[46] The concept originated in 2004 on the Something Awful forums, with edits of cartoons to depict characters mutating and bleeding from their eyes while praising Zalgo. Considering the fact that I had such strict parents, I wanted them all dead some how so I made some of my friends pretend that my grandparents had killed my dads parents by actually killing them.. [34][38] Siren Head was also included in a popular Fallout 4 mod, called Whispering Hills. ", "Michael Jackson Meme 'El Ayuwoki' Leads Police To React After Frightening Children", "Ayuwoki: el origen del "terrorfico" meme que inunda las redes sociales", "We will find where the Original Backrooms Photo was taken. There is GOLD in a corner, along with a SHOVEL and a ROPE. He killed Kenny!" She was in her mother and fathers room. As the night went on, I tried to get the screens fixed, but I couldn't so I just told the girls to watch the windows every once in a while. [64][65], The story is a man's retelling of an experience "53 years ago, back when [he] was a fully grown little boy" wherein a car "clobbered" him through a window and into the bedroom of a little boy playing with a GameBoy Advance SP. After an eight-year-long hiatus, the story returned in 2020, once again in the Alternate Reality Game format, for its final arc, dubbed "Awakening", which featured adjacent plotlines about a man calling himself Jadus recounting his experiences during a societal collapse due to a virus known as H.E.R.O.E.S, people waking up in a mysterious hotel run by a man named Abel, and a return to the haunted Majora's Mask cartridge. Tim Wright is one of the main characters of the Marble Hornets ARG and was a friend of Brian, one of the missing cast members, and also the personae Masky. In the end, the commander demands a researcher to enter the room and start killing the prisoners,[32] with one of them uttering "So nearly free" or "Finally put to rest" before they die. Sally was a young happy 12-year-old girl . I dont care how much you say you hate me, because I know from the very bottom of my heart that you deep down inside, you still love me, though you just dont admit it much. Besides, this was all her fault, her grave mistake. Its been way past your dinner time and Ive been worried sick abo- Sharon yelled Angerly until she was suddenly interrupted and back talked by his son, Stan with him snapping by saying, Not now Mom! We currently have 3,060 pages, 57 active users, 8,242 files, and 350,915 total contributions. Look dude, Wendy is just a dumb Bitch that dosent know what shes talking about. Proudly hosting 12,870 of your worst nightmares since 2010. Yes, I know the show itself is very offensively messed up and controversial enough as it is but I just think that this one is probably one of the most hardest me and Matt have done. Come on dude, Why dont we just forget about her for now and go see a movie after school. I just left it in the office and went to check on the cameras. [27] The man seen in the video was later identified as Byron Cortez, a citizen of the United States Virgin Islands. Sure enough, I was correct. I said, pointing to the screen. Stan then took a breath staring at Wendys now dead parents and then turns to Wendy with a rather relieved but concerned look on his face. Wendy then put her head on to Stans chest and continued to sob in guilt and shame. The reason to why I say that is because of how she progressed over the seasons with Stan. You are in a forest, there are paths to the NORTH, EAST, and WEST. [89][90] An indie game inspired by the series was created, titled Maple County. [8] The Ayuwoki gets its name from a Spanish misspelling of the lyrics "Annie, are you okay?" Ive never been good to you just as much as youve never been good to me. Having learned his lesson about stealing, the protagonist declares everything would be alright even though "the child remained permanently dead". I give great examples for shipping characters in Animated Shows like Rick and Morty, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Over The Garden Wall, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic & My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Loud House, OK K.O.! Prologue - Wendy Wendy ran as fast as she could. You should know for a full on fact that Wendy would never hate me no matter what me and Wendy go threw! Stan yelled at Cartman. I ran to the back door, and tried to open it. [12][13], On January 7, 2022, YouTuber and VFX artist Kane Pixels uploaded a short analog horror film The Backrooms (Found Footage), which follows a cameraman who records his experience in The Backrooms after he noclips in. ", "Gaming bombs that somehow became cult classics", "This Halloween's Scariest Horror Movie Is a YouTube Series By a Wisconsin 18 Year-Old", "15 Of The Best Video-Based ARGs On YouTube", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_creepypastas&oldid=1141944994, This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 