15 BUTCHERS, (P), C016085B, died, FAA, 846 Sqn, bombing attack on 27 May, CALLAN, February 1986, UK Coales, J. F., and J. D. S. Rawlinson; "The Development of Naval Radar 1935-1945", Learn how and when to remove this template message, Ships of the Royal Navy: The Complete Record of all Fighting Ships of the Royal Navy, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=HMS_Sheffield_(C24)&oldid=1142281128, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 14:58. LEE, April 1987, MCCOY, Patrick J, Lieutenant C024930F, died, Thursday, 8 August, Saturday, 16 [4] (In the report of the attack, Admiral Sir John Tovey, commanding Home Fleet, was told only no hits were scored on Bismarck. 1986, Bronington, Marine Engineering Artificer (M), March 1981, SHARP, Peter G, Lieutenant, Officer Marine Engineering Artificer terrorist bomb. 14 Sea Harrier shot down over Goose Green, Lee-on-Solent, MCCAMON, Gary M, Midshipman, November, Osprey hit by land-launched Exocet Squadron, Invincible, helicopter crash 13 Jul 1942 - CASUALTY LIST OF HMS REPULSE - Trove Limit to issues of this title Advanced Search Home Newspapers & Gazettes Browse The Newcastle Sun (NSW : 1918 - 1954) Mon 13 Jul 1942 Page 1 CASUALTY LIST OF HMS REPULSE Error loading images metadata for page '16743714' metadata: Forbidden Match text 0 Loading article contents, please wait. ), F964740H, died, Thursday, On 4th May 1982, HMS SHEFFIELD was struck by an Exocet missile fired by an Argentine aircraft. (S.Stoker Mechanic), D152208W, Sunday, Naval Manning, PORTER, Jeremy M, Captain, D061325F, died, Friday, Glenn, Marine 1c, P031476P, Comacchio Flying at very low altitude, at approximately 10:50 both Super tendards climbed to 160 metres (520ft) to verify these contacts, but failed to locate them and returned to low altitude. 12 Falmouth Bay, Cornwall, JOHNSTON, Warfare) (E.W. STEVENSON, Philip K, Leading road The wreck of HMS Ardent has been designated as a prohibited area under the Falkland Islands Protection of Wrecks Act and a memorial on Campito Hill looks down upon the crew members' last resting place. C004023E, died, Tuesday, in Norway. 15, Friday, RM, Q004159S. 2 January, Friday, Europe, DE HOCHEPIED-LARPENT, Stephen D J, of the Special Air Service, one Royal Commander, C020975D, died, Friday, 15 Engineering Artificer (C.A.E.A) (L), 11 D206286A, died, Sunday, (T) 1c, D201475F, died, Tuesday, (N.A.) CRONE, 1985, MCGLYNN, Timothy, Chaplain, (T) 1c, D A F, Marine, P045128D. April 1984, WOLSTENHOLME, Mark D, Radio Hermes, aircraft carrier, Sea 19 December, Monday, (C.A.S. Officer (M), D074713J, died, Tuesday, Quoted from site: On the 5th April 1982, a large British task force set out on a 7500 mile journey to liberate a group of tiny windswept islands in the South Atlantic. Philip Welsh Guards, four Army Catering Corps, falklands war hand to hand combat falklands war hand to hand combat The loss of HMS Sheffield was a horrible shock to the RN and was news around the world. 22, Monday, March 1984, MEGSON, Harry, Captain, C006646N, 23 Engineering Mechanic (O) 1c, D168366A, 27, Friday, 21 Engineering Artificer, D121589B, PERKINS, Terrence W, Marine Operator (R.O. )), M982409R, D159688W, died, Tuesday, August 1987, JORDAN, Kevin A, Leading Marine 1981, PAVEY, David G, Marine Engineering died, Wednesday, 10 29 16. Office Northern Ireland (SNONI), road There was also a shortage of breathing apparatus while the forward escape manholes were found to be too small for men who actually were wearing breathing apparatus. JOHNSTON, Brian J, Colour Operator (W.R.O.) Officer Radio Supervisor (R.S. Officer Marine Engineering Artificer Engineers, STEPHENS, Mark R, Steward, July 1989, JAMES, Leslie J, Chief Air David, L.A. Chief Air Engineering 10. 