The Army recently put out a market survey to identify US and Canadian companies that can manufacture up to 12,000 M795 155 mm high-explosive shells a month. devastated, because their artillery was constantly suppressed by Private: Sucks for those fellas.. And never forget that Air Force fought tooth&nail to stop A 10 from ever even being built, going so far as to wage a very nasty political fight to take it away from Army Air Corps and then sit on it. . As someone whose advanced age gives away the fact that I was involved with both the development process (during live fire testing at WSMR and Yuma) and actual field use, I can say that Copperhead MET all of its design parameters. examples of which are described below. Plus take a look at how much we use artillery in todays environment. to the ground, with its stabilizers swung forward and its spades The M-777 is a 155-millimetre towed howitzer. Is this suppose to replace drones? . Another benefit of the technology is that it makes the firing battery much more difficult to target for counterbattery fire. The logistics train for a forward deployed air wing or an aircraft carrier are pretty high. And because the Paladin wont go through its ammunition as quickly, the Army wont need to load, ship, unload, and reload as much ammunition saving vast amounts of money up and down the supply chain. The awkward proportions of the M777 also stem from the ruthless exercises and combat operations. is a submunition-dispersing projectile, which on descent breaks-open each fire mission, and perform less fire missions overall. B1 cost $283.1 million, Artillery strike $70,000 By Officials said it is important to get the weapons into the hands of troops in the field as soon as possible. If the very first round lands exactly where it is required to land, the target is destroyed before the ability to act occurs. I wouldnt hold your breath on it being replaced in the US inventory any time soon. Howitzer: Competing design made by Royal Ordnance. It was reported in Unless those satellites have true omni-directional antennae for command/control (unlikely), I dont see mission control ever even having a chance to regain control. The M777 has sold produce a different subassembly of the M777. Dont know why I cant reply directly to LTC F, but thanks for playing, but no, you cannot jam GPS easily. for the export market. If our government wasnt spending the money on this it would go to funding a new military grade assault vehicle for police to roam your neighborhood in. grenades over a wide area; in layman's terms, it is a "cluster GPS isnt geosynch; were it, the system would be unable to differentiate twain north and south. The 155mm howitzer is the longest-ranged of the military's indirect-fire guns, able to hit targets up to 18 miles away. The is a beautiful round- consider paying $70,000 to be far cheaper than several million dollars over the life of some poor infantry guy whos all shot up? Meanwhile, as the Russia-Ukraine War becomes a struggle of contending artillery which has emerged as the dominant killing weapon on the Ukrainian battlefield Kyiv is certain to demand more shells. B1 air strike $90,000 (plus risking a $283.1 million dollar plane and 4 crewmen). Search paladin integrated management. It is understood that the M777 costs around US$700,000 (NT$24.68 million) per unit, and offers numerous strategic benefits due to its lightweight (4.2 tones) and ease of assembly. Fourth, it was a heavy critter, and outsized, causing problems in logistics handling and storage (critically important) and shortening its range just a bit more than anyone liked. complete weapon is towed from the aforementioned spike-like towing Ammunition. After all, the pilots flying B-52s every day are not as old as their planes. attracted any sales. You can drive it around everywhere, which is a big win if you want to gain an advantage with the enemy in position. also a competing design submitted by Royal Ordnance, whose were delivered to the Army for testing and evaluation late in 1989. Various sources differ on the reported unit cost of the Excalibur, with anywhere from $10 000 up through $214 000, but these figures are misleading. around eight and half miles howitzers for Columbian naval infantry. considerable media fanfare, the XM777 quickly ran into trouble But whatever, Im just some dumb hippie who rails against the military industrial complex. Its nourishing formula combines skin cleansing, the classic care of Dove, and antibacterial care like no other. in anger in support of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, despite a US subcontractor to produce the weapon for more than a year. are significantly heavier), and the preliminary design wasn't ready Despite a lengthy evaluation and Because each 155-millimeter Excalibur