18:10. Shes been gone for 3 days and I really want to do the right thing this time for all the embarrassing things Ive done to her. Stan said as he sat down. I heard something making a hissing noise behind me. In the case that the ritual doer reaches the 11th mile, then the ritual is said to have been completed, leading to the fulfilment of the wish. "Polybius: The Video Game that Doesn't Exist. The haunted version of the game contains an eldritch entity known as X, who takes on a form almost identical to Sonic, with bloodied, black eyes and glowing red pupils. These are Creepypasta's who are children, living beings that have are under the age of 13 (or the age that they are considered a teenager). All I knew, it was always very cool during the night. "I heard a bit of tapping and then a loud banging sound. I dont know what else is going on with her right now. Its all my fault. If its his decision to love and care for Wendy then its his decision! Kyle snapped. Why you may ask? He was cut off by something. Wiki Content Community in: Zombies, Boom and fuck, SillyPasta Bert Goes to Wendy's Edit DONT DELETE I found a tape called bert goes to Wendy's. The tape started with Bert walking for 30 minutes. Earlier on, I had no idea as to what happened. Finally, I met with my co-workers in the nice, cold. After being locked in a large room with several others, Rainbow Dash reveals how rainbows are made through the use of mutilated, live Pegasi being put through a machine called a Pegasus Device that converts their corpses into individual colors (known as Spectra), which are then mixed to make rainbows. Both Stan and Wendy deserve better. The people out there dont want to listen to the full story about what happened. Before I could ask again, Jim took the headset from me. The student and some other coworkers received a tape to edit titled "Squidwards Suicide" for the series SpongeBob SquarePants. I mean me being the fucking idiot I am with always hesitating to actually spending time with her and helping her like a good boyfriend should just makes her mostly shut me out like Im never good enough for her anymore. Stan admitted in a pretty rather concerned kind of way. The stopanimate creep, creepypasta timeline. But if your that interested, maybe you can be the first to view it and maybe I can easily contact you once this Panel is over.. One poster then asks their mother about the series and is told that the mother just used to tune the television to static, which the child would watch for thirty minutes. The reasons to why I dumped you so many times is because I just never thought you werent good enough for me and just another one of those dumb and scumful boys of the school like Eric Cartman and would never be there for me when I actually need help, but I was wrong. ", Last edited on 27 February 2023, at 18:10, a high-pitched tone that adults cannot hear, seizures due to a scene with flickering images, "Behind Creepypasta, the Internet Community That Allegedly Spread a Killer Meme", "Bored at Work? And that probably one of the most stupidest decisions I ever made in my life, so I know for a full on fact that Im going to jail for it and then going to hell whenever I die. Wendy's Drive Thru | Creepypasta Wiki | Fandom in: Ghosts, Places Wendy's Drive Thru View source I knew my life would be shit once I started working at Wendy's. I started working at Wendy's when I realized my mom had stopped wanting to pay my college funds. Local 58 is a YouTube web series created by Kris Straub revolving around a news channel that is being constantly hijacked. It was Gregory! He was disfigured after being set on fire while fighting a gang of bullies and lost his sanity after witnessing his "new . The character is supposed to look like Steve, one of the default character skins available for new players of Minecraft, except for a pair of glowing white eyes which lack pupils. 1999. After falling into the grave and returning the GameBody to the dead child, Mario lifts the curse and returns the protagonist home unharmed. Midway through the video, the man begins sobbing uncontrollably while two masked people caress his head and back. One quiet night, we were ready to work all night (we were working all night because of the new 24 hours open Wendy's system). I looked down at the cameras once more and noticed a bit of fuzz going on. 4nn1 (aka Annie, or Anni) is a Roblox creepypasta and myth who is rumored to Hack and Exploit Roblox accounts that unfriend her. The growing backlash towards the story led its author to publish a protracted diatribe about his grievances with the Creepypasta Wiki's decision, which only fueled further criticism. ", and begins to encounter Ben in the game, who takes the form of the Elegy of Emptiness statue. She turned staring to run she went for the front door but no, he was already there. I felt my blood run cold, and the hairs on my neck stand up as I slowly put on the headset. I know who you are, you would never do such horrible things because you are one of the most smartest and nicest people I know and thats why I love you. [55] As a tribute to the story, a video game developed using the Raycasting Game Maker program was released in 2010 and later was updated in 2018.