For examplesame dependentclaimed in multiple tax returns. Since we faxed the information back, we have been waiting over 5 months and we are getting ready to file taxes this year. , and the most common reasons for you getting a tax offset include: Federal student loans you took out that have gone into default. By comparison, Social Security accounted for 21% of federal outlays in FY 2022, while defense accounted for 13%. What should I do? However, this isnt really as bad as it sounds. Called again and IRS now said I had to wait another 90 days for them to review and that they didnt know anything about a w-2 not being filed. Mine say the exact same thing!! The letter I received is dated back in March but received it end of June. Thanks so much Andy for this. Your email address will not be published. They don't reduce your refund, without explanation. Filed in March 2021, was told in August we needed to correct our return, sent it back in, and have been told three times since that it is delayed and there is no information. And shes on my lease . Kevin, thanks so much for posting this, its very helpful to me. Once youve submitted a request for an appeals conference with The Independent Office of Appeals, they will reach out to arrange a conference at a time and place thats convenient for you. 151 says you are under an audit. After May, no more letters so I called in August and was told one of me employers didnt submit w-2 so I had my employer do that (even though they told me they had filed one already). I actually called yesterday and spoke to someone and they supposedly said we will be receiving it Nov 15 but when I followed up on the site. I have called every number in the notices I have received, as well as any that I could find online. By entering your phone number and clicking the Get Started button, you provide your electronic signature and consent for Community Tax LLC or its service providers to contact you with information and offers at the phone number provided using an automated system, pre-recorded messages, and/or text messages. I had a simple issue. You will generally see a tax topic 203 message or code 898 on your transcript when you have an offset applied to your IRS refund. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) publishes many tax topics, which it uses to provide detailed information on different aspects of IRS tax collection. Does it affect eic ? Enrolled Agent since 2008, Intuit Tax Expert since 2011. We almost drove an hour and a half away and the guy comes back on the line after scheduling the appointment and goes did you know there is a 10 week hold on your return? Sent me 2 letters, one in February and one in May basically saying they were reviewing my taxes and that I didnt have to do anything but basically wait. One is that its a way to offset any taxes you may owe with any refunds you may be due. Be sure to selectRecord of Accountfor the type of transcripts so that all details will be included. Do you have a specific question we can assist you with? Does anyone have any knowledge that they would be willing to share to help me out? Our returns start accruing interest after 45 days of approval if it hasnt been mailed or direct deposited. In addition to examination adjustments, many other things can be appealed, such as penalties, denial of interest abatement, trust fund recovery penalties, liens, levies, and rejection of offers in compromise. If you have 151 take action it usually means an offset. Here I sit waiting on the phone waiting to talk to someone. Still no letter so not sure what to do.. didn't know if anybody had updated you or if you found out anything. However. My letter was lost in the mail. I was told10 weeks as well and it has now been 13 weeks with no answers and no way of getting ahold of anyone. I spoke to a tax lawyer, whom informed me that tax topic 151 means that they are either doing as you stated above or you owe a previous tax bill. The message changed to processing and stayed there permanently. For help resolving the issue go to Contact Us Accountant's Assistant: Which tax year is the refund for? (Transcript also shows a tax return filing date of 04-05-2021, as well as a refund freeze, removed . If you fail to come to an agreement at an appeals conference, or if you wish to skip the conference entirely, then youll have to take the issue up within the court system. Will my bars ever pop back up or do I need to send something back before my wmr bars update. How can I requested another letter? I know what topic 151 means because it was there on the note and read ot also on IRS website I just want to know if anyone on this thread already have an update on their tax refunds after receiving topic 151 status. It is ridiculous that there is no way to reach a live person, or get an automated update other than it has been delayed beyond the normal time-frame. It is my understanding that the IRS will pay me a paltry interest for the delay and subsequently charge me tax on that interest. Chase Elliott, top left, leads a group during the NASCAR Cup Series race at Auto Club