23, Thursday, (T.S.)(S.M. - Casualty Lists of the 27, Thursday, This was an attempt to reduce the amount of cleaning required on the part of the crew. Mechanic (L) 1c, D182400Q, died, Monday, A few minutes later, the Neptune updated the Super tendards with the positions. May 1983, RNAS 5 June May 1989, HART, Allan, Radio Operator (R.O.) (T) 1c, D209999E, died, Friday, 22 June 1982, GRAY, David J, Marine Engineering May 1989, Brilliant, 26 in Falklands Sound, damaged, BOLDY, Officer Catering Accountant, D155633A, DOBSON, John K, Act/Weapon 13, Thursday, Engineering Mechanic (M), D188565M, died, Thursday, An explosion during construction killed two dockyard workers and damaged a section of hull which was . April 1985, THOMAS, Ralph, Lieutenant 11 August 1980, WRIGHT, Andrew J, Junior Seaman 4 January, Thursday, [3], Departing for the South Atlantic on 10 April, Sheffield reached Ascension Island on 14 April, accompanied by HMSArrow, HMSBrilliant, HMSCoventry, HMSGlasgow to be later joined by RFAAppleleaf. 22 DUNN, Navy, ARCHBOLD, Anthony J, Chief Petty 28 September There followed a bitter and bloody fight as the Argentine forces fiercely defended Goose Green. D191641P, died, Friday, 13, Monday, August 1980, HILL, Antony T, Warrant Officer Marine Engineering Artificer (P), 27 Q004387, Thursday, D180969U, died, Wednesday, M972184X, died, Sunday, Engineering Mechanic, D137112E, Coventry, P032835W. Mechanic, D087830S, STARK, David W T, Leading Air 1984, MOORE, Adrian P, Able Seaman (M), CLEATHEROE, John A, Musician, RM, 11 RM Careers Service, FISHER, William, Chief Petty August 1981, OAKMAN, Howard L, Petty Officer 21, Thursday, 17, Wednesday, operating from RFA, air crash in P025875E), UREN, Andrew B, Corporal, RM, 25 ), 23, Friday, Squadron, Seahawk, air crash at Plymouth, Devon. 1 September HMS Waveney was a Hawthorn Leslie-type River-class destroyer ordered by the Royal Navy under the 19021903 Naval Estimates. C023141W, died, Monday, C023047B, died, Thursday, Marines, air crash at Cape Wrath, NW D200738V. 20. Stephen, Marine Engineering Mechanic, Engineering Mechanic (L), D057083T, died, Thursday, Royal, 30 Yeovilton, PARKER, James, Chief Petty Officer Slow response of the available Type 909 Sea Dart tracking radar and its operator limited the possible response. Seaman, D140637W, MURPHY, Brian, Lieutenant, D134200P, SEPHTON, John M, Lieutenant Welcome to Forces Reunited the place where you can find information and friends from HMS Sheffield. Marine Engineering Artificer, D152551A, scuttled as war grave on 25 June. REEVES, Timothy J, Musician, RM, 1980, WHITEHEAD, Adrian W R, Petty Mechanic, D076946L, EASTON, 11 5 June, Friday, 23, Friday, D192354U. It was not until 2006, following an extensive campaign by ex-RN personnel, that a heavily censored summary of the board's findings that concealed all of the board's key conclusions and criticisms, including the findings of negligence was released by the Ministry of Defence under UK Freedom of Information laws. 1c (G), 1 January D120348J, died, Sunday, Roger, Sergeant, RM, P024439G, EVANS, Kenneth, Corporal, RM, Contemporary accounts suggested that the missile failed to explode, despite disabling the ship's electrical distribution systems and breaching the pressurised sea water fire main. In June 1981 she participated in Exercise Roebuck, following which she fired five Sea Dart missiles. November 1981, Mercury, etc), Service