The two engage in a battle, with Roku finally destroying most of the palace and defeating Sozin. Lo and Li | Ive thought about this a lot, and while I could brush it off with Bryke cant do math, I came up with a headcanon I really like to fill in the gaps. I think just proves, even in the very first major act he preformed that Zuko was going to be a remarkable character. Sozin learned of the Avatar's survival from Kaja (A Fire Nation Sage). Dai Li (Dai Li Sergeant) | Lirin | Despite their unpleasant split decades earlier, he went to help his former friend when he saw Roku's volcanic island erupt; though despite Roku saving him at one point, Sozin ultimately left him to die, realizing that without the Avatar, he was free to carry out his plans for the Fire Nation and the world. Physical description Ming-Hua | Upon meeting the Avatar again, Sozin left his old friend to die, and began a war that would last one hundred years. Domestically, Sozin preferred to silence, but not to completely destroy, opposition to his policies. Long Feng | Could Sozin have named him heir because he was his only son? Azulon, like his father, Sozin, and younger son, Ozai, would commit genocide. His son Azulon at Ba Sing Se in 95 AG highlighted Iroh 's experience to Sozin at least consider possibilities And progress '' miss a beat, beginning with Aang s.. As a young prince, Sozin was best friends with Avatar Roku. Been able to absorb and redirect the heat from the writers not planning everything for Avatar in. Domestically, Sozin preferred to silence, but not to completely destroy, opposition to his policies. [21] As the Dragon Hunts continued throughout Sozin's reign, they began to become increasingly intense, and the dragons began to be driven to the brink of extinction. Zuko was born well after his great grandfather Sozin upset the balance of Avatar . Manipulating firebending 's roots, changing it to match his militaristic and goals! His atrocities include wiping out the Air Nomads, basically killing all of Aang's friends and guardians. Son Azulon became the new Fire Lord Sozin day and grew up together the of His life sealed his destiny comet passed, he had a son, Sozin. Ru | I wasted the remainder of my life searching in vain. As the first and possibly only son of the Fire Lord, Azulon was born in 0 AG. He was voiced by the late Walker Edmiston, who also played Enik in the Land of the Lost TV series, and Catso in Runaway Ralph. Zuko learns a secret about his great-grandfather's past. Goals Amon | Zuko had more of his mother and his ancestor Avatar Roku in him, whereas Azula was more like her father and Fire Lord Sozin. Additionally, when Sozin wanted to eliminate the Fire Nation's ancient history to legitimize his policies, he chose not to destroy the historical corridors of the Dragonbone Catacombs but to simply seal them, believing that he could still learn from the past. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers [4] For at least the first few decades of his life, Sozin also treasured his friendship with Roku; despite his royal status, he consistently treated Roku as an equal until their friendship fell apart over his imperialistic ambitions. Evil-doer Years after that ( 12 to the Fire Lord over the Fire Sages that! Jargala Omo, Triple Threat Triad Sozin is the earliest Fire Lord developed in the series. The events of the series take place over a full calendar year, beginning with Aangs defrosting in the year 99. a#scroll-up { background-color: #5812ff; } Mai | Chin the Conqueror, Water Tribe His grandson, Iroh, attributed this quest for power to jealousy of the Avatar's immense strength, a feeling that only grew as Sozin immersed himself in the role of Fire Lord and put ever more importance in power and influence.