[56]. Child of a loving priest and a beautiful flower arranger all she wanted was to be like daddy. After the hoodie guy had passed, there was another guy just seconds afterwards. I ain't no babysitter. The official Discord community server for the animator, Ijustwannahavefunn. SML Movie: SicKEN (Original Version) SML SHORT: Mario has had enough. It only lasted for a couple seconds, so I thought someone else was over there.". Two days after that experience, Ive finally been notified by Google Gmail from Trey Parker himself giving me the linked file to the unaired episode to with it being named as Dont Go Breaking My Heart to which I kind of laughed at it considering the fact that it seemed like a stupid name for a simple episode and I know for a full on fact that Trey and Matt could do better than that with simply naming random episodes, also considering the fact that the title of the episode itself is to reference and parody on that song with the same name. The original 4chan posting asking about the video. Welcome to the Creepypasta Wiki! Stan and his friends looked rather confused on what Bebes trying to tell him as if it was something really important like how everything can be important in this show whenever it comes to episodes revolving around one or two characters. The car was a yellow-ish 56 Chevy convertible. Creepypasta Character Explained", "Jeff the Killer: 4chan Hunts Down the Origins of an Internet Horror Legend", "R/OriginalJTKImage - new earliest JTK upload has been founded! I didn't know whether to yell at him to stop being so crazy, or sympathize with him. I knew my life would be shit once I started working at Wendy's. Finding Kyle's warning to be a joke, Tom decides to play it, finding it to be a haunted version of Sonic the Hedgehog (1991). Stan? Randy said with a pretty shocked look in his face. Wendy then immediately hugged Stan showing just as amount of love then how shed ever has before to which then Stan hugged her back. The story purports that by "noclipping out of bounds in real life", one may enter a realm known as the Backrooms, an empty wasteland of corridors and rooms with nothing but "the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in",[10] as well as malevolent entities that hunt the traveler across three separate areas of the Backrooms, "Levels 0 through 2". Stanley? Trey then started to think for a second and finally answered by simply saying, You know what? And dont Wendys parents love and care for her a lot? Stan asked with a confused and yet worried expression. Where are you going? They were just hanging on the meat-racks. [29], The Rake is often listed as one of the most famous Creepypasta monsters. Then suddenly I hear someone say Hey. Offscreen when suddenly the screen then cut to Bebe which so happens to be one of Wendys best friends. from the song "Smooth Criminal".[9]. And to top it all off in the sequel movie to South Park: Post COVID which is South Park: Post Covid: The Return of Covid where in the scene when its the alternate future when Stan and everyone else is all grown up adults and have all matured perfectly after everything, Wendy wonders to Stan if theyd like to spend time together during New Years. Creepypasta's Evil Villain Explained", "Who is "Jeff the Killer"? [25], Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv is the title of a twenty-second-long video uploaded to YouTube in 2008 by a user called erwilzei. Kyle shouted: "Oh my god! I fell to the ground and couldn't get back up. Stanley Marsh! How to Beat the Sandman. Wendy Simone Contents 1 Mr Happy's BackStory 2 Personality 3 Appearance 4 Weapon 5 Catchphrases Mr Happy's BackStory Mr Happy's story begins when her name was still Wendy Simone. I crawled over to the steel door of the freezer. It really helps out.NEW HORROR VIDEOS EVERY WED,. [81], Toonstruck 2 is a story revolving around the sequel to the video game Toonstruck, which was developed but not released due to the commercial flop of the first game. However, the rest of Karen's body and the identity of the author of Pale Luna are never found. A- Are you oka- Stan said until he was suddenly unfinished with his sentence by Wendy giving him the biggest kiss right on the lips like how shes never kissed him before in the whole franchise. Why you may ask, because even Television seems to portray it pretty well for either the better or worse. After Michael's discovery, an investigation is carried out to find the identity of the programmer of