The more you play with it, the harder it gets. A dirty joke is a joke that is usually considered inappropriate because of its indecent punchline. Why did Mrs. Claus want to divorce Santa Claus? One sperm asked the other, How far till we reach the fallopian tubes? The other replied, Not sure, but we just passed the esophagus. is a submarine. What kind of bees produce milk for a living? 24. #101 - 90. What do going down on an old woman and a pork pie have in common? Women always exaggerate how big it is. Two sperm swimming side by side were having a conversation. They can both smell it but cant eat it. What do your girlfriend and a pool have in common? It is a sin to put it in at all, but its really a shame to pull it out once youve started. 13. Potty humor is forever and it's good for us. I farted at work the other day and my boss opened the window. Howie gonna get it on if you wont open the door? #35. One hundred dollars. 35. Cause Im China get in those pants. 70. #25. 4. If you were born in September, its pretty safe to assume that your parents started their new year with a bang. I want you inside me. Whats the difference between a peeping tom and a pickpocket? Its usually not hard at all! Why are Penises the lightest things in the world? What do a boyfriend/girlfriend and a math test have in common? Beef strokin off. 6. Unfortunately it went under. Kiss. A submarine goes by. What's 6 inches long, 2 inches broad, and drives ladies insane? A trip without kids. A $100 bill. A guy will actually search for a golf ball. What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree? Im so f*cking wet! Why areyoushaking? A worm crawls out of a pile of spaghetti and says: Damn, that was one hell of a gang bang!. The man. What belongs to used but gets used by everyone else more than you? A subwoofer. How To Manage Your Crypto Portfolio in The Most Efficient Way Possible, 5 Accessories to Dress Up Your Holiday Outfit. Whos there? We are in the same boat. It got stuck in a crack. This blog post is all about dirty jokes to tell your friends. The human taste for crude humor starts very early, which is true of good jokes for kids too. 59. Whats long and hard and full of semen? 80. Give it to me now! She can scream all she wants, Im not giving her the damn umbrella. Why does Santa Claus have such a big sack? 31. 32. All she told me was, The man goes on top and the woman underneath. For three years my husband and I slept in bunk beds. (Joan Rivers). 23. What could you call someone who claims that they dont masturbate? Got a twelve inch sub. #50. 33. Why isnt there a pregnant Barbie doll? What did the O say to the Q? Potty humor is timeless and universal. Uncles. #51. She talked too much, made the boat rock constantly, tried to stand up . It doesn't cure it, but it keeps the sheets off my legs at night. Comes back all wet. Were not mad, just disappointed. Youve been voted Most Beautiful Girl In This Room and the grand prize is a night with me! Two sardines swim at the bottom of the sea. He only comes once a year. The man. 82. Ice cream who? Want to add more to your collection of crude jokes? A glad-he-ate-her. Whats the difference between Ooh and Aah? Dirty Jokes #79 - 70. Kinky is when you tickle your girlfriend with a feather; perverted is when you use the whole bird. What does a robot do after a one-night stand. She loves researching, creating and sharing information on this topic. Why do walruses love a Tupperware party? Knock knock. what did the sailor say to the other when they had a problem? How do you make a pool table laugh? How do you breathe out of that thing? Bubble Gum! The reason the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines bicker 38. Wife asks her husband: How many women have you ever slept with?Husband responds: One, two, three, four, you, five, six six total. 34. #45. Did you hear about the guy who dipped his balls in glitter? But men can fake a whole relationship. What do you call a marine who can't swim? Condoms have evolved: Theyre not so thick and insensitive anymore. #28. Ill be the nine. Please divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision. 48. Knock, Knock! Would you like to be on the list? They both take it in the back and go whoot whoot.. Video: Finnish Navy and Yle mistakenly follow Russian nuclear submarine What is the difference between a Catholic priest and a zit? "Well," snarled the tough old Navy Chief to the bewildered Seaman. If you like this post, you will love 110 Most Upvoted Chuck Norris Jokes. Whos there? Its OK to feel that way, and its best to just laugh at it.. A gallon of mouthwash. Seconds later he darts off, never to be seen again. 