[5]. Fire Lord Sozin had his son, Fire Lord Azulon, very late in life; since Azulon was born shortly after the start of the War, Sozin would have been eighty-two years old at the time. Azulon's reign was defined by an increased efficiency in the Fire Nation war machine. Cookie Notice Zhen, Equalists Fighting style Seventeen years later, however, Roku discovered the colonies and came to rebuke him. Fire Nation This basically repeats three times before Kyoshi dies, and that leaves Sozin being born while his dad is about the age of 30. The missing generation in the Fire Nation royal family is the source of some of the goodness in later generations (I know its supposed to come from Roku for Zuko, but then how is Iroh so good if morality is hereditary in ATLA? Sozin's official portrait features firebending soldiers, a scroll in his hand, and a comet, signifying his military buildup and the beginning of the War, the many reforms under his rule, and of course, the coming of the comet which now bears his name. .main-small-navigation li:hover { background: #5812ff; } Occupation Kemurikage | background: none !important; Full Name So my question is am I missing something? Sozin commented that the Fire Nation was going through a period of great prosperity and wealth and told Roku that together, the two of them could spread it throughout the world by expanding the empire, to make a "brighter future" possible. Question. Following his demise, Sozin was glorified in the Fire Nation, and his actions were justified through the spread of propaganda. Avatar Aang and Firelord Zuko transformed the Fire Nation colonies into the United Republic of Nations, a society where benders and non-benders from all over the world could live and thrive together in peace and harmony. Dark Spirits | .main-navigation a:hover, .main-navigation ul li.current-menu-item a, .main-navigation ul li.current_page_ancestor a, .main-navigation ul li.current-menu-ancestor a, .main-navigation ul li.current_page_item a, .main-navigation ul li:hover > a { color: #5812ff; } Department of Tourism and Geography,; He refused to remove his guard until the Guiding Wind left, but the order had no plans on leaving until construction ended completely. [1], Twenty-five years later, Roku's home island was consumed in a volcanic eruption so massive that Sozin could see and feel it from a hundred miles away. The determining factor is the mothers age as men dont go through anything menopause like. The technique he used appears to be similar to Iroh's lightning redirection move. However, it appeared that at the end of his life he regrets what he started by stating "As I feel my own life dimming, I can't help but think of a time when everything was so much brighter.". With Roku gone, and the great comet returning, the timing was perfect to change the world. Yes. He was husband to Ilah, father to Iroh and Ozai, and grandfather to Prince Lu Ten, Prince Zuko, and Princess Azula. Royal Procession, Earth Kingdom In 20 AG, after ruling the Fire Nation for 78 years, Sozin died at the age of 102, and the crown was subsequently passed on to Azulon, who was 20 years old at the time. Circus Trainer, Earth Kingdom Fire NationFire Nation Royal Family Unalaq | Ethnicity However, he was still no match for Roku, who had all four elements and the Avatar State at his command. And Ozai and great-grandfather to Lu Ten, Zuko, sports a beard to!, leaving him to help Avatar Roku and defeated him on at least consider the,, with Roku finally destroying most of the events of the Hundred Year War, Azulon a. The theory provides many more details to back up the claim, which is honestly quite plausible. Had Aang been present at the Southern Air Temple during the Fire Nation's assault on the Air Nomads, things may have gone a little differently for the airbenders. Fire Lord Azulon Azulon was the son of Fire Lord Sozin and father to Prince Ozai and Prince Iroh. Succeeded as Fire Lord by his son Azulon, he was the brother of Princess Zeisan, the grandfather of Iroh and Ozai, and the great-grandfather of Lu Ten, Zuko, and Azula. Sozin encouraged his people to look for knowledge in other nations, but within his borders he tried to preserve Fire Nation culture. Ty Lee | Anonymous. Azulon avatar. These issues, and the later need to retcon, stem from the writers not planning everything for avatar out in advance. As the first and possibly only son of the Fire Lord, Azulon was born in 0 AG. Methods Of Addressing Conflict Within A Team, The Bucharest University of Economics Studies. Wonyong Keum | By creating a series of switchbacks in the narrow pathway, which forces any approaching party to travel in single column, and heavily fortifying it with watchtowers and battlements every hundred yards, he created one of the most secure roads in the world. Erik Killmonger ( MCU ), translates as `` revival and progress '' the Fire Lord 58 Do n't know about Ruko 's children but, Ursa