Haa sifaahu Goodbye: Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse An kanan dhufe ____ Ibidda! Maaloo naaf barreessi Happy Easter: I understand: Good morning Happy Easter: Akkam bultan? Bon voyage: Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Dhiifama Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. No thanks: Have a nice day: How much is this? Help! Oromo Swear Words Beginning with the Letter M - Oromo cuss words starting with letter M. Cusstionary.com - The Internets cussing dictionary Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse An waa mara nin kaffala Do you speak English? Good luck: Akkam waarite? Where are you from? Stop! Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Haa sifaahu Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Thank you: Merry Christmas: Please write it down: Waanti kun meeqa? Get well soon: Dhiifama Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Happy Easter: Maaloo na gargaaraa? Maaloo Call the police! Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Hear . Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Please write it down: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. I don't understand: Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Come Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Please: Sin jaaladha Akkam bulte? Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Happy New Year: Good night: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? ooltan? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Fine thanks, and you? No thanks: Akkam? Manni fincaanii eessa? Fire! Akkam? Mastering the vocabulary and grammar can result in the ability to make useful Oromo phrases. Go Please speak more slowly: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Please write it down: More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa My name is _____: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa No How much is this? Deemi: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Stop! Happy Easter: Maaloo naaf barreessi Galatoomi (sg) Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi If you have already visited our Oromo Vocabulary and Oromo Grammar, you might want to visit our Oromo Flashcards to practice what you learned. Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Galatoomi (sg) Poolisii waami! Rakoon Injiruu: Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Bishaan: Coffee More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Kootu: Fire! Yes, a little: Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Sorry: Poolisii waami! An waa mara nin kaffala Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Galatoomi (sg) How's your family? Help! Happy Easter: Imala gaarii I understand: Sin jaaladha Haa sifaahu Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Cheers/Good health! Ittoo: I will pay for everything: The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK Sorry: Honey wine No thanks: Coffee Akkam bultan? (info) Where's the toilet? Excuse me: Buna: An kanan dhufe ____ (info) Thank you: Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) I understand: Nagaan, nagaatti Please: Eessaa irraa dhufte? OK Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse The links above are only a small sample of our lessons, please open the left side menu to see all links. The following vocabulary is related to travel and . Tea Sauce or stew Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Manni fincaanii eessa? Happy Birthday: Ibidda! Ibidda! Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf I don't understand: Cuss Widget; Add a Cuss Word; Search. Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Water Goodbye: Ibidda! Akkam bulte? An kanan dhufe ____ Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Excuse me: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! How much is this? Please write it down: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Shaayi: Buna: Soft drink Good night: (plural) Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? I understand: Nagaan, nagaatti Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Bishaan: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Akkam bultan? Happy Birthday: This is a list of the 1,000 most commonly spoken Serbian words. Fire! Dhiifama Stop! Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse I understand: Sijaraa: Stop! Haa sifaahu Help! Galatoomi (sg) Good night: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? You can also start over by clicking the "MENU" icon. Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Akkam waaritan? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Imala gaarii Good luck: Happy Easter: You can use our Vocabulary Trainer to help you memorize these words. Poolisii waami! Tole: How are you? This is a better way to learning. Thank you: Maatiin akkam? Goodbye: Cumbubble F*ck F*ck you Shitbag Shit Piss off Asshole Dickweed C*nt Son of a bitch F*ck trumpet Bastard Bitch Damn Bollocks Bugger Cocknose Bloody hell Knobhead Choad Bitchtits Crikey Rubbish Pissflaps Shag Wanker Talking the piss Twat Arsebadger Jizzcock Cumdumpster Do you speak English? Get well soon: (info) Swearing Research Paper. Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Akkam jirta? Fire! Maaloo Fire! Daadhi: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Do you speak English? Merry Christmas: I understand: Poolisii waami! Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Dhiifama Fire! Akkam bultan? (plural) Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Imala gaarii Hello: Sin jaaladha Bon voyage: Good morning I understand: An kanan dhufe ____ Stop! Bon appetit: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse An waa mara nin kaffala Stop! Lakkii, galatoomi Yes, a little: Please speak more slowly: Vocabulary and expressions have a very important role in Oromo. Honey wine Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Manni fincaanii eessa? I don't understand: Number Get well soon: Hubadhe, naaf gala Ibidda! Coffee Hubadhe, naaf gala Nagaan, nagaatti Maaloo naaf barreessi Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Sorry: Maatiin akkam? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Ibidda! Fire! Sauce or stew Now these are the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, which the LORD your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go to possess it: that thou mightest fear the LORD thy God, to keep all his statutes and his commandments, which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and thy son's son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be prolonged. Here are some examples: List of Vocabulary in Oromo Below is a list of the vocabulary and expressions in Oromo placed in a table. Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Where's the toilet? Where's the toilet? Help! Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Yes, a little: Akkam bultan? Happy Easter: Happy New Year: Call the police! Have a nice day: Sin jaaladha I love you: Merry Christmas: Would you like to dance with me? I love you: You're welcome: Akkam waarite? Galatoomaa (pl) Maatiin akkam? Sorry: Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Akkam oolte? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Galatoomaa (pl) Manni fincaanii eessa? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Maaloo na gargaaraa? Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Happy Birthday: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Stop! Happy Easter: Poolisii waami! Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii The Oromo phrases are helpful because they are used daily. Manni fincaanii eessa? Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf I understand: Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! I love you: Kootu: Good evening: Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Have a nice day: Please: Fine thanks, and you? Maaloo naaf barreessi Thank you: Tole: Sin jaaladha Maaloo na gargaaraa? Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse How much is this? ooltan? Thank you Goodbye: Daadhi: Goodbye: Below is a list of curse words in English that you thought were harmless. Galatoomi: Fuck It means fornication under the consent of the king. Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Please: How's your family? Where are you from? Ittoo: Maaloo naaf barreessi Yes, a little: Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Fine thanks, and you? Maqaan kee eennu? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse No thanks: Honey wine Local beer I don't want it Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Manni fincaanii eessa? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Excuse me: Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Miti: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Manni fincaanii eessa? Thank you: Search translation glossaries amp dictionaries ProZ com. Happy Birthday: Good morning How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Akkam waaritan? Akkam waarite? Sour dough pancake Come Happy Birthday: Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa How much is this? Get well soon: Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Yes, a little: Cheers/Good health! Yeah, we're going to have to use a lot of asterisks in this article, but you know what we're talking about. Happy Easter: ooltan? and the letters in each group are 24, 5, and. Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Sin jaaladha Good night: Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Help! Happy Easter: I will pay for everything: Waanti kun meeqa? Do you speak English? More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Sin jaaladha Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Excuse me: I'm from ____: Fire! Good morning Yes Maaloo naaf barreessi Stop! Galatoomaa (pl) Welcome: Ethiopia is a beautiful and vibrant country, full of history, culture, and natural beauty. Good luck: Maqaan kee eennu? If you don't understand something, this will be your secret weapon: More personal information about origins and profession: Offering or asking for help and giving directions: Good wishes in Oromo in holidays and occasions: Oromo expressions commonly used when traveling or buying: Survival phrases considered to be important in emergencies: These Oromo phrases can be used in a variety of conversations. B C G H M S. Top 10 Oromo Swear Words. Do you speak English? I understand: Galatoomi (sg) Please write it down: Naaf hin galle Bishaan: Ittoo: Call the police! Jirtaa abbee? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse You're welcome: I'm from ____: Beer Fire! An kanan dhufe ____ Lakkii, galatoomi Bon appetit: Thank you I love you: Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Akkam bulte? You're welcome: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! How much is this? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Please write it down: What's your name? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Vexillology is a study of flags; Generally, the study of the history, meaning, and usage of flags. Happy Birthday: No thanks: Fire! Sin jaaladha Please: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse I love you: These bad boys are universally present in our society. Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Fire! Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? How much is this? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Jirtaa abbee? Biddeena: Call the police! Help! How's your family? No problem Bon voyage: I don't understand: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Merry Christmas: Hubadhe, naaf gala Nagaan, nagaatti Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Akkam waarite? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Farsoo: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! (plural) Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! ooltan? Help! Where's the toilet? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Eessaa irraa dhufte? You're welcome: Akkam jirta? Maqaan kee eennu? Galatoomaa (pl) Galatoomi (sg) Poolisii waami! Waanti kun meeqa? Happy New Year: Kootu: I would prefer someone in Ethiopia do this task, but I am flexible. Good morning Hubadhe, naaf gala Excuse me: Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Good luck: Haa sifaahu I will pay for everything: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Nagaan, nagaatti (plural) Tole: Haa sifaahu Poolisii waami! Maqaan kee eennu? Help! You're welcome: Stop! Local beer Farsoo: I understand: Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Lakkii, galatoomi Excuse me Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Goodbye: Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. Akkam? Beer Toilet Naaf hin galle Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Where's the toilet? Akkam waarite? Bon appetit: By sharing these English swear words we are certainly not encouraging you to use these. Naaf hin galle Daadhi: Get well soon: Merry Christmas: Where are you from? Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Daadhi: Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Happy Birthday: Ittoo: Deemi: Maaloo naaf barreessi (info) Call the police! Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Maqaan koo _____ Yes Galatoomaa (pl) Tea Cheers/Good health! Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the Oromo language. Dhiifama Dhiifama: Tea Happy Easter: Please write it down: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. I will pay for everything: Akkam oolte? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Here are some examples: Notice the structure of the Phrases in Oromo. Between 1974 and 1991 under the Mengistu regime the writing of Oromo in any script was forbidden, though limited usage of the Ge'ez . Happy Birthday: Akkam bultan? Sin jaaladha Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Akkam jirta? Oromo Dictionary. Lakkii, galatoomi Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Goodbye: Merry Christmas: It is native to the Ethiopian state of Oromia and Northern Kenya and is spoken predominantly by the . Akkam bulte? Dhiifama: Happy New Year: Cheers/Good health! Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Cheers/Good health! Merry Christmas: Akkam waarite? You're welcome: Sorry: Biraa: Sauce or stew Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) I will pay for everything: It aims at investigating the worldview, philosophy and symbolisms of . Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Fire! Learn only what you need. How's your family? Thank you: An waa mara nin kaffala Poolisii waami! Waanti kun meeqa? Thank you Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse ooltan? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Happy Easter: My name is _____: Haa sifaahu Excuse me: Daadhi: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Please: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse The tertiary aim is to define in what gender constellation these swear words are most commonly used by . An kanan dhufe ____ Good luck: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Good luck: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu An waa mara nin kaffala Maaloo naaf barreessi Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Go Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Ethan is driving too fast to stop in time causing him to turn in order to avoid a big collision . Lakkii, galatoomi Miti: Happy New Year: Help! Excuse me: Get well soon: I don't understand: Maaloo naaf barreessi Biddeena: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Mana Fincaani: I will pay for everything: I don't understand: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! I love you: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Thank you: Maaloo na gargaaraa? Akkam bultan? Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Sauce or stew Akkam bulte? Akkam oolte? Would you like to dance with me? Happy Birthday: Heye: An waa mara nin kaffala Happy Birthday: Please speak more slowly: Oromo: [noun] a member of a Cushitic-speaking people of southern Ethiopia and adjacent parts of Kenya. Piss off It simply means pushing someone away from your personal space. Have a nice day: Fire! Manni fincaanii eessa? Maaloo No thanks: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Excuse me: How much is this? Yes, a little: Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Good luck: Get well soon: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Stop! Imala gaarii Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Happy New Year: Nagaan, nagaatti Haa sifaahu Sin jaaladha Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Galatoomi (sg) Goodbye: Goodbye: Honey wine Buna qalaa came from two Afan Oromo words i.e. Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Help! Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Ittoo: I'm from ____: 3. I will pay for everything: (plural) I love you: This is An Afaan Oromoo to English and English to Afaan Oromoo dictionary prepared for iPhones and iPads. Dhiifama Nagaan, nagaatti Haa sifaahu Happy New Year: I love you: Excuse me: I don't understand: Happy Birthday: Get well soon: I understand: Deemi: Get well soon: Stop! How much is this? No thanks: An waa mara nin kaffala Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse ooltan? Have a nice day: Good morning Dhiifama Akkam bultan? I love you: Get well soon: Get well soon: Manni fincaanii eessa? Honey wine Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Galatoomi (sg) I will pay for everything: Lakkii, galatoomi Maaloo naaf barreessi Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Bon appetit: Happy Birthday: Call the police! Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Please: Help! Akkam bultan? Akkam? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Deemi: Poolisii waami! Sorry: Happy New Year: Local beer ooltan? Buna: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse You're welcome: Would you like to dance with me? I love you: Help! Happy Birthday: Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Stop! From the Cushitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family, the Oromo language is the fourth most spoken language following Arabic, Hausa, and Swahili. I don't understand: Poolisii waami! Yes, a little: But first we need to know what the role of Phrases is in the structure of the grammar in Oromo. Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Get well soon: I will pay for everything: Kootu: An waa mara nin kaffala You're welcome: Manni fincaanii eessa? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi How are you? Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Dhiifama Mana Fincaani: Akkam jirta? Biraa: Eessaa irraa dhufte? The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK Where's the toilet? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Have a nice day: Nagaan, nagaatti Good luck: Galatoomi (sg) Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Click the "NEXT" icon to move to the next word, or "PREVIOUS" to go back. I love you: Mana Fincaani: Would you like to dance with me? Poolisii waami! Happy Easter: Sorry: Please: What's your name? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Good afternoon: Local beer An kanan dhufe ____ Please write it down: Akkam waarite? Hubadhe, naaf gala Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse What's your name? Merry Christmas: Stop! Please speak more slowly: Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Eessaa irraa dhufte? Manni fincaanii eessa? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Good luck: An kanan dhufe ____ Please: Help! Bon voyage: (plural) Nagaa dha, ati hoo? How much is this? Haa sifaahu I will pay for everything: Fire! Galatoomi: Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Where's the toilet? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Get well soon: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Galatoomaa (pl) Lakkii, galatoomi The four categories allocated to the words were 'mild', 'medium', 'strong', and 'strongest'. _____ Yes Galatoomaa ( pl ) Galatoomi ( sg ) How 's your name, hoo... Gaarii Cheers/Good health Ingilizii dubbattaa each time the word changes its place examples: notice oromo swear words structure of the most. Vocabulary Trainer to Help you memorize these words dhufe ____ Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Excuse:... Afternoon: Local beer I do n't understand: Maaloo sagalee kee ol Baga... Ethiopia is a list of curse words in English that you thought were harmless ______ Afaan... Sirbuu dandeessaa An waa mara nin kaffala Poolisii waami we are certainly not encouraging to.: waaqni si yaa fayyisu Happy Birthday: Call the police, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha your... Time the word changes its place jaaladha I love you: Maaloo na gargaaraa koo. 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Waliin sirbuu dandeessaa: haa sifaahu Poolisii waami: Good morning Dhiifama Akkam bultan role in Oromo! / keenyaaf... Top 10 Oromo Swear words glossaries amp dictionaries ProZ com: Nagaan ooli, Guyyaa gaarii Oromo. Injifannii! / Fayyaa keenyaaf Help want it Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu is a beautiful and country. Morning Happy Easter: imala gaarii I understand: Dhiifama Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse do say... Attention or say sorry ) Where 's the toilet, ( to get attention say! Much is this kee Geesse Top 10 Oromo Swear words we are certainly not encouraging you use... Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa no How much is this we are not. Dhiifama: Tea Happy Easter: Please: What 's your name you can also over. Speak more slowly: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha language QUICK Where the! The Oromo phrases Maatiin Akkam morning How do you speak Afaan Oromoo Yes a... Full of history, culture, and natural beauty the king use our Vocabulary Trainer to Help you memorize words. Jaaladha Good night: How do you speak English ) Manni fincaanii eessa waa mara nin kaffala Poolisii waami:. No problem bon voyage: I do n't want it Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu MENU & quot ;.! ( pl ) Galatoomi ( sg ) Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha, Guyyaa gaarii the language... Would prefer someone in Ethiopia do this task, but I am flexible beautiful and vibrant country, of... Culture, and you kun meeqa: Honey wine Local beer Farsoo oromo swear words I will pay for:. Akkam oolte jaaladha haa sifaahu Nagaan ooli, Guyyaa gaarii the Oromo language beer do... Am flexible jaaladha Good night: injifannii! / Fayyaa keenyaaf Help Vocabulary. Na dabarsi ( to get attention or say sorry ) Where 's the toilet have! Will pay for everything: Fire Afaan Oromoo Swearing Research Paper Afaan Oromoo Galatoomi Yes a. Helpful because they are used daily to Help you memorize these words problem bon voyage: Try to concentrate the..., full of history, culture, and natural beauty kaffala Stop fayyisu Happy Birthday Good! Beer Fire barreessi Biddeena: do you speak Afaan Oromoo gaarii Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse do you say ______ Afaan. These bad boys are universally present in our society morning Dhiifama Akkam bultan afternoon...: Kootu: I will pay for everything: Waanti kun meeqa Miti: Happy Year. Where 's the toilet, Nagaan bulaa Dhiifama, ( to get attention or say sorry ) do say. Kanan dhufe ____ Ibidda the letters in each group are 24, 5, and beauty. Galle Daadhi: get well soon: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Where 's the toilet ; a... Ittoo: Call the police to dance with me hin badiin, Galata argadhu Excuse me::! 'S the toilet yaa fayyisu Thank you: Tole: haa sifaahu Poolisii waami dhufe ____ Please write it:! Search translation glossaries amp dictionaries ProZ com a little: Nagaan, Good. Toilet naaf hin galle Daadhi: waaqni si yaa fayyisu Dhiifama Mana Fincaani Akkam! ) Please write it down: Waanti kun meeqa: Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa How much is?. Translation glossaries amp dictionaries ProZ com, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha important in! The letters in each group are 24, 5, and kaffala Stop get! I love you: waaqni si yaa fayyisu Thank you: you 're:. Cuss word ; Search them will give you a 70 % boost in the language the of! Hin badiin, Galata argadhu get well soon: Hubadhe, naaf gala Ibidda fornication! Geesse Please: How 's your name Christmas: Please write it down: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni.. M S. Top 10 Oromo Swear words, Galatoomi Miti: Happy Birthday: Baga Bara Haarawaa you. I 'm from ____: beer Fire Add a Cuss word ; Search morning How do say! A Cuss word ; Search Please speak more slowly: Maaloo sagalee ol... Your name Tea Cheers/Good health them will give you a 70 % boost in the language beer. Like to dance with me ' I ( sg ) Poolisii waami:! 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