2. Hold onto your nuts, this aint no ordinary blowjob. What are the three shortest words in the English language? 21. If women drink a glass of red wine, it increases the chance of a stroke. and its dream was to be a submarine. If we dont get some support, people will think were nuts. What do you call a guy with a giant dick? Anita you right now! About three inches. "That bad, huh," his friend responded. 18. ZOO . 34. #3. Whats the difference between kinky and perverted? What do you do when your cat passed away? I asked. Rubbit. Every time you open a window, something goes wrong. 65. 47. So theyd have at least one way to shut a woman up. #15. Why Is My Throat So Dry? Im always on top of important things. They both irritate the shit out of you. Fucking hot! What do a penis and a Rubiks Cubes have in common? Why do mice have such small balls? Just knock. This may seem corny, but you make me really horny. Dewey have a condom ready? Are you a campfire? Want to know a proven way a man and woman can be friends without s3x? I just need someone to blow me. Whore House. 53. Whats the difference between a microwave and a woman? Oral sex makes your day. One is a good year. Keep up with Mlanie on Instagram, Twitter and Please pray for who? What do a near-sided gynecologist and a puppy have in common? Sublime t shirt urban outfitters; He's cleaned about 3 dishes when the officer walks up again. Two men broke into a drugstore and stole all the Viagra. Click here for full disclosure policy. Tap To Copy. Whats the difference between the sound of Oooh! and Aaah!? It didn't go down well. The more you play with it, the harder it gets. Congratulations! 78. But I think this sub's doing even better! How do you know that you have a high sperm count? A tearjerker. 49. 54. What do you call a herd of cows masturbating? In a submarine. 89. #22. What do you call two jalapeos getting it on? Because she probably outgrew her B-shells! What does the receptionist at a sperm bank say as clients leave? They're built with sub-standard materials! 20. Working on the computer is like driving a submarine. Ice cream all night if youre lucky. "Don't worry, dear. Is Your Anxiety Sabotaging YourRelationship? What are 3 two letter words that mean small? Call and tell her about it. A submarine. You knock on the door and they'll come out saying "Haha! Harry. Hearing and telling dirty jokes is good for us, and the best jokes let us laugh at and talk about what might otherwise stay hidden. How do you get a Nun pregnant? Whos There? Dirty Jokes #49 - 40. 13. 60. Whats the difference between a hooker and a drug dealer? There are some navy submarine depth charge jokes no one knows ( to tell your friends) and to make you laugh out loud. Because they wont stop to ask for directions. 98. Whats the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom? Whats the difference between a Greyhound terminal and a lobster with boobs? 19. What did Cinderella do when she got to the ball? Cherry float! 22. I hope you identify as a trampoline because I want to bounce on you. Love is like a broken machine sometimes you need a good screw to fix it. Why cant I spot any blind men on a nudist beach? The male whale, disappointed that they might get away, asked the female whale Lets catch them and just eat them up. But this time, the female whale doesnt want to join in: Look, I did the blow job just like you asked, but I really dont want to swallow the seamen. 14. One says to the other, "I am NEVER going to take my wife fishing with me, ever again!". It's a shame The Beatles didn't make the submarine in that song green. PRINT EMBED THE COMPLETE LIST OF FUNNY dirty JOKES: . My grandpa doesnt want me to work long term on a submarine Whats the difference between you and the refrigerator? 59. What do you call a German stealth WW2 submarine? What's the difference between kinky and perverted? What did the O say to the Q? 36. How many Bitcoin maxis does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A wet nose. 88. Why does Dr. Pepper come in a bottle? Dewey! About four inches. A private tutor. If you like this post, you will also like 101 Most Upvoted Deez Nuts Jokes of All-Time. 28. Because the old one has shaky hands. This blog post was all about dirty jokes. 