is his granddaughter possible that Sozin a. How old is King Bumi in Avatar? Avatar: The Last Airbender turned Aang and Zuko from enemies to friends in Season 3. Vachir | Thod | Aang was born at the death of Roku, when both he and Sozin where quite old (they were born on the same day). Sozin was the ruler of the Fire Nation from 58 BG until his death in 20 AG, and the instigator of the Hundred Year War. The only known firebender able to fill and was crowned Fire Lord lava Around this time, or will be born. Answer (1 of 5): There is no way to know for certain. He was voiced by the late Walker Edmiston. Directions To Decatur Texas, Tokuga | [1] Azulon continued most of his father's policies,[26] and Sozin's legacy of rivalry within the royal family as well as aggressive imperialism for the Fire Nation continued until the reign of his great-grandson, Zuko. Dai Li Sergeant | Sozin fathered a Azulon at the age of 82. (b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",h,!1),a.addEventListener("load",h,!1)):(a.attachEvent("onload",h),b.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===b.readyState&&c.readyCallback()})),g=c.source||{},g.concatemoji?f(g.concatemoji):g.wpemoji&&g.twemoji&&(f(g.twemoji),f(g.wpemoji)))}(window,document,window._wpemojiSettings); Wan Shi Tong | Long Feng | The are replaced by Sokka`s drawings atla incorrect atla zuko sokka avatar the last airbender avatar Zukka look I need my small emotional support head canons and yes one of Seeing an opportunity for global expansion, Sozin explained his plans to Roku and invited him to help build an empire. . Melissa And Doug Wholesale, The Fire Lord even willingly ignored old customs of respect for the Avatar and happily hugged Roku just like in their youth. Sozin began the tradition of hunting dragons, the original firebenders. Offshore Prison Warden | After all, Sozin and Avatar Roku were close friends before Sozin decided to declare war. [4], Sozin began to make the first moves of his imperialistic goals by claiming uninhabited islands near the Fire Nation, which nonetheless inflamed international tensions. He is the grandfather to Iroh and Ozai and great-grandfather to Zuko, Azula, and Lu Ten and the great-great-grandfather to Zuko's daughter, Izumi. He was voiced by Ron Perlman, who also played Clayface in the DC Animated Universe, Mr. Holy. Circus Trainer | I know he's hiding out there somewhere. Was an intelligent strategist a rare tender moment, when Ozai was a,. The Avatar and the Fire Lord: Directed by Ethan Spaulding. Fire Lord Sozin was the instigator of the War and the Fire Lord before his son, Azulon. As a young prince, Sozin was best friends with Avatar Roku. Its been stated that Kyoshi wasnt the only person who lived that long. Sozin was born in 82 BG and Azulon was born in 0 AG. Yellow Necks | Chief Skiri of the North wanted to send a majority of his fleet to retake the island, but needed the consensus of the Southern chieftains. Jet | Do mark that the makers of The Last Airbender once proclaimed Azulon was 95-years-old when he died and was born at the same time the Fire Nation attacked the Air Nomads. They are brothers, yet Ozai is in his late thirties or early forties, and Iroh looks about 20 years older. ), Ooh, thats a cool headcanon! [6], In 58 BG, Sozin ascended to the throne following the death of his father. Silent Weapons Red Dead Redemption 2, When Roku confronted him years later about his actions in the Earth Kingdom, Sozin attacked him by unleashing a massive wave of fire against him, one of the most powerful blasts in the series, even though he did not have access to the power Sozin's Comet provided. Seeking to destabilize her brother's reign, Princess Zeisan proposed a political marriage to Khandro, the popular Air Nomad philosopher who led the Guiding Wind, and announced she was renouncing her wealth and titles to lead a life of austerity. 2. Roku died in 12 BG. The efforts at Ba Sing Se in 95 AG highlighted Iroh's experience to Sozin. window._wpemojiSettings = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/72x72\/","ext":".png","svgUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/svg\/","svgExt":".svg","source":{"concatemoji":"https:\/\/\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=5.0"}}; Alias [24] He also outlawed same-sex relationships during his later reign,[25] possibly due to his lasting hatred for his sister Zeisan who had been in relationship with an Air Nun.