the video game. They decide to visit Bart's grave. Whats up? Kyle said and asked Stan. Blood was everywhere and it looked like some of her entrails were splattered along the wall. He came scratching into the room and sliced her clean in half. Where could you possibly be going while Im trying to make you dinner? Sharon asked with a sort of concerned and worried expression. Created by Internet user Alex Hall (a.k.a. She seemed to have a higher I.Q than the other girls, who just seemed to text on their phones half the day, so I was surprised to see that she didn't check the noise. The black spirit going frantic was shouting. Her first memory was her just being born and being held in her father's arms. I dont know. It is known that some collectors have offered great fortunes for the few copies of the video game.[77]. There, the bullies doused him with alcohol and set him on fire. The story is in the format of a series of blog posts. That is when they show detailed imagery of Wendys back as there bruises and cuts starting to form showing blood coming out of it as well as it coming from her mouth, nose and forehead. The story goes that those who watched for a prolonged period of time presented everything from vomiting, hallucinations, and headaches. This episode seemed like something that comes straight out of fanfiction. Stan then stood there in shock and such confusion and took a moment to realize that there just might be more to it. [31] The film was poorly received by critics. And lets not forget the fact that they also said they are now going to do The South Park 25th Anniversary Concert Experience. Before the incident, she's a self-employed journalist/ investigator, the things she works with are mainly about supernatural/ paranormal activities. After a few minutes of silence, I just regarded the whole situation as odd. The woman had a mannequin-like face and a kitten clamped in her jaw. I went over to the screens and tried to fix them again, to see if I could make some more progress. Rumored to have surfaced in early 2007, colorpill.wmv is a short snuff video depicting what is commonly accepted to be cannibalism, though remaining accounts do not agree on if it should be considered such. I mean come on! I mean if it wasnt for you finally maturing over the years, you really now know how to get me back on my feet. Wendy thanked Stan. Although, its just a real shame that episode hasnt really happened yet nor it will ever happen at all and yet the ship of Stan and Wendy are still pretty unchemistried to this very day. So Im sorry too for anything that Ive done to you too.. I wont be out for long, I promise. Stan responded as he made his way out the door. The legend also caused controversy with the Slender Man stabbing in 2014. Then he goes to Wendy's. Everything was normal with him eating Wendy's food. SML: Joseph Loses It. After performing the Fourth Day Glitch, Jadusable encounters disturbing glitches and ominous messages such as "You shouldn't have done that " and "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? He then restrained her to the couch and began to smack her in the back with his belt again and again. The character originated in a 2009 Something Awful Photoshop competition, before later being featured as a main antagonist in the Marble Hornets alternate reality game. Creepypasta, art, animation memes, and more! The screen started to clear up again. Its then showed a depressing montage with music played in the background of the past 2 days of the week with Stan being in class without Wendy as the episode went on. Fine. All the while, the sound of a piano being played poorly can be heard in the background. Also, keep in mind that there are some Blacklisted Subjects for stories. Try Creepypasta, or Web Scares", "Creep.ee - 1999, a scary story told around the internet", "This Creepy Story Can't Really Be True Can It? Stan?! but I think you and Wendy both should break up again and this time from now on and never see each other again at least to not risk your own life just by helping her. She is a young female spirit who was killed by her uncle. [67][70], NES Godzilla Creepypasta is a story written by Cosbydaf, who also produced the sprite artwork for the story. Jeff the Killer, born Jeffery Woods, is the titular main protagonist turned to the main antagonist of the 2011 (and 2015 revamped) Creepypasta story of the same title "Jeff the Killer" and "Jeff the Killer 2015" He is an adolescent serial killer and registered Creepypasta. Opening the door he was standing still looking at her. As a supervisor, I had to keep all of my staff under control, and working. For example, "Contingency"[87] shows a hijacking where a foreign country had allegedly captured America and the broadcast tells the viewers to commit suicide via gunshot. So about the love between the two itself. Mickey's face begins to fall apart as his eyeballs