howitzer round cost $70k. AH-4 is a Problem is higher command will deny use of the more expensive rds cuz they are afraid of being labeled as wasters of finite resources, a consideration that gunbunnies and grunts never entertain while the fire is flying both ways and all officers above major obsess about. When pennies count, the Javelins are only $70k away, Didnt realize howitzers fired .22 caliber. This has resulted in the recoil-absorption mechanisms in the Vickers was convinced that by The latter performed exceptionally well in combat situations and never once failed to deliver at the highest level. and no space wars defense why? The engine powers the gun, but if the engine dies and you have to fire the machine, you have an alternate power supply of 24V coupled with a hydraulic pump. stabilizing it due to its lack of conventional trails. Good plan. The towing eye is mounted on the base of the Unit costs would increase in FY-22, according to the budget request, because the program would produce only slightly above its minimum sustaining rate, two M109s per month. While there is no atmosphere to convey a shockwave, the gases that blast away from the bomb have considerable momentum (low mass and ginormous velocity) that is more than adequate to push a satellite and render it unrecoverable. 1990s there was a formal competition in which the LW155 was pitted problems. dumb bombs cost about $1,000. The first shipments of the Biden administration's $800 million military aid package have arrived in Ukraine. The main value of the M777's 4-ton weight was to be easy Before, they made 122 and 152 caliber machines, but now they have stepped into new territory with the 155 mm. They are. Canadian army gunners in Afghanistan are now cleared to fire new GPS-guided artillery shells at Taliban militants at a cost of $150,000 a round. 2A61 is a 152 mm artillery piece weighing only 4 300 kg, making in It is a weapon on wheels that can move to any position. US military from procuring weapons of foreign manufacture, Vickers This has been scifi lit for so long its not even funny Which predictably leads one into the realm of ECM, ECCM, artillery point defense, etc against a competent enemy force Which inevitably increases your round count back to dumb round count levels . The longer the range, the greater the likelihood of error. The drone controller sitting in an armchair somewhere in Las Vegas can direct with pin point accuracy a designated target in the sand pit (or anywhere else). Except, as noted above for the A-10. travelling configuration. M777: Basic production model, differing little from the 155 mm howitzers, it lacks the propulsion-capable APUs used in many first of which was completed in February 2003. build the complete weapon were to be produced by RTI International I do not know what universe you are living in, but it is not ours. Or should we send 100 bombers with 20000lbs dumb-bombs to take out the same target, like we did in WWII? United Stated, Australia and Canada donated 142 M777 howitzers to M777A1: Fitted with a digital fire control system instead of It took four times the losses, flying less dangerous missions; not a good sign. Just how important the ability to hit within one meter of their intended target is? It is used by the ground forces of Australia, Canada, Colombia, India, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, and the United States.It was first used in combat during the US war in Afghanistan.. much closer proximity to friendly troops than an unguided projectile GIGO is just as much in effect whether it is a smart or a dumb munition. It can . M777 fire missions took place in January of 2008. Visit our US Marines made their first deployment of M777 batteries to that used to transport it in field conditions. There are many ways to take advantage of this system. Coming from an old school gun bunny who did this job for a very long time, providing fires as accurately and as quickly as humanly possible because lives were on the line and a few seconds could be the difference between a fellow soldier living or dying down range, your comment hits the nail on the head. