One of the most sought-after schools in the city, LaGuardia educates children of movie stars along with children poor enough to qualify for free lunch. He's most active on Broadway, and associated heavily with the work of Stephen Sondheim. Helen Slater PA 82 Sonia Manzano PA 68 Our EIN is 13-3166108. I have been offered an opportunity to serve New York City students and families in a leadership capacity outside of the Department of Education. Brenda Miller M&A 59 (If you are not sure of your childs username and password, please visit or ask your school for help.) Notable Alumni The following people are alumni of LaGuardia High School and its two legacy schools, The High School of Music & Art, and the School of Performing Arts High School: Composers Martin Bresnick Morton Feldman Charles Fox Gerald Fried Joel Hirschhorn Michael Kamen Edward Kleban Meyer Kupferman Ezra Laderman Paul Lansky Mitch Leigh Claudette Nevins PA 54 To select a CR in lieu of a passing numeric grade, for any of the semesters between Spring 2020-Spring 2023, the parent/guardian must submit this form: CR Selection Request Form (2022-2023 SY). Each time a question or concern arises, I want families to have confidence that Im here as their advocate and, hopefully, in time, their friend. Masks may be removed after day 5 if your child has received two negative rapid tests 48 hours apart. You can find answers to many common questions or open a support ticket at SupportHub: The monthly drawing is presented by Playbill. As per Principal Vasconcelos January update, I will also be present at the January Principals Office Hours on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, at 7:30am, 12pm, or 7pm. If coming to campus is not possible, she will have her Google Meets open between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm, here is the link, just paste it into your, Principals Office Hours 2/8 - Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention, Monthly, virtual Principals Office Hours are held on the second Wednesday of every month during breakfast, lunch, and dinner times. Desmond Richardson LaG 86 There has been no change in our Bell Schedule and students can access their Spring 2023 programs tomorrow, January 31, in their DOE Schools Account In 2010, she appeared opposite Linda Lavin in Donald Margulies' Collected Stories. Ellen Barkin. Lili Cooper LaG 08 Assistant Principal for Special Education, Testing & Programming. With the Broadway revival having played for over 25 years, this is the first time we have been able to secure the rights. Roberta Baskin PA 69 May LaGuardias equity lamp always burn bright. Sarah Michelle Gellar LaG 95 Assistant Principal for Special Education, Programming & Testing. Kenneth Cooper* M&A 58 James Conlon M&A 68 In which case, of course, your progress is a step backwards and downwards.Aldous Huxley (18941963), Polytechnic Institute Of New York University -. Lola Falana M&A 59 Paul Stanley M&A 70 Solo and collaborative pianist Christopher Koelzer hails from the San Francisco Bay Area, and performs, records, and coaches regularly in the New York City and Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas. Corey Stoll LaG 94 The list you're viewing is made up of many different graduates, including Jennifer Aniston and Nicki Minaj. Larry Willis M&A 60 Gary Harris LaG 87 As we head into winter, we may have snowstorms or other weather conditions that require school buildings toclose for the day. Daniel Waitzman M&A 61 Mil Lubroth M&A 44 Jay Rodriguez LaG 86 You are the experts on your children and their education, and your involvement can help them thrive inside and outside of school., However, schools are required to continue reporting all cases of COVID-19. Bokeem Woodbine LaG 91, Elizabeth Diller M&A 71 Beth Ames Swartz M&A 53 Simone Biles, Gymnast, greatest female gymnast of all time. If you see your name among the Laguardia High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Ms. Kleiman is ready to support exploration and preparation for any post-secondary plans. Ms. Kleiman also holds Zoom sessions every Friday around a designated post-secondary topic. It will also enable community members who are unable to stay for evening or weekend performances a chance to enjoy a matinee of the All-School Musical. Martin Bresnick M&A 63 *Final report card grades, which are reported to transcripts, will be available in February. A similar performing arts school was created in 1948 that offered programs in dance, music and drama, and in 1961, the two schools became one organization with plans to combine into one building as well. Jessica Walter* PA 58 Students are assigned to a Guidance Counselor based on their studio, who follows them all four years providing academic, social-emotional, and college counseling. Attendance Survey to Report Absences (using account), Club List (Opens with account), CR Selection Request Form (2022-23 SY) (Grades can be converted once the passing, numeric grade is on the transcript)), Who to Contact When I Have Questions (School Year Information), Respect for All: Fostering Anti-Bullying Practices, NYCSA (Parent/Guardian) & (Student) Accounts. ) Laura Nyro* M&A 65 He also worked as a lyricist and director on several Off-Broadway revues, roles that became the focus of his later career on Broadway. Tony Mordente PA 54 At LaGuardia, each of us are cast in the role of a life-time. Christine Vachon M&A 79 Patricia Brooks* M&A 51 Rosalyn Bronznick Drexler M&A 44 New York, NY 10023, (212) 496-0700
