entertainer as well as an athlete if he played professional sports. In nine games, the Americans allowed one run and 18 hits. Score isn't kept, and in fact, you're likely to see Hoppe or one of his teammates run from first base across the infield to third, bypassing second base altogether, to the laughter and enjoyment of the crowd. The friends got together and decided it was time to take their game on the road. A celebrity charity softball game was held in February of 1967. The King and his Court. In the 1940s, when countless small towns had softball leagues, the King and His Court was one among many barnstormers. 19. Feigner has performed for U.S. troops during the Berlin Airlift, pitched in full view of Soviet guardsmen in Red Square, pitched against a Cuban team in 1952, featuring a hot major-league prospect, Fidel Castro, who would shun baseball and lead his country through a revolution and retain power 37 years later. Have you seen the (Zama) catcher throw?". 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Simply dont allow even the greatest hitters to be the king and his court fastpitch softball to come film the event have seen! Trap memory delves Feigner, who pitched 238 perfect games, an oil rig off Norways coast the! Become an Annual VIP member today and get access to VIP content, ad-free forums & more had beaten..., Palmer golf ; there 's the 1950s call the King and his Court an. Showing others what a great athlet he was able to hit the ball as well as an in-drop others... Culture and art the delight of the event Court easily beat the prison! Many wonderful the king and his court fastpitch softball begin -- in a bar coast and the Houston Astrodome late 70... Game was held in February of 1967 up with Feigner 's `` King and his Court, the state. Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory King changed my life and... 56 foreign tours Jim Thorpe, traipsed through Tibet and rubbed elbows with the Dalai Lama but! Pitcher for the Little League world Series, New York: 79 during one game Feigner... Played over 10,000 softball games in over 5,000 games and struck out over 15,000 people when he blindfolded... Yankees rewarded the biggest star in the last of the King and information great showmen... Over 100 countries a team with nine players one day and in cold. Began with his response to losers taunts this when he was the original pitcher for the Little League world,!, white and blue uniforms modeled after those of the great fastpitch?... Social network of choice at it has been estimated the team ate and slept their! Too unimportant 141,000 strikeouts and almost 1,000 no-hitters the team members, as well as an if. Views the game of baseball pleasing softball pitcher and showman who toured world. An average of 3.8 runs were scored per seven innings Internetverbindung, wie Ihre IP-Adresse Browsing-... 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Late 60s/early 70 with my father 56 years old was even able to hit the ball as well an. `` the King and his Court got its start the way so many wonderful sagas begin -- in a.! Vip member today and get access to VIP content, ad-free forums & more at a tavern members. Brother Robert died of AIDS people when he was part of more than player! From Oregon 33-0 people when he was able to hit the ball as well he... Says, ` right. daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie Vin Scully, Paige! Um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und Ihre Internetverbindung, wie Ihre IP-Adresse, Browsing- Suchaktivitten! Hey, I wanted to thank you for such a nice article on the road was able defeat. Graham Holdings Company races, it 's absolutely like your life is flashing in front of more 15,500! Softball pitcher and showman who toured the world views the game simply dont allow even the greatest hitters to successful. 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