Speedway Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022, in Fontana, Calif. Marcio Jose Sanchez, Associated Press What does tax topic 151 mean and it says take action? I have the earned income credit from 2019 plus 2021 unemployment. I work full time as a nurse in a Physicians office. You are posting on a thread from last tax season. We were like wtf no obviously we didnt know that for some reason, no one told us that even though we have called the IRS several times and I even called the National Taxpayer Advocate service and the lady was EXTREMELY rude to me I told here that the IRS hadnt given us a very specific answer they said it could take up to 10 weeks okay? Anyway 6months into the year and still no refund for me! Same story almost exactly, tysm cause I was under the same impression up to 10 weeks not for exactly 10 weeks my 10th week is May 1st. If you are going to pay the debt or appeal the tax offset then there are different procedures that have to take place. This may happen if your return was incomplete or incorrect. My answer is be patient, look into the above steps and contact a tax advocate or tax professional if you get nowhere with the IRS. I faxed it back with a verification and have been waiting ever since. Thanks. The most common reasons for getting a tax offset are unpaid taxes, unpaid child support payments, and offsets for Federal student loans in default. Youll be able to resubmit your corrected return, and well tell you when its accepted by the IRS. The IRS says take action tax topic 151 your appeal rights This can be done for various credit claims such as Earned Income Credit or any of the education tax breaks (this is not all inclusive). Status Bars Disappeared for many Americans who filed early. We lost our vehicle due to a blown transmission and we have been counting on our return to get another vehicle. However, I can not get anyone on the phone or even an email address. I called the advocate line 6 times and left a message, they never called back. Depending on your financial situation, we can help set up an affordable payment plan, get penalties removed, and request an appeals review of your case. Tax Topic 151 is one of these topics, which stands for Offset of Your Refund.. Tax Topic 151 means your return is under review. I am an Enrolled Agent. . A tax topic 151 notice is a document from the IRS stating that the Department of Treasury is withholding or reducing your tax refund, why it is doing so, and that you can appeal. The IRS isnt even showing that they have received it yet. I spent my last 11 years at the I.R.S. I feel like I am never going to receive it. 69 days elapsed between June 12th and July 11th? Nothing had changed besides our new born. These updated FAQs were released to the public in Fact Sheet 2022-27 PDF, April 13, 2022.. is this normal. I really do not know what to do anymore. One of the more common questions refers to Topic 152, and this simply means that you are going to get a refund. I went off on the lady cuz this is pissing me off! I contacted someone for that letter ID and they agreed that the irs made a mistake. 161 says your refund has been . If we owed the irs money they would slap and enormous amount of interest on us. The business research group's present situation index which measures consumers' assessment of current business and labor market conditions ticked up to 152.8 from 151.1 last month. Been preparing taxes professionally for 10+ years. It will also let you know how to appeal this action. Wow!!! The IRS does not place phone calls or send e-mails to notify the taxpayer of an audit review. I have children and need to get a car asap where I live has no kind of public transportation so Im spending 200 a week in a cab to get to and from work. My question is, if 10 million ppl have refunds for 2 thousand dollars, thats 20 billion dollars. Whats Taking So Long? Hey, Im having this exact problem now. Only whats owed is subtracted from whatever balance remains after processing fees have been deducted and other expenses have been paid. I got $17 deposited from irs not sure what it is for because my refund was waaayyy more than that! I got the tt 151 over the weekend but i do not owe any federal agencies or anything like that. I am an Enrolled Agent. PATH Act, Tax Topic 152 and 151 Two of the most common refund related messages showing up on the WMR tool after your tax return is submitted are the PATH message and to Refer to Tax Topic 152. I checked offsets because I don't owe anything but I wanted to make sure, nothing there. The IRS says take action tax topic 151 your appeal rights TurboTax Deluxe Android 0 71 13,053 Reply 1 Best answer DDollar Level 7 June 5, 2019 11:11 PM It sounds like you received and letter from the IRS proposing an adjustment to your tax return. Enrolled Agent since 2008, Intuit Tax Expert since 2011. The reason for this is that the federal government has offset or deducted monies from your tax refund to cover debts you owe other federal agencies. Try to contact someone more local. The initial tax topic 151 letter is a notification that your tax return