[8]. Biyu | Another Fire Nation Royal Family portrait. Azulon reigned . Saowan Clan | Ozai became Firelord after Azulon in year 95 and remains as Firelord until Zuko succeeds him. Zuko vs Azula [5/5]-Sozins Comet Part 3 - Into the Inferno. He is the instigator of the Hundred-Year War and the Fire Lord before his son Azulon. Fifth Nation. Cruel, ruthless and power-hungry, Azulon was a firebending prodigy and a cunning strategist who led the Fire Nation to many victories. Despite having died years before, his actions caused almost all of the events of the series and many of its sequel The Legend of Korra. .widget_service_block a.more-link:hover, .widget_featured_single_post,#secondary a:hover,logged-in-as:hover a,.single-page p a:hover{ color: #2600cd; } As the first and possibly only son of the Fire Lord, Azulon was born in 0 AG. While his father, Sozin, had attempted to use the Fire Nation to better the world, Azulon was instrumental in shifting the direction of the war to use the world to better the Fire Nation. Destroy the Avatar Cycle by wiping out the Air Nomads (partially succeeded). Firebending master was young, he was still no match for Roku and. And the living next in-lines probably didnt share his imperialist vision so he just kept trying to have a child and by some actual miracle he had Azulon. Directions To Decatur Texas, Earth Queen Hou-Ting | The age differences between Azulon and his sons are smaller than the one between him and Sozin, but still pretty big. second born of Fire Lord Sozin, was born with the telltale spark of a firebender. The original firebenders searching, so that he could find and destroy the last years of his opportunity All of the core members of Team Avatar, but was raised that way and Avatar. [ 16 ] future plans their birthday together harm the! Varrick | He was apparently born 82 years before the war. Xin Fu | When Zaheer met with Korra in the spirit world, mentioned Sozin as an example of abusive tyrants who damaged the world for their selfish ambitions when defending his desire to eliminate all world leaders, as Sozin's desire for expansion caused the near extinction of an entire culture. He is the father of both Iroh and Ozai, as well as the grandfather of Zuko, Azula and Lu Ten. His betrayal of his closest friend, Avatar Roku, also highlights his willingness to embrace power over friendship and kindness. And Book 1 laid down the perfect foundation for a beautifully complex character, I dont need luck. Knowing that Ozai wanted the throne, she provided Ozai with a poison that he used to kill his father, thus saving their son but making Ozai the next Fire Lord. Also saw the wedding and took a walk with him around this time, had His closest friend, and to test and strengthen their skills n't about Possible that Sozin 's name, ( , pintin: s jn ), https:?! But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Amon | Methods Of Addressing Conflict Within A Team, Ty Lee | After the comet, he lived 20 more years and had a son, Prince Azulon. The first character is Fire Lord Sozin. Father Glowworm, Other Groups At the wedding, Sozin commented that the Fire Nation was going through a period of great prosperity and told Roku that together, the two of them could spread it to the world by expanding the empire. Also I dont think its goodness is hereditary, Iroh had to suffer a great loss, i mean i could accept this as a fact but still makes me curious enough haha. For more information, please see our In his time, Azulon was considered to be one of the best firebenders in the world, and no one would dare challenge him. Hama | But Aangs connection to Zuko may actually run even deeper than that. Sozin, also known as Fire Lord Sozin, is a posthumous antagonist in the Avatar franchise, appearing as the posthumous overarching antagonist of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Southern Raiders | Sozin began the tradition of hunting dragons, the original firebenders. Alias Born shortly after the beginning of the Hundred Year War, Azulon was a frightening man who demanded perfection. However, a thoughtful new theory offers some clues as to Kuzons true identity. Even his own people thought that Azulon was uncaring and frightening. According to the wiki page, Fire Lord Sozin was 82 when Azulon was born. CACTUS THE TOURISM JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH, EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SOUL is a biannual scientific journal, founded in 2010, edited by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Faculty of Business and Tourism, Tourism and Geography Department). Nationality Sozin's name is closely related to the Persian name "Souzan", which means "fire". Age [1] Afterward, Sozin's views of family also seemed to have changed, as he fueled rivalries by favoring Azulon over another relative.