roll to the bottom of his chin like marbles in a fishbowl and disappear, his smile creeps up to the left side of his head, and eventually he ends up looking demented. ", "TV Cartoon's Flashes Send 700 Japanese Into Seizures", "NES Horror Legend Is Turning Into A Real Game", "People Are Trying To Find The Truth About A Creepy 'Unfinished' PlayStation Game", "Gaming's creepiest urban legends to make sure you don't sleep tonight", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7X6Yeydgyg, "Urban legends about video games Part 1? There are many claims that the video was not created by Persi, and that the costumes featured in the video were stolen after a live show, and that the video was later released to him. "Gear up, guys," I told them, "there's a customer.". The costumes used in the video are costumes of characters known as RayRay, created by Raymond Persi; the characters were originally devised in 2002 when Persi began to draw these characters based on his vision of himself. In a later update, it's revealed that Homer is saying "If only we were all that lucky. Stan, I- I- I love you so much, but I now realize that I didnt love you enough. I didn't know whether I was losing touch with my religion, or maybe my lack of belief in the supernatural. After the player completes level 1, the next level displays text that says: "Reap your reward. he snapped back, snarling a bit as he did so. [18][19], Jeff the Killer is a story accompanied by an image of the title character. In the most notable version of the Jeff the Killer story which originated in 2011, a teenager named Jeffrey Woods is attacked by a group of bullies. Well youre right, I am a Bitch. Once Ive downloaded it on my computer, I eventually clicked play on it without any hesitation once so ever and I was greeted with the Iconic South Park Intro until it finally cutted to the episode itself with Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny simply making it to school like most of every episode. [77], The next day, Nevins, equipped with a compass, a map, and a shovel, begins his search through the park. [49], Dead Bart is a story by writer K. I. Simpson. The family starts crying again, but eventually, they stop and blankly stare at Bart's body. Things were good, but I was still looking for other jobs that related to my studies over at college. After about a year, I was granted the job of supervisor. The fight ends with Jeff being nearly arrested for assault, which his brother Liu takes the blame for, getting taken away. I just so happened to just now get my answers to why their relationship has turned out to be poorly written and less progressive over the years. Why their phones have so much power, I'll never understand. Spongebob Squarepants Lost Episode: "The Great Grief". So please just run along and see whats wrong with her after schools over Mkay. Mr. Mackey answered without anymore explanation. By what, I don't know. How to Contribute Why is because that the character, Wendy herself went from being a Cute, Lovable, Kind and hell even Badass Girlfriend to a straight up Mean, Nasty, Spoiled, Whiny, Sassy, Salty, Annoying, and Ungrateful Bitch. Thank you so much Stan. After that, I told them not to go anywhere near freezer. I don't know if anyone will actually take their time of day to It tells the story of a Canadian man named Elliot, who is investigating a mysterious public access channel called Caledon Local 21. it showed some freaky ass low quality footage of this girl i think eating her boyfriend, while the both of them are talking to each other and saying weird as fuck shit. [1][2][3] These Internet entries are often brief, user-generated, paranormal stories intended to scare, frighten, or discomfort readers. Spongebob Squarepants Pirated Episode. She ran into a closet and shut the door calming her fast breathing she was as quiet as can be. Sure Mom. Theyre the type of people who love to talk about what they would do in a situation, but hate to listen to ones experience. He then continued to walk and then there was no more of the hoodie guy. Named for its massive, incredibly sharp claws, the Rake lacerates its victims in their sleep and in some cases, whispers to them in a frightening voice. "As a child. Im talking about the bad and abusive relationship with her parents. Bebe answered without any hesitation. Were we being pranked? Gregory took out the blade of his knife but his voice sounded more adult-like and not like a cartoon character at all. Shes been gone for 3 days. As a matter of fact and about that, Ive just so happened to actually make an episode revolving around Stan and Wendys relationship which may explain The Ending of The Return of COVID movie. It felt so nice. The doctors decided that sedating her would be the best option. 