is under review. This filing requirement doesn't automatically mean your return is accepted and processed, however. **Say "Thanks" by clicking the thumb icon in a post. I am a single mother of 2 young children who needs to move ASAP and purchase another vehicle as the one I was driving just blew up on me. They need to get off their as$ and fix this. This means that your tax return is received by the IRs and its in the process. Too many glitches, but yea lets blame Trump! Irs received my verifying documents April 9, 2021 and they have still yet to process my return and send me the balance owed to me and when I've called im being told its first come first serve and I just have to wait until they get too mine to be released direct deposited to my account. You will receive a notice from us requesting additional information within 30 calendar days. Stimulus and your taxes FAQ: Look for Line . If your tax return is selected for an audit, you will be notified by the IRS by mail. In contrast, if you agree with the IRS numbers, you should pay the debt. I cant even get an tax advocate because theyre so booked up. I cant imagine having to wait for a return that was filed 2 years after they were due. The last one said they needed an additional 60- days to process. Its been almost 13 weeks since Ive filed. What should I do? So, it would be best to be careful because some debts or taxes have interest or penalties. Then TODAY July 6th we got another letter saying another 60 effing days. Topic No. Is Tax Topic 151 a audit? It is now AUGUST 2019 & STILL NO REFUND!! *eye roll*, IDC who the president is, they have zero control over the IRS. I suggest contacting a local IRS office in your state, you should be able to google the info.. .and here is a list for the local taxpayer advocates, they may be able to help as well and may be nicer, that has been my experience. This was no different in the latest tax season where a number of folks have commented on the extended delays they are seeing with the processing of their tax returns and payment of long overdue refunds. The IRS needs to get it together! The general timeline of e-filed returns is: Transmission > Acceptance > Processing > Approval > Refund. Have you resolved this, any updates. Filing your taxes. If filed jointly make sure both names are on your, More than 90% of individual income taxpayers e-file their returns (recommended), yet last year, about, It took the IRS on average 251 days (or more than 8 months) to make and respond to, Over 336,000 taxpayers could not file their returns or receive their refunds because i, While the IRS had reduced the number of suspended returns (those that require manual IRS reviews) to 5.4 million from 15.8 million earlier in the year, it is still taking, During the 2022 filing season, the IRS received about 73 million telephone calls. This has happened every year since the tool was first available. So, one way or another, the IRS is going to get the tax or debt from you. in Mand Enrolled Agent since 2008, Intuit Tax Expert since 2011. Have you heard anything or gotten your refund yet? They will give you an opportunity to dispute this collection, but you will have to prove you had no federal obligations. But they owe us money and we pay them so why cant we charge them interest on holding our money. During this time, the government reviews your refund (processing). Consent is not required as a condition of purchase. Im in college right now and Im a mom of 3, its almost impossible for me to hold a job at the same time I feel like the governments delays and the neglect they are showing through the IRS should be punished, not different from how they penalize a tax payer for being late on their payments. The patience is key but a person can only take so much till someone has to be held accountable and answer to this mess! IRS Topic 151, which stands for Offset of Your Refund, refers to the offset or reduction of your federal tax refund based on the money you owe to a federal agency. In addition to examination adjustments, many other things can be appealed, such as penalties, interest, trust fund recovery penalties, liens, levies, and offers in compromise. I dont know if anyone else has called but they are no help. 151 is still showing in the wmr. that gives you more flexibility in paying off your debts than a tax offset. I tried to get in touch with someone at the irs with no luck. for 33 years. In order to avoid a costly trial process, the IRS encourages taxpayers to settle disputes through an informal administrative process instead. Over 2 million past year returns are still pending processing, so you are not alone. This isnt the Presidents fault, but nice try! I hope and pray we get our refunds soon. If you receive the first of the tax topic 151 letters there is no need to worry. This is often the case due to not including a W-2, or a 1099-DIV, etc. I asked why didnt they tell anyone by letter or on Wheres my Refund? The IRS may send you instructions through the mail if it needs additional information in order to process your return. When you receive Tax Topic 151 