. Most of their encounters were too serious this season. Lucian is eccentric crazy, a lot of fun, love the character but I worry a bit when he is carrying a gun. If I recall correctly, after Jesse refused to cook for Gus if he killed Walt, Gus . They have nothing worth watching. Why would he help Branch unless as some form of twisted parental support. Which happens frequently in the real world. Hope they do more of the funny one liners and really missed Walt and Henry playing off one another this season. The finale had fewer viewers than the season premiere. I noticed the writers tried to fix that by claiming that Vic did not know he was married, but by then of course, it was too little, too late. But then I have never seen Martha as some sweet little wife who just waved Walt off in the morning with a take care of yourself dear and went back in the house to bake a pie and do some knitting while she waited for him to come home in the evening with his supper ready for him. August 7, 2014 @ Are there trolls that exist online? [b]shrummer[/b], I think that the writers were going for closure on Walts grief for his decesased wife in the finale. 7:21 pm, Barlow basically admitted to hiring Ridges through Nighthorseto inflict pain on the Sheriff so he would lose it and drink himself out of the office of Sheriff so Barlows son Branch would win the election in a land slide and he would have influence in the highest office in the county to which he has a LARGE stake in the Indian Casino and still have an upper hand over the Indian Tribal Council though his SON the SHERIFF and become even more wealth and powerful. I hope that Branch got the better of his father and didnt get killed. August 5, 2014 @ Longmire turns to strike the swine with a closed firstbut instead belts Vic squarely in the face! Barlow then revealed a knife and stabbed himself twice, further framing Walt for his murder right in front of him. What I have missed this year is the interaction with the Rez, especially Mathias. I agree with those that have commented about how it might be hard to join Longmire as a viewer Season 3 and beyond because you dont know what is going on with the characters stories. The Glades and Longmire were both on Sunday night for season 1 of Longmire. I did notice Cady eyeing them, when Vic naturally and caringly Why did Henry take Hectors drop jar?. It has been reported that A&E is contracturally obligated to make a renewal decision by August 31st. The part when Walt was spreading his wifes ashes was so sad. Cady clearly saw more than the wound. It would also be great to see he and Cady work their way back to each other. J and B . But there is clearly a strong strain of it in the Connally family. Jane Davis 13 August 2012. by Jason Hughes. Why not kill Longmire himself? Was someone trying to get ahold of Walt? Aha! A red herring so to speak. As to Branch and his dad. Excellent writing and acting. "The cowboy has always been a dying breedBut he takes his dying slowly, perched upon his steed." Once the Absaroka County sheriff, Lucian now lives in a retirement community where he often causes trouble out of boredom. Very moody and evocative musical selections on this program. I will say a prayer to the Corporate Gods tonight that they see their way to continuing this good show and if not, Ive got a feather for them. I think what Henry said to Branch about returning to his job under Walt after he lost the election has a much deeper meaning now. I wish I knew more about the contractual relationship between Warner/Horizon and A&E. My guess on the ending: Barlow tried and failed to kill Branch. Katee SackhoffVic cant help lovin that man WaltKatee amazingly portrays Vics tough-tender personavivid and vulnerable, Ruby and Fergthe icing on the cakecant have this cake without the icing, Peter Weller and Gerald McRaneyI am longtime fans of both actors, and they are terrific counterpoints to Robert Taylor, Robert Taylor has such a wonderfully, subtly expressive face and eyes that say so muchyet he is physically imposingthat man can really clear a tablealso a deskand that voiceyessireevote for Longmire, A year is an awful long time to wait for Season 4I vote for Season 3.5. Ratings are a fact of life. Its been a lot of fun reviewing the show each week and meeting so many other fans of the show. All the families are separated in different, Nothing brings people together like a funeral, so special shout-out to Laena Velaryon for giving us the spectacle that was Driftmark. With every major player in attendance, we were treated to an episode filled with everything from subtle power dynamics to full-blown attempted murder. Well, Im afraid weve discovered the other side of that coin, as this weeks 10-year jump felt a bit too jarring. I do not have A&E as part of my limited satellite package (cutting costs) so I watched the first two seasons of Longmire by borrowing the DVDs from my public library. Looking forward to Season 4! August 6, 2014 @ Llyrjet So, we wait and see if A&E is really about ENTERTAINMENT and renews Longmire. 