Jimmy Owens M&A 61 Collection boxes are located on tables just inside our front entrance. Marking period 3 grades are the final grades which post to the transcript. All donated items will be delivered to city-approved dropoff locations. Dom DeLuise* PA 51 He is a recipient of numerous accolades, including two Academy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, Jennifer Joanna Aniston (born February 11, 1969) is an American actress, film producer, and businesswoman. Andrew Gans (212) 724-5748. If your child does not have an internet-ready device at home, you can request a DOE-loaneddevice from your school. For students who know in advance they are unable to attend this date, we will gather their names and work to have them featured in other sections of the yearbook. Alvin Epstein M&A 42 Keisha Clarke LaG 93 The two both attended LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, located near Lincoln Centera school known as something of an incubator for standout artists in a variety of. Diahann Carroll M&A 53 Tickets can be purchased online at. LaGuardia's enrollment dropped by 19% between 2019 and 2021 the only one of the city's nine elite specialized high schools to lose students during the pandemic shutdown. Paul Dunkel* M&A 60 We thank everyone for their patience and understanding. Take the second test 24-48 hours after the first test. Bob Gill* M&A 48 Copyright 1991-2023 Playbill Inc. All Rights Reserved. She's appeared on "Jack & Jill," "Deadwood," "Nip/Tuck" and "American Horror Story." The SAT exam administered to 11th grade students is an, SAT exam - if a student chooses not to apply to college with SAT test scores, the score will not be seen by any college. Due to the large number of chaperones required to walk 850 Seniors to Bethesda Fountain, we are asking for volunteers. If you would prefer that your 11th or 10th grade child opt-out of taking the SAT School Day exam or PSAT10 on April 25, 2023, please indicate that by filling out this form: PSAT10/SAT School Day OPT-OUT Form (2022-23) by Friday, December 9, 2022. Raquelle Chavis PA 85 Read more Get more from InsideSchools Every blinking light you see tonight has been individually hand-wired and connected by our resourceful students. Everyone is welcome to stop by Office 211, between the hours of 7:45am and 10:45am. | Whitfield Lovell M&A 77 Mr. Schreiner shares the following message: It is important to me as an educator that all of our students feel a sense of community at our school. CONTACT Room: E-Building, E-508 Phone: (718) 482-5610 Email: Get Involved LaGuardia alumni dare to do more by helping today's LaGuardia students write their own future. A reminder that Post-Secondary Specialist Ms. Kleiman is available to all families -- all grades, all studios -- anytime you would like to discuss post-high school plans. This 10th anniversary event features world premieres by EMDOD Commissioned Choreographers Alexander Anderson, Danielle Diniz, Tsai-Hsi Hung, and Jie-Hung Connie Shiau, alongside schools, arts organizations, and international companies. With much respect for all you do, Susannah Tamarkin. As a parent myself, I know what a significant impact that can have for a family; feeling heard by school representatives and connected to a school community has always been central to my daughters positive school experiences. Lynne Littman M&A 58 Logan Culwell-Block Alex Brofsky M&A 78 Dennis Bell M&A 58 He followed that up by originating the role of Charley Kringas in Stephen Sondheim and George Furth's Merrily We Roll Along. Eddie Daniels PA 59 Bess Myerson M&A 41 Billy Cobham M&A 62 If you have questions regarding selecting a CR, please email Ms. Kleiman at Monday, January 16 - Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Schools Closed, Tuesday, January 24 - Friday, January 27 - Regents Week, Tuesday, January 31 - First day of Spring Semester, Marking Period 1, During Regents Week, students only attend scheduled activities. We know that having multiple sessions at different times of the day is supportive of families schedules. Permission slips must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned by noon on Tuesday, February 14. Student Success Stories; In Memoriam; Reunions . She went on to enjoy a healthy Broadway career, earning a Tony nomination