44. Most of the middle sections are missing, and the two ends have been pushed together, making it only a 4 foot san. Not to say the manager of our local football team isnt very experienced, but he turned on the floodlights to bring on his sub. if you do it too long you will go blind. The son replied Dad, Im over here. Funny Dirty Jokes Shutterstock / Wazzkii What did the toaster say to the slice of bread? The refrigerator doesnt moan when I put my meat in it. They do the same about swedes). Well I have. DOS Boot. 93. A human submarine, What does the crew of the HMS Nando submarine use to spot incoming ships? Or, two falls and a sub mission. Woops, wrong sub, The other day, I was on a submarine tour. The other is a great year. Getting into those tight pants or getting you out of them? Whats the difference between a Catholic priest and a zit? Synopsis of Children of the Night - The Navy Commander said 'Kids these days spent more time dividing than conquering'. Its a pretty good -boat. The funniest submarine jokes only! Short Rude And Funny Dirty Jokes #1. 99. It was under too much pressure. What did the banana say to the vibrator? A: He couldn't get his dick out of the chicken. What do you do if your wife starts smoking? Because once youre done with the breast and thighs all you have is an empty box to put your bone-in. Knock Knock. Marry her. 75. Not only do we get. The Ploack comes out in five minutes. Looked around and collected some of the funniest dirty jokes only for adults. The longer you play with it the harder it gets. One snatches your watch. 46. 13. My grandfather was the kind of man who was proud of the fact that his back door was always open. What do you do when your cats dead? Women might be able to fake orgasms. 65. The Marines will kill everybody inside and set up a headquarters The taste. The wheelchair. 74. Play with the neighbors pussy instead. Is it in? #24. However, if you are brave enough to tell them, check out the top 101 dirty jokes below. ". One is a crusty bus station and the other is a busty crustacean. 30 Hoover Jokes & Puns Guaranteed to Make You LOL, 40 Moustache Jokes That Are A Cut Above The Rest, 30 Best Gnome Jokes & Puns Kids Will Love, 30 Fun Grandma Jokes & Puns To Make The Family Laugh. 66. 37. Whats the difference between your wife and your job? 20. Let only latex stand between our love, if you know what I mean! The problems start when you open too many windows! Its too long & you dont have all day to admire the joke. A hooker can wash her crack and resell it. when the barbers reached for some after-shave to slap on their faces. Even children can identify the hilarious incongruence between the veil of civilization and the reality of what happens inside bathrooms and bedrooms. Gum. Kinky is when you tickle your girlfriend with a feather, perverted is when you use the whole bird. Im on top of things. In loving memory of all the faces that have been buried there. Menu. My dad sent me to a psychiatrist for wearing his bra again. Or these boat jokes, or even these aeroplane jokes! 18. I just found an origami porn channel, but its paper view only. Balloon blow-up dolls. Then I would bang you on every piece of furniture at my house. whorehouse!" Being a bit nervous because she has never tried this one before, The Madam waits outside the door. Dirty Jokes #89 - 80. "Once I get out of the Navy, I'm never going to stand in line again!" A Navy Chief and an Admiral were sitting in the barbershop. My wife will think I've been in a What does Pinocchios lover say to him? They both use snap-on tools. Ice cream. Its basically a gateway tug. What do you call a pregnant woman scuba diving ? What do you call a useless piece of skin on a penis? Tyshawna LeCole is a wife, mother and wedding enthusiast. Whos there? They were both originally made for kids, but daddies end up playing with them. When a pregnant woman takes a bath She's become a human submarine. when it saw its first submarine. Thanks for coming here today! Ken is sold separately. Kiss me! Whats the difference between your dick and a bonus check? A turkey. Aeroplane jokes tend to go right over my head. Why does Santa Claus have such a big sack? when it saw its first submarine. Whats the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer? You pull out. Dress her up as an altar boy.. Just another reason to moan, really. if (year<1900) {year+=1900} document.write(year); take the simple phrase "secure the building". 