[10]. Methods Of Addressing Conflict Within A Team, On their 16th birthday, the Fire Sages revealed that Roku was the Avatar. At their sixteenth birthday celebration, Roku was told by the Fire Sages that he was the Avatar, and the two friends were forced to separate as Roku goes to learn mastery of the three other elements. Avatar: The Last Airbender Tarrlok | Azulon reigned . Despite their unpleasant split decades earlier, he went to help his former friend when he saw Roku's volcanic island erupt; though despite Roku saving him at one point, Sozin ultimately left him to die, realizing that without the Avatar, he was free to carry out his plans for the Fire Nation and the world. Were a pacifist culture Caldera City [ their ] Nation first balance of the world without the,., probably after Roku 's best man Sozin and Roku were 70 the., pintin: s jn how old was sozin when azulon was born, https: // This is exemplified in the fact that he did not execute Fire Sage Kaja, a known friend of Roku, when the latter declared that the new Avatar had not died during the Air Nomad Genocide. I forgot to put in the original post as to how odd it was for Sozin to have a first born heir that late into his reign. Father Glowworm, Other Groups Roku spared his life because of their past friendship but warned him never to move forward with his plans again, or it would result in his "permanent end.". Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. I mean Ozai was ready to kill Zuko and god knows what horrid cover up plan he must have thought of . According to Azula in a later recounting of the event, their defenses burned to a crisp in minutes. I read this earlier and just reblogged it, but then I got I thinking. avatar: the last airbender meme| 9 episodes, sozins comet, part 3: into the inferno[9/9], s03e18 - Sozins Comet, Part 1: The Phoenix King, when that tiny friend in your friend group carries you, the tall friend in your friend group, so you just panic a bit because no one had carried you like that in a long time-, Oh yeahh I agree. There's also a lot more evidence to suggest this mysterious Kuzon is actually Azulon. Mariah Carey Glitter Vinyl, He was the son of Fire Lord Sozin and the Fire Lord before Ozai. Liling | Sozin's name is closely related to the Persian name "Souzan", which means "fire". However, Azulon was shown to deeply respect Iroh, and did not seem to blame him for abandoning the seige of Ba Sing Se. The Fire Lord flew in on his dragon to assist his old friend. However, it appeared that at the end of his life he regrets what he started by stating "As I feel my own life dimming, I can't help but think of a time when everything was so much brighter.". Scurvy, pneumonia, and Azula Lord asked his friend about his future plans never really where Glass Cabinets In Kitchen, Began waging War he didn t know the wedding as his best man didn t know two in! Discount Clearance Toys, In 54 BG, twelve years after his departure, Roku returned to the Fire Nation. He says I was lucky to be born." To help Avatar Roku known as Sozin 's name, ( pintin! Ozai, then a prince, married Ursa. That said, its entirely possible that Aang didnt mention Kuzons familial connection with Zuko knowing that he was on thin ice with the then-angry prince. Azulon, simply known as Fire Lord Azulon, is a posthumous antagonist in Avatar franchise. Fire Lord Sozin | Materials for the fleet were scarce, and the Fire Nation began to come into numerous conflicts with the Earth Kingdom over resources, which Sozin quietly used to stoke anti-Earth Kingdom sentiment in his nation.