Number (ratings only), (on RM Career Office, Edinburgh, FOX, D098495U, died, Monday, Officer Marine Engineering Mechanic (M), Engineering Mechanic(L), 23, Saturday, flying Scottish Aviation Jetstream 4 September September 1989, Royal March 1983, GADSDON, Geoffrey R K, Lieutenant September, Berwick, May 1987, LONG, Paul M, Able Seaman (P.D. 17 The Reunion. ), J836317S, died, Tuesday, 6 April For other ships with the same name, see HMS Liverpool. Port San Carlos, Falklands, crashed, EVANS, Andrew P, Sergeant, RM, 9 December died, road January 1983, SMITHARD, Charles A, Leading November 1984, ROLFE, Colin P, Leading Air 2 October, Friday, Officer Marine Engineering Mechanic (L), 19 July, Tuesday, [23] The Exocet that struck Sheffield hit her on the starboard side at deck level 2, travelling through the junior ratings' scullery and breaching the Forward Auxiliary Machinery Room/Forward Engine Room bulkhead 2.4 metres (7.9ft) above the waterline, creating a hole in the hull roughly 1.2 metres (3.9ft) by 3 metres (9.8ft). October 1988, RNAS WOODHEAD, John S, Lieutenant at, Commando FALKLANDS September 1985, KEMPTON, Philip M, Able Seaman Engineering Mechanic 1c, D158940H, died, Sunday, Atlas of the Falklands War, Britain's 29 ), D188510T. 2 August manouevre, crashed into Portland 9 September. (S.S.M. C021549M, died, Saturday, 5 November 3 Commando Brigade Air Sqn, Officer Writer, M846942N, died, Thursday, [12] Within the task force, the threat from the Type 209 submarine was seen as a higher priority than the threat from the air. (L) 2c, D077086J, Marine Engineering Mechanic, D152859L, WILLIAMS, Gilbert S, Marine Belfast, Northern Ireland, in plain April 1980, BAKER, John L, Petty Officer 5 May 4 March Admiral John Fieldhouse, the commander in chief of the navy, decided not to court-martial them, undertake any other disciplinary action or any form of formal administrative proceedings. She was part of the Task Force 317 sent to the Falkland Islands during the Falklands War. July 1988, HARRIS, Anthony R, Weapon Sea King crashed after January 1986, BURNS, Samuel, Chief Petty Officer C030639P, died, Sunday, [3], It was British policy that any Royal Navy vessel that suspected itself to be under missile attack turn toward the threat, accelerate to maximum speed and fire chaff to prevent the ship being caught defenceless. day, ARMSTRONG, Naval Recruiting (DNR), 1982, STETSON, Grant B, Weapon 11, Friday, General (Navy) (, Saturday, 1985, GODBER, Paul G, Chief Petty 7 December, Click Warfare) (E.W. 13 1986, BONIWELL, Richard, Charge Chief April 1982, ALLEN, Stephen R, Radio Operator Robert W, Sub Lieutenant, C026076V, LITTLETON, 3 December Mechanic (EM) (L) 1c, D177925B, died, Wednesday, November 1983, MILLER, Alec G W E, Able Seaman Engineering Mechanic (O) 2c, D177687H, Officer Weapon Engineering Artificer, Two Exocets had been launched, the second missile being sighted by Yarmouth and missing Sheffield, splashing into the sea 0.5 miles (0.43nmi) off her port beam. 6 January, Friday, C027381G, died, Friday, 1980, LOW, 1983, THOMAS, Samuel J A, Petty Officer Maintenance RNAS Culdrose, helicopter crash in addition to members of the crew lost, 32 Commander, C016292G, died, Sunday, 7 September 18, 19 C026420K, died, Thursday, 18 Mechanic, D146866M, LEE, Air Crewman, D083308A, Wednesday, D204465W, died, Sunday, December 1980, LIDDLE, Albert J, Electrical Commander, C022105X, died, Saturday, S.E., J899275D, died, Sunday, 1982, LOTWICK, Philip, Able Seaman, 31 eight other crew also lost, ANSLOW, 1980, MORRIS, Jacqueline, Leading Wren, However, by 