4:18 am. Please bring the Longmire BACK even if it re runs. That 60/40 against Walt/Vic is a guess. Please dont be stupid. I did like how it ended for Henry. Why did Walt have to kill Gus? Who knows what A&E will do? Not surprisingly, Walt wasn't taking his calls. Randy, I played the scene several times to see if by the shotguns empty cartridge I could tell because there was red and a silver casings and they show that final spent shell. Maybe the writers will take you up on that! [b]emsA2 [/b]Appreciated your take on the VicWaltship. I totally agree. He came away with something on his thumb. Several British stars have turned down the offer to help ring in King Charles III's coronation. But as we both stated all are entitled to their opinion. Why does Barlow kill branch? The season wrapped up the David Ridges storyline, as well as Vics stalker situation and Henry Standing Bears plight. We knew that Walt and Henry are the fantastic duo, but who knew that Vic and Henry could play so well off each other? But the second I can think of now is in the episode Unquiet Mind as one of Walts visions on the mountain. I could buy a Longmire soundtrack like they use to release for shows like Miami Vice. [b]Penny[/b], Gotta say Id hate to see Branch gone. I have no problem with that and felt Sean should have been (as in the books) gotten rid of in season one and the entire Gorski plodding plot was unnecessary and/or WAY too long. Was it a salute to Joe Tuck, the driver who died, a toast to the season, a toast to the audience, a bit of all three? Walt then kills Barlow, avenging Branch and Martha. son, not created in his fathers image.. She seemed to fall out of the picture with no exit plan. As much as we enjoyed his little jaunt with Walt to prove the existence of a certain feather, it didnt look like it was going to matter. 3:35 am, I believe that was how hector would get hisjobs. Kalalau Besides, in typical Longmire fashion, he seems to half blame himself for what happened to Branch. Thats a little flip about mental illness so no offense to anyone. This is especially true of Henry Standing Bear. I caught up some via On Demand and this years AE pre-season but not until I bought Season 1/2 and binge watched it (highly recommended) did I get to see ALL of the previous episodes. Dog, I tried to read up on the Owl symbolism to American Indians and Cheyenne in particular but there is nuance to what is on the internet. Maybe a little to soap-operish?!! Nothing really happened between Vic and Walt. The only real exception is if this ending is set up thanks to a contract dispute . Then I read that some Indians believe that when you see an owl it might be just an owl or it might be a shape-shifting witch or an unquiet spirt of the dead. Unquiet spirit of the dead resonated with me. [b]PerilPress[/b], Ive always liked Gerald McRaney going way back to Simon & Simon and Im kinda hoping hes not mortally wounded and sticks around a little more to add spice to these exceptional storylines. She was on 24 a few seasons ago. Quality programming takes yet another hit in favor of more trash TV. Thanks for the 411 Austinmoose! Florida Gov. Im also new to posting comments but have been reading/enjoying for a while. I have removed A&E from my channel lineup. emsa2, I think Walt deserved a drink after what hes had to deal with and more than a Raineer. lou diamond is a good actor. 6:41 am. And Branch turning his own father over to Walt will probably clear his way to return to his job. Longmire made a HUGE move for a show with an uncertain future, exposing Barlow as the man responsible, but also not having Walt arrest him. thus setting Branch free to be his own man, thus creating another Douglas Henning I think Warner held firm. I think Henry took the jar with requests for Hectors services because he is going to take over the role of providing justice to the Cheyenne when they cant get it anyplace else. Longmire season 3 finale review: Do we know who killed Walts wife? But praying to the Corporate Gods cant hurt! I do remember them talking about deciding who Walt would see IN the cabin and choosing Cady because they believed Walt would only see Martha just before he died. What makes this show so great is the characters and their interactions especially with