23. A zit will wait until youre twelve before it comes on your face. One slip of the tongue, and youre in deep shit. Every man has one. #26. Pretty nuts! Navigator we're on a course. By how fast it sinks. 32. Wanna take the joke a little far? What is 6 inches long and 2 inches wide and makes women go crazy? #23. The bartender pours out the shots, and the sailor drinks them as fast as he can. You knock on the door. 51. Making love is like a burrito, dont unwrap or that babys in your lap. Do you have a raunchy sense of humor and cant help chuckling when you hear a dirty joke? Do you have pants I can borrow? I used to work for a submarine manufacturing company, I'm going to quit my job working on this submarine. Cam who? 30 Kinky Memes That Will Make You Laugh (And Give You Naughty Ideas), 100 Best Dirty Dad Jokes & Memes for Adults [2023 Update], 101 Best Orphan Jokes & Memes [2023 Update]. This blog post was all about dirty jokes. 82. #38. We challenge you to try not to laugh while reading these out loud to your friends. the Seaman replied. Its not what it looks like!Do you like sales? Me, I can only do the missionary position. 68. A really wet nose. However, if you are brave enough to tell them, check out the top 101 dirty jokes below. Do you do carpeting? There are twenty of them. Mr. Holland yells at her, Rachel! Hold on to your nuts, this aint no ordinary blowjob. Harry who? Beef strokin off! With a great penis, comes great responsibility. The Madam is out of women but, since the guy is Polish she thinks she can get away with a blow up doll and he will never know the difference. Les Listes is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This article was originally published on May 17, 2019, 'Puss in Boots' Directors Explain Why 'The Last Wish' Had To Go So Hard, 50 Years Ago, One Flawless Rock Album Changed Everything. 69% of people find something dirty in every paragraph that they read A male whale and a female whale see a fishing boat with a large harpoon. 81. Lie to me! ", Is your name winter? Because they need a better grip. Not subscribed to Fatherlys newsletter yet? Ben Dover who? How do you drown a submarine full of blondes? 92. Why dont pedophiles compete in races? What do a nearsighted gynecologist and a puppy have in common? He only comes once a year. "Once I get out of the Navy, I'm never going to stand in line again! Whats the difference between kinky and perverted? which is probably why his submarine sank. You'll never get it! Whats worse than waking up at a party and finding a penis drawn on your face? What do you call a herd of cows pleasuring themselves? One-liner dirty jokes to keep short and simple. JOKES TOP 10 JOKES 4 YOUR SITE RECEIVE IN YOUR EMAIL: VISITED DIRTY. The male whale recognized the ship that caught his dad whale a year ago. Myth Vs Fact: Is a Dogs Mouth Cleaner Than a Humans Mouth? Whats the difference between a blonde and a washing machine? Submarine Jokes. 62. Knock knock. Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved. We think that's why his submarine sank. You are bound to get plenty of laughs. No. Whats a womans favorite thing to put in her mouth? *wink wink*. How is sex like a game of bridge? Finding out it was traced. Post navigation. A man. Heywood. A Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Are you looking for some submarine gags and underwater puns? 6. What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? They were both originally made for kids, but daddies end up playing with them. Know what a 6.9 is? whorehouse smells like.". I want you inside me. A guy will actually search for a golf ball. How do you make your bae scream during intercourse? 63. An egg gets laid. Lets play carpenter! Dirty Joke 1. #8. Theyre both something we could cheat on. Whats another name for a vagina? That's one of the short adult jokes. 101. How would you like it if I banged you on the table! *Class laughs*. #57. Boy: "I'm not fishing, sir. Amanda who? When they come theyre wild and wet, but when they go they take your house and car with them. If you like these submarine jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics. Im emotionally constipated. Where you stick the cucumber. Because I want to ride you all night long. A piece of gum! Is that a mirror in your pocket? He used paper and pencil to budget. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality. . 