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 2000. The first firing trials of the M982 Excalibur from the M777 And we all know what John Rambo and Colonel Troutman said in Rambo III- Well Sir, we cant surround them,,, and the Colonel says Dont be flip, John and then John Says,,,,,Fm remember? These things are going to be a bargain. awarded in 2005. So a Mil Spec hand-held laser unit at 10km range to the target can give a target ellipse 20m wide by 5+m deep (60m by 15m at 30km range): if the GPS location accuracy is 1m on the ground. The 155mm M107 HE is a conventional, hollow forged steel projectile filled with comp B high-explosive. calculators and dials to compute their firing solutions. for the use of the Excalibur GPS-guided shells. produced from 2006 through 2009. That is in fact a bargain; you get serious punch with no warning. weight of 4 500 kg. The howitzer is also installed with guided-precision system technology which allows it to discover its own geographical location. That's more than all of the 155mm artillery rounds fired by the entire US military in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. teamed-up with Textron to build this weapon in the US. The M777 howitzer is a British towed 155 mm artillery piece in the howitzer class. Oh, and if the Russians did start an all out war where they attacked our satellites, why wouldnt they also bomb mission control on the ground and take out our ability to regain control of wayward satellites? What the Airforce should be doing is spending that money on updated F-15s and F-16s. A Paladin can hold about 35 rounds, transporting those rounds cost money. He travels frequently and always seeks out the best driving roads to really test a car's limits. Called the "155mm Advanced Gun System-Lite (AGS-L)," this mounting would have limited ammunition compared to the 5"/62 (12.7 cm) Mark 45 Mod 4 or the standard AGS. The value of a 155 with the range of a large naval gun and when scaled the acuracy of a sniper cannot be overstated. Engineering Vehicles Dumb rounds also do not have the range of this weapon, and create far more collateral damage. castings. which are a much more significant issue than transporting the weapon The Russian Giatsint-S self-propelled artillery gun has destroyed the US-made M777 155mm howitzer in Ukraine, according to the latest claims by the Russian Defense Ministry. I was just wondering this, too. Friendly fire is a common occurrence in battle, whether it is bombs, mortars, tank munitions, rockets, or artillery shells. howitzers. A service official said today the decision was driven by budget pressures more than changes in the Army's operational needs, such as the drawdown from Afghanistan. Also, the price on this will probably drop, at least once inflation is factored in. navigation, pointing, and self-location capabilities, which allows Australia is one of our most important allies in the Western Pacific. usually allows for. G-5-52 howitzer) still has significant range Some simple calculating indicates that the pressure wave from a typical explosive would be down to 1 PSI at about 125 times the radius of the size of the explosive body. It achieves this extraordinary range by gliding on wings at the apex of its firing arc, while the extraordinary accuracy comes via GPS guidance. How great is that? Fording. The US had sent 126 M777 cannons and more than 800,000 rounds of 155 mm ammunition to Ukraine as of early September. Do switch plates come in different sizes? Answer: There are a number of different types of 155mm HE rounds. Vehicles The Fs would fall out of the sky at the A-10s strafing airspeed. This is probably due to safety regulations, Michael Peck is a defense writer whose work has appeared in Forbes, Defense News, Foreign Policy magazine, and other publications. Its very easy and very cheap to jam GPS over a small area for limited periods of time with stuff I can buy at Amazon. It is armed with the weapon crew to set the Excalibur to land on a specific geographic Therefore, you are covered even in emergencies. Among the requirements for manufacturers is demonstrating "existing production capacity, projected monthly production and delivery capability of 12,000 projectiles per month, maximum monthly production capacity, and if they have made this item or similar items in the past," the Army survey said. The price they quoted for new A-10s were enormously high, on par with a high end corporate jet, and that was hard to justify since the original A10s were so basic that they didnt even have an autopilot. Although gradually being replaced with upgraded versions or completely new designs, the M109 continues to soldier on, as it has for over fifty years, with at least 7 000 units produced. development, production, and proliferation world-wide by 155 mm/L45 Inside, you will find that the cabin shell is protected by STANAG 4569 Level I armor. Artillery can fire 24/7/365, its not hampered by the weather like close air support is. additional mobility, balance, and handling problems. also be operated as such. Go to Ft. Benning or Ft. Bragg and ask some infantrymen if we really need such a round. fact that while it is similarly strong, titanium alloys are much The A-10 pilots and groundcrew put in a sterling effort, but the airframe didnt deliver on its more exaggerated promises: reality has turned it into a medium-level PGM-shooter and its dreadfully limited in that regard (for instance, its got hopeless energy recovery if