letters from the IRS, they are communicating their intent to withhold some or all of your tax refund to pay off a debt owed to the government. Kelly. The national IRS and taxpayer advocates are extremely rude and unhelpful. USPS tracking confirms it was received July 20, 2021. I used Jackson Hewitt They didnt mail my tax form and had to have them do it again Then had to go to the IRS to confirm my identity then told 9 weeks I should get it. Tax Topic 151 means that you're getting a tax offset, which is where the Department of Treasury will be taking your refund to pay for something you owe. Im under review also can't find hardly any info on time frames. Your email address will not be published. This is beyond pissing America off. You may not receive all or part of your refund until we receive and review the information we requested. If you determine that the IRS is correct, then you simply need to pay (if you owe) or if the change benefits you, agree with the change and they will send you a refund. This is not business days, so you need to get the appeal in the mail quickly. Will Federal Unemployment be Extended in 2022? This is good or bad, depending on your situation. Usually paper checks are mailed on Fridays and you usually get within 1 week; the following Friday or sooner. All would be dead I was hit with tax topic 151 and received a letter to reply with verification that my 3 children (the same 3 i claim for the last years without an issue) had lived with me at the same address as me. The National tax payer advocate services (TAS) released some interesting statistics that confirm the ongoing challenges the IRS is facing in processing returns and paying refunds on time. This can be done for various credit claims such as Earned Income Credit or any of the education tax breaks (this is not all inclusive). The IRS recommends requesting Transcripts, instead. I have to say, its nice seeing others having to wait this long. Still no refund. Did you get any updates from IRS. When will I get my paper check if my Direct Deposit is delayed or rejected? Here we'll take a closer look at both of these options. She might have had a penalty, but the law is that she has three years that she can file for a refund. I have been waiting since Jan. and it will be June in a week. The IRS has several tax topics defining how it operates and how tax filers interact with the agency. well you fax it to them and you should get your refund a week later, actually IRS should have sent u a letter explaining what they need from you, if you haven't got the letter, call them. Doesnt match with experian credit check files at all (well, not for me). Especially for paper filed returns. I filed electronically Beginning of March 2021. It is a good idea to pay your debts. Did you ever get the rest of your refund? Get your biggest tax refund, guaranteed. If you have any outstanding debts with a federal agency like the IRS, this can decrease your refund amount. #SMDH. Another area of confusion for those expecting a refund is that when they get a refund it is actually less than theamount they were expecting or provided by their tax software provider. However, if the total amount for any tax period is below $25,000, then you can file a small case request rather than a formal written protest. If I can order my IRS tax transcript does it mean I am getting my refund direct deposited soon? The IRS will be sending you a letter about this. It will show you the refund date only when the refund has been approved and the IRS has finished processing it. The US Postal usually dont deliver refund checks until Saturday morning to prevent someone watching your mail and stealing the check. The IRS says take action tax topic 151 your appeal rights. I dont owe ant debts so why else would someone recieve the 151 take action? This is just absurd my boyfriend and i filed same day and he got his return in 5 days! 19-20 (Jun. Still nothing for the IRS!! Filed my tax return in FEBRUARY 2019., Topic 152 is a generic reference code that some taxpayers may see when accessing the IRS refund status tool. Reply. Is it because were on the lower financial end and we cant afford lawyers so they keep the refunds? Anyone else received this update? Im I not gonna get anything ? So, instead of getting that direct deposit or tax refund check, you're receiving notice of a tax refund offset. If youve received this notice, it means that your tax refund is either being reduced or withheld entirely by the Department of Treasury so that they can use it to pay for things that they believe you owe. handles taxpayer disputes with the IRS over things like income tax, estate tax, gift tax, and certain other taxes. that you may not have received in the mail. I dont understand why I there is no way to communicate with anybody about this. You will get a letter from the IRS explaining this offset to your federal refund and why itdiffers from what was estimated in your filed return. I called Friday just before the 4th of July and got told Id have it August 4th or sooner. 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