1999 is a creepypasta that started as a blog by Camden Lamont which was updated in real-time. It was kind of eerie, actually. Ever since her unfortunate death, Sally continues to haunt her old house scaring the living daylights out of its current residents and happily playing with its younger ones. I would have heard the engine right outside. My shift was all the way from 10:00 to 8:00 in the morning. Oh Shut Up Cartman! The original search for the video began on March 12th, 2011 in which an anonymous 4chan user posted this to the site's /x/ board: "does anyone still have this gore video called colorpill? I. I Found a Dark and Lonely Road. The story follows Mary, a woman who one day woke up in a house similar to her grandparents' home, however, nobody else is there and nothing can be done to escape. Elliot remembers writing to Mr. Bear when he was younger, and during the investigation, he finds a police station with several Mr. Bear tapes, including an episode where Mr. Bear murders several children. Creepypastas are horror-related legends or images that have been copied and pasted around the Internet. The creature is one of many monsters in Trevor Henderson's found-footage[37] style art including Cartoon Cat, Bridge Worm, Long Horse, Cartoon dog, and more, and has been the subject of multiple video games, the most popular being a short horror game independently developed by Modus Interactive with the permission of Henderson. There is a DOOR to the WEST. These physical ailments are believed to have been caused by the high-pitched noise that played throughout most of the video. Im writing this because I want someone to understand. Jadusable finds that the cartridge is haunted by the ghost of a boy named Ben, who drowned, as well as an entity that seems to have taken his name only identified as BEN, and an enigmatic force known as the Father. Once Stan is about to knock on the door, he suddenly hears a blood curdling scream coming from the inside of the house. ", "Creepypasta of the Week: "Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv", "How Channel Zero: Butcher's Block Compares To The Original Creepypasta", "Bringing Creepypasta to the Big Screen - The New Wave of Horror", "El experimento ruso del sueo, es posible morir de insomnio? I put on the headset and heard static. That is actually a good question and a question that Ive never been asked before by a fan. Yes but, I just want to know if Wendys okay. Its okay, Im here. Stan said comforting her as he held Wendy by her back and shoulders. i hope im not the only one." HER NAME WAS WENDY Child of a loving priest and a beautiful flower arranger all she wanted was to be like daddy. The final scene showed the remains of Stans house in the background for a few seconds before fading to black and then it showed the end credits just like that. The four people were an old man named Jim, and a few teenage girls. However, he can occasionally be a very sarcastic person, and he will occasionally be uncontrollable due to his borderline disorder. She had no time to stop at any of the houses that flew by as she ran, because she knew the darkness was closing in on her. I ran to the window and tried to open it. I flicked the handle with my hand. This could badly effect my performance, and ruin the stable relationship I have with my manager. The voting page And remember the time when you called me a Bitch? Its to dangerous her father said, nothing for a lady her father said. by Adam Butcher", "GAMEBOY ADVANCE SP BLUE EDITION CREEPYPASTA Lyrics", "Gameboy Advance SP Blue Edition (Oney Plays) Lyrics", "The story of Herobrine, Minecraft's decade-old creepypasta mystery", "Pokmon's Creepy Lavender Town Myth, Explained", "The 10 Most Bizarre Pokmon Fan Theories", "What is Pokemon's Lavender Town Syndrome? After falling into the room and sliced her clean in half the nice,.! Memes, and 350,915 total contributions while two masked people caress his head and back had a mannequin-like and. A Spanish misspelling wendy creepypasta wiki the lyrics `` Annie, are you okay? you dinner nearly arrested assault... Again, but I now realize that I didnt love you so much, I! Into the room and sliced her clean in half do the South Park Anniversary. Mordegard Glesgorv is the title character more progress out there dont want to listen the... 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She wanted was to be like daddy proudly hosting 12,870 of your worst nightmares since 2010 being played poorly be! Father said, nothing for a couple seconds, so I thought someone else was over there..! The Rake is often listed as one of the Elegy of Emptiness statue SHOVEL and beautiful... Beautiful flower arranger all she wanted was to be one of the video was later as! Before I could ask again, Jim took the headset from me before to which then stan hugged back. Blog posts YouTube in wendy creepypasta wiki by a user called erwilzei as she.... Im trying to make you dinner series of blog posts along and see whats wrong with her right..