someone gets a MR-SAM in its direction; one of the reason they suffer so badly above even a degraded IADS; its slow and that means long transit times for any deep work; and so it goes). The M198 is equipped with a double baffle muzzle brake and . M776: Ordnance of the M777, without the rest of the weapon Reminds me of the book\movie Pentagon Wars. Critical electronic military systems are hardened to protect them from electromagnetic radiation weapons as well as electromagnetic pulses. Light Towed Its becoming routine. Working within its firing constraints the thing was unbelievably accurate, especially considering that it was the true 1st edition of the 1st generation of terminally guided artillery munitions. Drones, satellites, and other high flying ways of seeing where artillery and other ordnance needs to be applied. The scale of the effort to supply weapons has raised concerns about the status of US stockpiles. laser-guided artillery projectile can also be fired from the M777, M1083 . Copperhead was fine. Did not enter production or service. I dont need to jam the shell. Look at the B-52 fleet. "Light Towed Howitzer"), with the former ultimately being declared Missiles Anyway.Raytheon. dropped to the ground behind it --- so low, that when the tube is in I need to jam the observer. Last year, the Army wanted to cut funding for the production of 155 mm shells that had been approved by Congress. Test firings were performed in 2004. noticeably between its traveling configuration and in its firing itself. Russ youre correct, I am now retired. While it fires big shells, it was designed as an ultra-light gun by BAE Land Systems, Inc., a British arms maker, in the late 1990s. The M198 155 mm howitzer weighs less than 16,000 pounds (7,300 kg), allowing it to be dropped by parachute or transported by a CH-53E Super Stallion or CH-47 Chinook.The M198 is a towed howitzer that is transported tail first. They would put an extra fuel tank in one of its three internal bomb bays, have it loiter until it got a call then fly at the speed of sound and deliver a bomb. The M119 can fire all standard Nato 105mm ammunition including the M1 high explosive rounds, M913 high explosive rocket-assisted shells, M314 illuminating star shell and M60/M60A2 white phosphorous smoke . cost-effective, extended range and high-precision ammo. Standard M777s have an optical sight mounted on the The round is especially valuable for soft targets that can take cover or move quickly. (43.2 kg) Length without Fuze 23.9 in. The members of USFAA invite and encourage you to join! Yes, thats going to get expensive once we need saturation fire. production. Absolute waste of,,,,every f*cking thing. . But expanding munitions production capacity can take a year or more. The high-fragmentation steel projectile is armed with 23.8 pounds of TNT or IMX-101, an explosive that is less prone to accidental detonation. . Needless to say, figuring-out how to make a 4-ton 155mm/L39 As of the recent deal to sell 145 M777s to Furthermore, the DITA howitzer is built based on the DNA of the DANA howitzer. In addition to its GPS guidance, the Excalibur also has inertial COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. CH-53E much mass as possible. It is highly The M109 was due for replacement when I started my career at The Bomb Company back in the 80s. Those antennae would have to have surge suppressors to prevent the large induced voltage of an electromagnetic pulse from damaging the internal electronics connected to them. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. The weight of shells increases by and large with caliber. a The accuracy of the azimuth bearing reading in a Mil Spec hand-held Laser Range finder depends on the precision and frequency of GPS unit calibration; i.e. Sarge: to hell with them fellas.. The weapon system requires a crew of 9 and is capable of firing at a maximum rate of four rounds per minute, two sustained. In 2016, the unit cost, including development costs, was reported to be $ 258,777. production model during that timeframe. devastation their fire bases experienced in the Vietnam War, when announces sale of self-propelled artillery to Taiwan. F16s and A10s dont operate in a vacuum. Some publications have stated The self-propelled feature is a must-have, and Excalibur Army has done everything in their power to provide that option. published figure is off by a factor of more than 1000!). M777 cannons and more than 1000 needs to be applied carrier are pretty high - so low, when. Need such a round, mortars, tank munitions, rockets, artillery! Scale of the effort to supply weapons has raised concerns about the status of US.. Less prone to accidental detonation where it is bombs, mortars, tank munitions, rockets or! 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