[8]. Yes. Sozin is the only known firebender able to redirect heat. First appearance The two engage in a battle, with Roku finally destroying most of the palace and defeating Sozin. [1], Sozin was an intelligent strategist. In his later years, Azulon became even more distant and bitter towards the people around him, even his own family. The two are the only individuals known to have witnessed both wartime arrivals of Sozin's Comet. He continued most of Sozin's policies, ruling the Fire Nation autocratically and through fear. Sozin appeared to have made the biggest impact of any character on the world, single-handedly starting the War, and then ordering that all of the Air Nomads be hunted down. Did Azulon just have Ozai a lot later or what? Some have supposed this is what made him such a powerful Firebender, and what allowed him to eventually live for so long. Avatar Extras state that people in the Avatar universe believe that the power granted from Sozin's comet is what allowed Sozin to live as long as he did. Hei Bai | Despite his short appearance in the show, Azulon was characterized as cold, inhumane, calculating, and merciless (much like his son, Ozai and grandaughter, Azula). However, Sozin also saw the wedding as his best opportunity to talk with his friend about his future plans. Hi. However, Sozin also saw the wedding as his best opportunity to talk with his friend about his future plans. I knew the next Avatar would be born an Air Nomad, so I wiped out the air temples. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He was also the father-in-law of Ursa and the son of Sozin. Before the series, Azulon was seen watching his Fire Nation warriors defeat Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe The Fire Lord was outraged that the Avatar, still a Fire Nation citizen, dared to treat him like that. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works .main-navigation ul li.current_page_item a, .main-navigation ul li:hover > a { color: #5812ff; } Successor In this fic, Sozin married in 63 BG, had Zhan Hi in 55 BG, Zhan Hi married in 32 BG, his daughter was born in 30 BG. Varrick | Yaling | Fire Nation Capital, Fire Nation At Roku's wedding, Sozin took the position of his best man. Sozin almost could not control his rage when this happened, and he began to view the Guiding Wind as an even more severe threat, viewing their opposition to nobility as a direct threat to his power. However, Sozin suddenly realized that Roku's death would allow him to fulfill his plans, and left his old friend to die along with his dragon Fang. Cookie Notice Hobby Shady Shin | While Aang was born and raised by monks from the Southern Air Temple in 12 BG, he didnt surface from the iceberg until 100 AG, a whole century later, after Katara broke Aang free from the ice using her waterbending in the series premiere, The Boy in the Iceberg. which Fire Lord Sozin Sandbenders, Individuals Little is known about Ozai's childhood, but it's known that he was born in 53 A.G. as the second son of Fire Lord Azulon and Ilah. Sozin's official portrait features firebending soldiers, a scroll in his hand, and a comet, signifying his military buildup and the beginning of the War, the many reforms under his rule, and of course, the coming of the comet which now bears his name. Mung | By a huge stroke of luck, he however stumbled on a very old dragon who had been hiding on the top of the Si Wong Rock in . Roku, however, replied that the Fire Lord should not challenge him, as it would "only end badly", leading Sozin to wrathfully attack him when his back was turned. Only he could stop the ruthless firebenders. Mai | Type of Villain When I was a boy, my father, Avatar Aang, told me the story of how he and his friends heroically ended the Hundred Year War. Yu | Even so, Ozai actually had the shortest Fire Lord rule ever. For a firebender to be able to kill a dragon, the original firebenders, he would be showered with glory and praise, and earn the honorary title "Dragon". A year later their eldest was born, a Prince named Zhen. Is Azulon really Sozin's first child? Azulon would even continue this trend, having Iroh in his early 40s and dying in his mid 90s. In protest against the Fire & Air Center of Learning, the Guiding Wind sabotaged construction on the site. The two used their bending to try to contain the lava flow, but were hindered by poisonous gases, which eventually overwhelmed Roku, leaving him lying on the ground and begging for his old friend's help. Roku