for her performance in A Chorus Line and winning one for A Day in Hollywood / A Night in the Ukraine. Intentional silence has the potential to invite others in. The school, officially called the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, inspired the film "Fame.". Cecelia Arzewski PA 67 This earlier dismissal will give students and teachers common time at the end of the marking period if they need to make any arrangements. Students may also purchase tickets in-person using cash at our Main Lobby Box Office during lunch periods on Wednesdays. David Wojnarowicz M&A 73, Cora Cabot Geister We ask ourselves how we speak with young people about race, and how we speak with young people about racism. Your child can get tested by a health care provider or use the two COVID-19 at-home tests that your child will bring home from school this week. Most LaGuardia students complete each MAP Growth Assessment in 25 minutes. David Ehrenstein M&A 64 Burton Silverman M&A 46 Jackee Harry M&A 71 "Harvey Kurtzman". Christopher Chadman* PA 75 It is hard to believe that the Fall Semester has gone by so quickly. Anna Perez M&A 69 Max Frankel M&A 48 Louis Falco* PA 60 Eddie Gomez M&A 62 Reginald Pollack* M&A 41 Rob Derke LaG 90 Dave Valentin* M&A 70 (March 1993). Collection boxes are located on tables just inside our front entrance. If you viewed this Google Sheet, please disregard all information you saw. Our Guidance Department also includes three Social Workers, a Post-Secondary Specialist, a Substance Abuse Prevention & Intervention Specialist (SAPIS), and an Assistant Principal of Guidance. or in-person with cash on Wednesdays in the Main Lobby. We appreciate the community feedback requesting informational opportunities in the first month of the semester for understanding the math and science grading policy. Martin Bresnick; Morton Feldman; Charles Fox; Gerald Fried; Joel Hirschhorn; Later this week we will send an email that expands on the details of the Math and Science Grading Policy shared in the fall. Julius Kirschenbaum* M&A 48 Laguardia High School Alumni Class List The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Laguardia High Schoolin New York, New York . Robert Siegel M&A 57, Shelly Berger PA 56 Carolyn Leonhart LaG 89 Andrew Schenck* M&A 58 The following people are alumni of LaGuardia High School and its two legacy schools, The High School of Music & Art, and the School of Performing Arts High School: Singers, songwriters, rappers, pop artists, Read more about this topic: Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School, Every notable advance in technique or organization has to be paid for, and in most cases the debit is more or less equivalent to the credit. Please be on the lookout for upcoming coffee and donut chats. The date is Thursday, February 16, 2023, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM. We understand that the grading policy was discussed at the Parent Associations special end-of-December Academic Forum meeting that school staff was not available to attend. The LaGuardia Senior Chorus will be performing at We Are Here: Songs from the Holocaust, to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day. They can return to school on day 6 if they have no symptoms or symptoms are improving, their symptoms do not include shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, and they have not had a fever for at least 24 hours. Your OP MUST be on the form. You can find guidance on how to get started using your DOE-loaned iPad or laptop at Isidore Cohen M&A 40 More recently, he has become well known for his successful concert productions of musicals, including the New York Philharmonic's Sweeney Todd, Candide, Passion, Camelot and Company. A link to the Google Sheet document was also posted on our schools homepage ( Students and families should access the revised sheet (Student Information for MAP Growth Testing (January 2023)) for information on where they should report and what time they should be at the Computer Lab they are assigned to for the MAP Growth Assessments. Safety is the top priority during our school day and six days a week of after school and weekend programs. Children attending LYFE or a 3K or Pre-K program in anelementary school or Pre-K Center should participate in the remote learning experiences outlined by theirprogram. Edward Kleban* M&A 55 Janis Ian M&A 67 Anna Maria Horsford PA 64 Before we send everyone off to their Thanksgiving holidays, we have a few updates: NYC Stands with Asylum Seekers - 11/30-12/9. Our. Ron Eldard PA 83 Register to let other graduates of Laguardia High School find and contact you. March 1, 2023, By That plan was finally enacted in 1984 when the schools moved into a brand-new state-of-the-art facility at Lincoln Center where they remain today. Roy Eaton M&A 46 Robert Kopelson M&A 64 In lieu of multiple Zoom sessions originally planned for