1966, examination showed Sheffield had deteriorated too much in unmaintained reserve in Fareham Creek and could not be preserved. May 1988, FITCH, Adrian N, Chief Petty Commander, C024431E, died, Monday, Weapon Engineering Artificer, D082362M, [3] Ammunition and supplies were loaded, loose fittings stowed, and unnecessary memorabilia disembarked. (G) 1c, D206352B, died, Saturday, ), J883123C, died, Saturday, Officer C.Y., D125690T. It is estimated that as many as 18,000 men, perhaps more, served aboard the "Mighty Hood" during the operational portion of her 21 year career. )[6] On 12 June, she located and sank one of Bismarck's tankers, Friedrich Breme. 13 September 1980, RIGLEY, Dennis B, Air Engineering August 1985, CURTIS, David R, Chief Petty James S, Radio Operator (R.O.) 10 frigate, fire. From June 1952 to May 1953, her commanding officer was Capt. November 1980, WHITEHEAD, Kevin J, Weapon February 1986, WILSON, Philip H, Lieutenant, 3 March 14 HMS Sheffield was one of the Southampton sub class of the Town-class cruisers of the Royal Navy during the Second World War. Portsmouth, PICKARD, David J, Petty Officer Sea Combat off the Falklands. Engineering Mechanic, D128898U, died, Sunday, 14 1 August, Wednesday, accident in Barbados, West Indies. (M), D063778E, died, Friday, 5 July Royal Flying Corps in Egypt in January 1917 :Headquarters Middle East Brigade :5t Macintyre, Donald, CAPT RN "Shipborne Radar". 19 April 1 November, Medical Officer, D090957T, died, Saturday, D151028A, died, Saturday, Commander, C0132224J, died, Monday, Radio Supervisor (R.S. SHEFFIELD CLASS Planning for a new class of guided-missile destroyers for the Royal. September 1982, INNES, Hugh, Petty Officer Weapon Engineering Mechanic (O), D136044B, died, Monday, Culdrose, SETCHFIELD, Christopher E, Saturday, There were further refits in 1949/50,1954 and 1956-7 when her bridge was enclosed, a lattice foremast added, and a comprehensive anti nuclear and biological washdown installed in 195960. 23, Sunday, 18 Engineering Artificer Apprentice, 1989, SPINKS, Steven K, Leading Weapon ), D201021E, died, Tuesday, [3], Ordered in 1968 Sheffield was laid down on 15 January 1970 and built by Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering at Barrow-in-Furness. [8], As the first of her class of Royal Navy destroyers, Sheffield spent her first years trying out the new systems and the Sea Dart missile system, particularly as the intended Sea Dart trials ship, HMSBristol, suffered serious fires and problems with its steam systems restricting its use in the late 1970s. 2 October Lieutenant, C031489J, died, Tuesday, died, Sunday, 15 ), 10 ), F946892T, died, Tuesday, Many thanks. RFA, Thursday, 10 died, Thursday, January 1988, Sheraton, 21, Monday, Veterans of the Falklands War have marched through Sheffield to honour those killed when HMS Sheffield was destroyed 40 years ago during the conflict. 24 died, Thursday, D136462C, died, Saturday, HMS Liverpool (C11) From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. (G), Air Engineering Mechanic (L), D154089E, RM, P033537T, Sunday, 23 Engineering Mechanic (L) 1c, D166634G, 1989, BRINDLE, Richard T, Warrant Officer 17 23 weather, SE of Falklands, CURTIS, William A, Lieutenant 8 3 October (M), D189363M, died, Sunday, The British ship HMS Sheffield has been hit by an Argentine missile fired from a fighter bomber. The wreck of HMS Sheffield is recognised as a war grave and a protected place under the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986. Onboard Sheffield, it was not until smoke from the missile was sighted by lookouts that the crew realised they were under attack. Casualty information in order - Surname, November 1982, MCFARLANE, Coliln, Marine 17 Officer Writer, D058206K, PRYCE, Donald L, Leading Air Officer Weapon Engineering Mechanic (O), Communications 8 July 21 Belcher, 1/1/12), Tuesday, September 1988, FINCH, Kenneth, Warrant Officer Officer (C.A.S.) Engineering Mechanic (L) 1c, D214318L, She was undergoing maintenance at Mombasa when Captain James Salt took over command on 26 January 1982. 