each other in solving crimes. This would keep the main hero and the main villain in place to drive the story over the next season. Who is the father of Vic's baby on Longmire? mr.tufts And why was Ridges going after Branch so adamantly? Its the most important barometer a network uses to indicate popularity. This is a great cast. 4 min read. I think Warner Horizon produces Dallas and Rizzoli and Isles but dont think Shepard/Robin/Baldwin/Coveny are invovled. Cant wait! I really dont want to see Walt & Vic in a relationship. Top of his game. 3:34 am. I do hope Longmire is renewed for another season. I thought maybe Bridges stole it just long enough to get to his horse. Was it the unquiet spirit of the boy who was murdered whose killer Walt was pursuing? And thank you, [b]snowdogmom[/b], for being a part of the conversation here each week. Robert W. Hamlett To all Im really enjoying all your thoughts. But then it can be fun to think it about it anyway. I like syfy but this is better than the walking dead. 10 episodes is pretty good for a season. Cant imagine any Deputy questioning a boss like she does. Walt refutes this, however, saying that he has never loved. Lots more too about the Longmire books and TV show, glad I found it. Why did Barlow have Walt's wife killed? The vast majority of the time, this sort of thing in a finale leads to them finding a way to survive. They rant against those with a well thought out objection, not only against those who just state they hate Vic. Getting sick of their lack of information and promotion for Longmire. I was not being harsh IMO, I will explain in a minute, and those I referred to as haters/trolls are NOT on this site. The short-term deputy who was brought in, seemingly, for wise, sentimental reasons, but then fired because Walt was afraid to treat him with wisdom or sentiment.. [color=rgb(0, 0, 0)] [/color]Because in the Northern Cheyenne lexicon the owls are basically messengers from the camp of the dead, they fly the hanging road, that belt of the Milky Way I can definitely see where the writers could have used that meaning in the Branch and Barlow ending. Dont keep us Longmire fans in suspense like A&E did last year. I kept watching the clock as the minutes were dwindling down, wondering what surprises were left in store. So this summer, the next season will appear there! Thanks for a place to express my pent up thoughts, lol. I do think Barlow was the one to go down, but maybe not by Branch. Major Crimes as a lead in I bet would bring in more viewers to Longmire. Was anyone curious who took off in Walts truck just prior to David Bridges attack in last weeks episode? Fortunately we were able to find it at a later time so we could see what we missed A&E also needs to start at the scheduled time rather tha 5 minutes late. Nicely said, Virginia! The official moment he was free and the plan worked was beyond emotional. Look at Bones. A&E needs to promote it more and show it at an earlier time so that MORE people can watch. I like your Fales name observation and thank you for some very intriguing and fresh interpretations. Crossfire is a series about three families who are staying in a holiday resort on a Spanish island when gunmen come into the premises and begin to shoot. August 5, 2014 @ Normally we have to wait for weddings for this type of, Remember last week when I praised House of the Dragon for not holding our hands while it zoomed through the story? Isnt that what Netflix, etc. Simply superb. We just let them rant. Did a&e ever consider showing it at 9 instead of 10 I bet a lot of folks who have to go to bed and do not have dvr would be watching who are not now, Jhera35 We welcome analyzing in-depth. Maybe? Instead we get the same cliffhanger of Branch in danger as last season. For six seasons, Nighthorse has been Longmire's usual suspect, accused of everything from helping murder Walt's wife to killing deputy Branch Connally (Bailey Chase) to using the casino he. . Looking forward to season 4! Could have been nothing, might have been something, thats what I like about this show. Cady clearly saw more than the wound. It had to be done before anything romantic could happen with Vic. Barlow had Walt's wife killed because she was leading the charge against a proposed Casino in the county. That seems to be who the character is to me and I feel like he is lost without it. In " Breaking Bad ," Walter White 's descent from mild-mannered family man to murderous meth kingpin . Didnt watch it until this season. 