Thursday, December 1, we will share a recorded presentation and additional information next week that families can view at their own time. We all agree that it is necessary to meet the unique needs of individual students with differentiated support, and ensure that all students receive rigorous instruction daily. Students are scheduled for a total of 50 min in their testing session. Christopher has performed across the world as a solo and collaborative pianist. Martin Charnin. Among those present was Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia. Arthur Mitchell* PA 52 You may purchase tickets online or in-person with cash on Wednesdays in the Main Lobby. Fred Wilson M&A 72 Priscilla Lopez PA 65 The work, written by Jacinta Clusellas, Tatiana Pandiani, and Melis Aker, was workshopped at Eugene ONeill Theater Center last year. Students in New Music will be provided with tickets to distribute for the 1/25 concert. If you would prefer that your 11th or 10th grade child opt-out of taking the SAT School Day exam or PSAT10 on April 25, 2023, please indicate that by filling out this form: PSAT10/SAT School Day OPT-OUT Form (2022-23). Marilyn Bergman M&A 45 Altovise Gore Davis* PA 61 The PSAT10 exam administered to 10th grade students is a practice exam designed to help students identify standardized testing strengths and areas for improvement. The training made available to NYC teenagers at LaGuardia was and is virtually unparalleled, and they have an impressive list of notable alumni to show for it. Robert Brustein M&A 44 Coco Ramirez PA 53 Connect with code UESOGO to get instant alerts or log in with your eChalk user
Most LaGuardia students complete each MAP Growth Assessment in 25 minutes. Dana Ingraham LaG 98 (Logan Culwell is a musical theatre historian, Playbill's manager of research and curator of Playbill Vault. Script error: No such module "Category see also". The school offers a variety of programs, including acting, singing, dancing, and music theory. Alumni & Friends of LaGuardia - provides individual awards, department grants and other assistance to the students and school that enhance the arts education and ensures that current and future students receive the same high quality arts education provided to alumni. Eric Weissberg M&A 57 Julia Migenes M&A 60 Eugene Drucker M&A 68 Students are graded based on projects, retakes, exams, laboratory reports, and assignments. Find us: On our official website: On Twitter: On Facebook: On Instagram:, Update on Mask Guidance for Students and Families. Penayis Lyras PA 72 Nicki Minaj LaG 00 Jerry Gonzalez* M&A 67 The Division of Instructional and Information Technology has completed rolling out Fall semester features on the Grades, Attendance, and Messaging Application (GAMA) that connects to parents/guardians NYCSA accounts and students and teachers Teachhub accounts. The test kits come with printed instructions that you should follow when administering the test. Vanessa A. Williams PA 81 Any CR Selection Request received after this time will be processed, but cannot be guaranteed to be represented on the mid-year transcript sent to colleges.It is possible that colleges may request additional context to better understand the reason a CR was selected in lieu of a numeric grade. Our Guidance Department is the backbone of our arts and academics program. Stu Phillips M&A 47 Corina Brouder LaG 94 All donated items will be delivered to city-approved dropoff locations. Alvin Brehm M&A 42 Tamas Detrich PA These are the kind of policy changes that make a real difference in the lives of our children. End of January School Year Calendar Highlights, Monday, January 16 - Rev. Robert Greenwald PA 61 I will soon find myself with a new role. Elizabeth Pena* PA 77 In this season of gratitude, we are keeping in mind those who most need the support of a community. The day of the performance tickets are available in-person one hour prior to start time. Scenario B: Student shows improvement on one retake and one exam is dropped. The best way for students to be successful is to have direct communications about progress and achievement. She made her Broadway debut in 2005 in Lennon, later donning the green makeup to become Elphaba in Wicked. A link to the Google Sheet document was also posted on our schools homepage (, Students and families should access the revised sheet (, For more information, please reach out to Ms. Phenix, Parent Coordinator, at. Amy Adler M&A 84 Wesley Snipes** PA 79 Wishing everyone a warm and joyous Thanksgiving with loved ones. Prominent graduates from Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts include celebrities, politicians, business people, athletes and more. Victor Trent Cook M&A 85 This directory is not just composed of graduates of this school, as some of the famous people on this list didn't necessarily earn a degree from Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts. The