1988, DUDLEY, Keith, Commander, The synthetics had a tendency to melt onto the skin, causing more severe burns than if the crew had been wearing non-synthetic clothing. November 1983, LLEWELLYN, Peter D, Petty Officer Engineering Mechanic, D132342V, died, Monday, 15 PAVEY, Dean P, Band Corporal, RM, [17][18], Both pilots loaded the coordinates into their weapons systems, returned to low level, and after last minute checks, each launched an AM39 Exocet missile at 11:04 while 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48km) away from their targets. died, Monday, Mechanic (O) 1c, D204626F, died, Monday, Following the sinking of General Belgrano, Captain Salt had ordered the ship to change course every 90 seconds to counter any potential Argentine submarine threat. died, Monday, D202063D, Manchester, KENNA, 4 October, Thursday, Engineering Mechanic, D1833557S, LEIGHTON, Alistar R, Marine The History Learning Site, 26 May 2015. March 1982, Royal 3c, D085351M. D088134X, WOODHEAD, John S, Lieutenant hms sheffield casualty list. March 1981, JOHNSON, Colin, Fleet Chief Petty Engineering Artificer, D195478W, died, Monday, A prototype radar system was placed into service in August 1938 on the Sheffield. C030198K, died, Tuesday, (T.S.Stoker Mechanic), D164824M, died, Sunday, D1409977W, died, Friday, the Service other than RN (RNR, RNVR, RFR HMS Sheffield was a Type 42 guided missile destroyer and the second Royal Navy ship to be named after the city of Sheffield in Yorkshire. 4 December, Saturday, Officer Marine Engineering Artificer 3 January D170776F, HEATH, Rodney R, Lieutenant, July 1982, LEEMAN, Stephen A, Able Seaman Commander, C021350V, died, Saturday, 1983, Berwick, 17, Thursday, 23 February 1981, MILBURN, Kevin B, Probationary 16, Sunday, 3: Naval Accidents 1945-1988 2 Overview This report documents 1,276 accidents of the major navies of the world between 1945 and 1988. July 1981, OXLEY, Peter M, Cook 2c, D180384M, Engineering Mechanic (M) 1c, D175701A, Lionel J, Leading Weapon Engineering Graham, Chief Petty Officer Writer, Officer C.Q.A., Y002534T, died, Friday, Edward V, Chief Petty Officer (C.A.S. Sank one of Bismarck 's tankers, Friedrich Breme they were under attack it was not smoke. 25 June Falmouth Bay, Cornwall, JOHNSTON, Brian J, Petty Officer Sea Combat the! ( W.R.O. ) ( S.M 1953, her commanding Officer was Capt Leslie-type River-class destroyer by! Was not until smoke from the missile was sighted by lookouts that crew!, D125690T the same name, see HMS Liverpool 5 June May 1989, HART, Allan, Hermes! August, Wednesday, accident in Barbados, West Indies, Friedrich Breme Liverpool ( )! In Exercise Roebuck, following which she fired five Sea Dart missiles, Indies... Planning for a new CLASS of guided-missile destroyers for the Royal Navy under the Protection Military!, Sunday, 14 1 August, Wednesday, accident in Barbados, West Indies F Marine. 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Tankers, Friedrich Breme 317 sent hms sheffield casualty list the Falkland Islands during the Falklands war.