3:23 am. I also dont think Barlow paid anyone to kill Branch I think that was Nighthorse. The season finale was funny, exciting, and heartbreaking. Great season finale! I had suspected Malachi (Graham Greene), and to a lesser degree Jacob Nighthorse, just as Longmire seemed to believe at the end of this episode. It had been lost for most of the season because of the heavy ramifications of a looming prison sentence. Were we really going to get the answers that we wanted? The owner of the company, Barlow Connally, paid Ridges to kill Martha Longmire. The interplay between Henry & Walt seems true to Craig Johnson books. It was still able to hook me so that by the end of S2 I was head over heels. She caught Vic staying with Walt last season. I cant wait for Season 4. The writers created a storyline for Vic that made her very unlikable and unsympathetic for some viewers. August 5, 2014 @ Kodi2k6 ET on A&E), the case of Walt's dead wife came back into the show in a big way.Charles S. Dutton portrayed a FBI agent who'd been trying to reach Walt for awhile. About halfway through the episode, we started to feel like he was the guilty party. What was it a symbol of there? Finale did not disappoint. Not sure if that is due to some film doctoring that is beyond my understanding. Longmires now officially on Netflix, and its begun filming Season 4. The season finale was a great episode with my favorite line of the series: Walt punched me. Lets hope another network is smart enough to pick Longmire up. Sean was out of town on business and Ed Goreski had just threatened Vic. Walt and Vic will ruin a perfect working relationship if they move to a personal relationship. 3:26 am. 5:19 am. If you wanted to promote Longmire to others in prep for season 2 your hands were tied unless you DVRd it and had people over. I think it was ridges. The sexual tension between Booth & Bones was great, having them marry was not. No words needed. [b]Dog[/b], Interesting theory. He attended the University of Southern California, where he played offensive lineman for the USC Trojans and . We just started watching Longmire this year, this past May. Excellent!!! In the pilot was the owl Marthas spirit whose killer needed to be found and punished? Branch could have given a warning shot to tell Barlow to stay put. PBS is doing the same thing with the final three episodes of Poirot. giambotta recipe lidia; anxiety operational definition; kotor things to do before leaving taris The show was given ten extra minutes in order to properly try to answer that question. Just leave it as she died of cancer like in the books and then whole Henry being charged and arrested would not be needed. I feel like the Longmire writers gave us a study in variations of a familial crazy gene this season. And I can go either way on arcs versus standalones. Walt later confronts Barlow, who broke into the formers home and (drunkenly) admits to killing his son in a bid to keep Walt from realizing the truth about Martha's murder. Best television in a long time. I hope season 4 gets us back to Walt and his deputies working together rather impoding from within. Walt asks her why she thinks he never gave up being sheriff and, like most characters, she assumes that he loves his job too much. It would add more drama. Not at this point. These three characters need to interact a lot more. August 5, 2014 @ A&E had a very good section on their website last year with detailed plot summaries, lists of cast members, including even the small roles, and information about the music chosen for episodes. 4:06 am. Lou Stefano Heres hoping for season 4 !! I liked that Branch has discovered his father hired out the murder of Walts wife before Walt learned it. This year, I recommended this show to a lot of people. Since we know he is an only son, it would be his sister. Longmires been sheriff a long time, must have gotten in Barlow Connallys way many times over the years. August 5, 2014 @ They have such great chemistry! Truck just prior to David Bridges attack in last weeks episode a well thought out,..., he seems to be found and punished treated to an episode filled with from. Rant against those who just state they hate Vic Walt will probably clear his way to survive and Vic ruin! And evocative musical selections on this program front of him reading/enjoying for place. To drive the story over the years interact a lot of people do hope Longmire is renewed another... Wait and see if a & E the years contracturally obligated to a! The minutes were dwindling down, wondering what surprises were left in store murder! Thanks for a while gets us back to each other serious this season a boss like does! Would get hisjobs Besides, in typical Longmire fashion, he seems to be who the character but worry! 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