flu vaccine will not prevent COVID-19, but it will help decrease the risk of you and your family suffering from severe flu symptoms that may necessitate medical care.You can safely receive the flu vaccine at the same time as all other vaccines, including the vaccine and booster for COVID-19 ( Kevin Jeff PA 77 Where can I find instructions about the test kit? Our discerning digital design students collaborated to capture the soul of the show through their gorgeous poster and playbill design. Samuel Rhodes M&A 58 Michael Kamen* M&A 65 Cliff Gorman* M&A 54 Charles Smalls* PA 61 Bernie Glow* M&A 43 This 1920s story about sensationalizing media speaks directly to todays social media stardom and deliberate spreading of fake news. Janet Margolin* PA 61 He continues to direct new productions of the show today. Latest Alumni Listings View Complete List Add Your Name All Administrators, Guidance Staff, and Secretaries can assist with account access and reset. Kenny Drew* M&A 46 The PDF version of this letter is attached. From Priscilla Lopez to Julia Murney and Al Pacino, we've got 10 of their most notable successes and what they're up to today! The following people are notable alumni of New York City's Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School (LaG) and its two legacy schools, The High School of Music & Art (MA), and High School of Performing Arts (PA). Keith Nobbs LaG 97 This week marks a collaborative journey as we strive together to ensure that our mission of engagement allows each family to feel like a vital part of this iconic schools artistic family. Eve Queler M&A 48 Susan Strasberg M&A 56 Paul Lustig Dunkel* M&A 60 (See attachments for PDFs in English, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish). Matthew Diamond PA 68 All students will attend a Guidance Meeting via Zoom with their Guidance Counselor, except for Juniors who will have an in-person Post-Secondary Kick-Off Session. Thank you to our C30 Committee for their insightful questions and feedback during the interview process. Quick Tips for Reunion Planning; A&F Class Leaders; Alumni & Friends 2020 Reunion. Pinchas Zukerman PA 67, Priscilla Baskerville M&A 67 Jennifer Hines LaG 90 Lafayette High School, the first building of its type, was designed to accommodate about 4,000 pupils. We invite interested families to join these large group presentations on Fridays at, . Jerome Witkin M&A 57 Bill Louther* PA 59 Today's 3,000+ jobs in Bourgueil, Centre-Val de Loire, France. Robert Ellison PA 51 , to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The DOE has recently posted three forms that families should complete on NYCSA: If you have already created an account and should click on Forgot your password to reset your account. Frank Owens M&A 50 Students and families may already see some grades as they are being processed by the system but please note that the official grade is not finalized until February 1. Vadim Karpinos LaG 96 Platforms include, but are not limited to: TeachHub Google for Education (including Google Classroom) iLearnNYC Microsoft Office Zoom Learn more about DOE accounts at She found what she was good at and started earning praise from both her teachers and classmates. Jonathan Strasser* M&A 63 Due to scheduling conflicts, we are changing the schedule and format of the virtual information session on Accommodations. Our website is made possible bydisplaying online advertisements to our visitors. Pete Nater M&A 77 Students can identify themselves by their Math and English course name, class period, section, and teacher name here: Student Information for MAP Growth Testing (January 2023). We want all of our community members to be able to attend community events and have set aside funds so we can all celebrate together. This list answers the questions Which famous people went to Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts? and Which celebrities are Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts alumni?, Television producer, Film Producer, Actor, Theatre Director, Film Producer, Screenwriter, Famous Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School Of Music & Art And Performing Arts Alumni. We hope that having this information will help manage your expectations for grades this Spring Semester. She also performs with orchestras frequently. Andy Gonzalez M&A 69 Simpson" in addition to returning for the fifth season of "American Horror Story." Yunjin Kim LaG 89 The upcoming sessions are: December 2: Class of 2025 Information for 10th Grade Families (10). This policy supports student achievement and improvement in current and future courses. If there is a conflict between two scheduled activities, the student should inform the teacher in charge of the individually scheduled activity so that an alternate time can be arranged. We are now in the testing window period for 9th and 10th grade students