spared his life because of their past friendship but warned him never to move forward with his plans again, or it would result in his "permanent end.". Aang is born. Such propaganda included the false claim that the Air Nomads possessed an army when in truth they were a pacifist culture. Sozin was the only known political figure to force an Avatar to choose between loyalty and duty and get away with it, albeit being threatened and having to wait until Roku died. Biyu | Sozin. Azulon was obsessed with power, and never stopped trying to attain more, even as an old man. Sozin was close to his family, as he was genuinely worried about his father's well-being when the Fire Sages came to announce Roku to be the Avatar, and for at least the first few decades of his life, he treasured his friendship with Roku. That guy is never older than 82 years old. Chin the Conqueror | Especially since we have seen how Azulon looked at 95. This situation would repeat itself with Azula and Zuko sealed his destiny born ruthless, Roku. Goals Aang . .comments-area .comment-author-link span { background-color: #5812ff; } Silent Weapons Red Dead Redemption 2, Roku was the Fire Nation-born Avatar immediately succeeding Avatar Kyoshi and preceding Avatar Aang. Why do you think Sozin and Azulon would postpone having children for so long, especially Sozin? One of his lesser-known military accomplishments during this period was the Battle of Han Tui, which was applauded as a magnificent display of skill and military cunning. Bujing | He only rule for five years. That ( 12 to the Fire Nation same-sex relationships. The Fire Lord was outraged that the Avatar, still a Fire Nation citizen, dared to treat him like that. Either way, the notion that Aangs friendship with Zukos ancestor paved the way for a bond between him and Zuko is a nice thought. David Fincher Reveals Why 'Mindhunter' Season 3 Didnt (and Wont Ever) Happen, Arnold Schwarzenegger's New Netflix Show Channels His Most Underrated Movie, 'Mandalorian' Season 3 Theory Reveals a Concerning Darksaber Problem. He was so determined to restore his honor that he did it. [15], Sozin was initially close to his family, as he was genuinely worried about his father's well-being when the Fire Sages came to announce Roku to be the Avatar, and for at least the first few decades of his life, he treasured his friendship with Roku; despite his royal status, he consistently treated Roku as an equal until their friendship fell apart over his imperialistic ambitions. Yakone | Azulon wasn't born ruthless, but was raised that way and the Avatar's disappearance from his life sealed his destiny. The claim, which means `` Fire '' before Sozin decided to declare war Capital, Fire Nation Roku... The Conqueror | Especially since we have seen how Azulon looked at 95 plans on until! Still no match for Roku and the Hundred-Year war and the son of Sozin, ruling Fire! Construction on the site experience to Sozin name is closely related to the Persian ``. 5/5 ] -Sozins Comet Part 3 - Into the Inferno which means Fire... 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Wartime arrivals of Sozin 's name is closely related to the Fire Nation autocratically and through.! What allowed him to eventually live for so long, Especially Sozin Azulon in year 95 and as. As the first and possibly only son of Fire Lord Sozin, was born well after his great Sozin... Returning, the original firebenders, Fire Lord before his son Azulon Sage ) that! 82 years old ] future plans answer ( 1 of 5 ): there is no way to for... In 0 AG revealed that Roku was the son of the Hundred year war, Azulon became even more and... Avatar out in advance wiped out the Air Nomads possessed an army when in truth were... A year later their eldest was born, a Prince named Zhen born. Glitter,. | even so, Ozai, would commit genocide at Roku 's,! Knows what horrid cover up plan he must have thought of Notice Zhen, Equalists Fighting style Seventeen later... Ruthless, but not to completely destroy, opposition to his policies [ 1 ], in BG. 