city-wide to take periodic assessments in English and Math, called MAP Growth Assessments. Bryan Carrott M&A 77 We have also heard the community reiterate the importance of LaGuardia being a school with rigorous academics exposing students to high academic standards. The Mayors Fund to Advance New York City, in partnership with The City of New York, is directing people to donate cash to the following relief organization: A LaGuardia tradition is for our current families and our alum families to attend each years annual All-School Musical. Jason Lindner LaG 91 Allan Vogel M&A 61 Milton Glaser* M&A 47 Thank you to LaGuardia music and technical theater faculty and staff for their behind the scenes support to build meaningful connections that extend beyond the walls of LaGuardia. Students and families have shared that they would like to see examples of earned grades in different measures and how that contributes to a students final grade. Students who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for at least 5 days following the first day of symptoms (or the day they tested positive, if they had no symptoms). John Gordon PA 84 Bob Franceschini M&A 78 FINAL GRADE = 11.09 + 20.42 + 31.5 + 27.9 = 90.91, Regents Science Course - Fall Semester Grading Measures at a Glance, FINAL GRADE = 11.9 + 23.1 + 24.5 + 13.5 + 12.75 = 85.75, FINAL GRADE = 13.3 + 24.5 + 25.2 + 14.25 + 13.5 = 90.75. Matt de Rogatis and Alison Fraser co-star in the Tennessee Williams play. Seniors leave from school at a designated time and return by the end of Period 5 (12:05 PM). Given the high rates of flu and other respiratory conditions viruses as we head into winter, the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) has issued a universal indoor masking recommendation ( for all indoor settings, including schools and daycare centers. If you need help because someone has discriminated against, harassed, bullied or intimidated you, or if you have concerns about such behavior, you can go to one of our Respect For All liaisons or any staff member you feel comfortable speaking with. Lisa Fischer M&A 76 There is a lot of walking to and from Central Park, Bethesda Fountain and LaGuardia. COVID-19 vaccination is free to all New Yorkers, regardless of immigration or insurance status. Most teachers are also recording grades in Google Classroom. Please note, if your child has recovered from a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 90 days, they do not need to take a test and should attend school after Winter Recess if they are feeling well. This Fall Assistant Principal Julissa Marrero took a leave of absence to care for her mother. by January 15, 2023. The MP3 Report Card grades are the final semester grades that will be report to student transcripts. Robert Dick M&A 67 Stephen Kates* M&A 61 Please click on this form and submit your question(s) by January 31. For grades earned in Spring 2020 through Spring 2023, parents/guardians may select a CR (credit) in place of a passing numeric grade (65+) earned on the student transcript. (212) 724-5748. Steve Gordon M&A 68 Ik-Hwan Bae PA 75, Back by popular demand, I am hosting monthly, virtual Principals Office Hours on the second Wednesday of every month during breakfast, lunch, and dinner times. Terry Burrus M&A 79 Approved College Board testing accommodations do NOT apply to ACT Exams, which are not administered by College Board. HERE is the link to the sign-up Google form for the trip to Bethesda Fountain. March 1, 2023, By Michael Klare M&A 59 We are excited to announce that spring sports will begin on March 1st for all interested athletes. Steven Bochco* M&A 61 Volunteers can be from any grade level. Post-Secondary Specialist Family Sessions - Fridays. When you lend your voice to the important issues affecting our schools by voting and sharing your opinions with your CCEC representatives, you show your communities that you are part of the solution. If you do not yet have a NYCSA account and want to learn more, visit He made his Broadway debut as a playwright in 2000 with The Tale of the Allergist's Wife. Other graduates of LaGuardia High school of Music & Art and performing arts having multiple sessions at times. Warm and joyous Thanksgiving with loved ones Department is the top priority during our school and. Us are cast in the Main Lobby and understanding in 2010, she appeared opposite Linda Lavin in Donald '. For grades this Spring Semester arthur Mitchell * PA 61 I will soon find myself with a role. Contact you Zoom sessions every Friday around a designated post-secondary topic tables just our! Tickets are available in-person one hour prior to start time her teachers classmates! Tickets online or in-person with cash on Wednesdays solo and collaborative pianist on,. The top priority during our school day and six days a week of after school and programs... 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