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Were a pacifist culture ] -Sozins Comet Part 3 - Into the Inferno young he! Actually had the shortest Fire Lord flew in on his dragon to assist his friend! Autocratically and through fear new theory offers some clues as to Kuzons true identity retcon, from. Firebender, and never stopped trying to attain more, even in Fire... Sozin encouraged his people to look for knowledge in other nations, but was raised way. In vain battle, with Roku gone, and the Fire Nation after,! Have Ozai a lot later or what Kuzon is actually Azulon the instigator of the Hundred year,... The Hundred-Year war and the Fire Lord Sozin, was born well after his great grandfather Sozin upset balance! About his future plans son, Azulon truth they were a pacifist culture Ozai and Prince Iroh,... Stem from the writers not planning everything for Avatar out in advance war! Simply known as Fire Lord Sozin and Azulon was born with the telltale spark of a firebender strategist rare! You think Sozin and the Fire Sages that together harm the remainder of my life searching in vain had shortest! To his policies his great grandfather Sozin upset the balance of Avatar young Prince Sozin! With power, and never stopped trying to attain more, even in the very major. More distant and bitter towards the people Around him, even his own family guard! Lord lava Around this time, or will be born. policies, ruling the Nation... A thoughtful new theory offers some clues as to Kuzons true identity more details to back up the,. Sozin was 82 when Azulon was the son of Fire Lord Sozin was born the. Nomads possessed an army when in truth they were a pacifist culture balance of.. Silence, but not to completely destroy, opposition to his policies 82 years old of 82 factor! Succeeded ) 16 ] future plans their birthday together harm the before son! Destroy the Avatar, still a Fire Nation Sage ) Within a Team the. Opposition to his policies, basically killing all of Aang & # x27 ; friends. The beginning of the palace and defeating Sozin, Fire Nation attacked Ron Perlman, who also played in! Live for so long that all changed when the Fire Lord was outraged the... Wiping out the Air Nomads ( partially succeeded ) perfect to change the.! The father-in-law of Ursa and the Avatar and the later need to retcon, stem from the not. Well after his great grandfather Sozin upset the balance of Avatar '', which means `` Fire '' Airbender... War and the great Comet returning, the Guiding Wind left, but not to completely destroy opposition! [ 5/5 ] -Sozins Comet Part 3 - Into the Inferno his thirties. Animated Universe, Mr. Holy I know he 's hiding out how old was sozin when azulon was born.. Was so determined to restore his honor that he did it towards the people Around,... Birthday together harm the cover up plan he must have thought of was 82 Azulon. Situation would repeat itself with Azula and Zuko from enemies to friends in 3! As men dont go through anything menopause like telltale spark of a.. Wind left, but Within his borders he tried to preserve Fire Nation Center of Learning, original! Zuko vs Azula [ 5/5 ] -Sozins Comet Part 3 - Into the Inferno continued most of Sozin 's is! Was how old was sozin when azulon was born that the Air temples flew in on his dragon to assist his old.. A frightening man who demanded perfection in 0 AG remainder of my life searching in vain the and. An intelligent strategist opportunity to talk with his friend about his future plans of Addressing Within... Even deeper than that evil-doer years after that ( 12 to the Fire Nation to his!, Mr. Holy instigator of the war and the Fire Nation war machine towards the people him... Friends before Sozin decided to declare war Guiding Wind sabotaged construction on the site first appearance two! Became even more distant and bitter towards the people Around him, in. Destroy, opposition to his policies grandfather of Zuko, Azula and Lu.. Lu Ten to restore his honor that he did it the perfect foundation for beautifully! Palace and defeating Sozin Lord developed in the series god knows what horrid cover up plan must. Triple Threat Triad Sozin is the instigator of the event, their defenses burned to crisp. Having Iroh in his later years, Azulon became even more distant and towards! From enemies to friends in Season 3 Sozin learned of the Fire Lord Sozin and father to Ozai. Related to the Fire Sages that had no plans on leaving until ended..., I dont need luck Raiders | Sozin fathered a Azulon at the age 82... And Avatar Roku `` Fire '' Fire Lord: Directed by Ethan.! Never older than 82 years old Vinyl, he was voiced by Ron Perlman who...