50 Dirty Jokes That Are (Never Appropriate But) Always Funny By Mlanie Berliet Updated September 30, 2019 The Daily English Show No matter the setting, these 50 hilarious, unsavory jokes are never entirely appropriate. 75. Why does a woman prefer an old gynecologist over a new one? Now my mortgage is under water. Why is masturbation just like procrastination? Someones always willing to blow your bonus. You never know how many inches you will get or how long it will last. Because only a few mice know how to dance. Because I want to turn you on. Because I see myself in them. What are the 2 most important holes in a womans body? Knock on the door. Heres a small collection of some of the funniest and nastiest dirty jokes that you could even imagine! Whos there? Whats the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms? The mother sardine quickly reassured her frightened offspring. Anal makes your hole weak. Why do women have orgasms? Anal makes your hole weak. 71. 17. Your throat. You have to bite the crust and lick out the jelly before you get to the meaty bit. What did the toaster say to the slice of bread? 79. Sex on TV can't hurt unless you fall off. 87. Beef strokin off. They grabbed him by the jewels. Drumstick. Because you can get them 100% off at my place. I dont have a Ferrari right now. #3. 42. dirty JOKES (random) AARDVARK : VOTE! What do they say to each other? 72. Air Force Fact: The only time you can have too much fuel is when you're on fire. The Best Dirty Submarine Jokes 2022. After five years, your job will still suck. 14. Causes & Treatment, Opening a nail salon is a big undertaking. Pick (dirty mind joke) 21. #6. It must have been a really bad one we work on a submarine. Are you a coconut? Whats worse than waking up at a party and finding a penis drawn on your face? A man will actually search for a golf ball. Hold on to your nuts, this aint no ordinary blowjob. What do tofu and a dildo have in common? Is it in? Knock knock. What did the guy say when he got caught masturbating to an optical illusion? What do you do when youre a man trapped in a womans body? How is a girlfriend like a laxative? What is Moby Dicks dads name? 15. Why are the saggy boobs angry? Want to know why women dont blink before foreplay? Whos there? Men will search for a golf ball. "I want you inside me." "Give it to me! #54. Whats the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer? 83. If so, consider it done! A trip without kids. Why isnt there a pregnant Barbie doll? 37. which is probably why his submarine sank. What do a penis and a Rubiks Cube have in common? What did the sanitary napkin say to the fart? Do I have to provide my signature for your package? you knock on the door. Why did God give men penises? Why do mice have such small balls? Nevermind. 57 Delightful Bread Puns For Dough Lovers. 10. What do you call a dog in a submarine? Ones a Goodyear. "Don't worry, dear. A thirsty sailor runs from his boat to the nearest bar and shouts to the bartender, "Give me twenty shots of your best scotch, quick!". Maybe the Titanic really was a ship of dreams If we dont get the proper support, people will think were nuts. Because they have a microphone and two speakers. With a great hand, you dont even need a partner to play with! 7. Toothpaste. Want to know how to fit 71 people in the car? Whats that? I may earn a commission for purchases. Because dont mind going up and down with you all day long. For instance, An old man approaches the window of a cinema with a chicken on his shoulder, and asks for 2 tickets. Give him a used tampon and ask him which period it came from! Oops, wrong sub! A dad tells his son Stop masturbating! Why do vegans give better heads? One day, a little boy wrote to Santa Clause, Please send me a sister. Santa Clause wrote him back, Ok, send me your mother.. Two guys are talking about fishing. A submarine. "Go ahead and put it on. His hairs a mess, his family is nuts, his neighbors an asshole, his bestfriends a pussy, and his owner beats him. What do you call two jalapeos getting it on? 72. How is playing bridge similar to hooking up? Whos there? #21. It should go without saying that the best dirty jokes for kids arent connected to raunchy things. #2. #55. Because his wife died. 25. Did you hear about the constipated mathematician? Because I put on the wrong sock this morning. The Army will post guards around the place. 25. 58. Hold on to your nuts, this aint no ordinary blowjob. The other rider asks if its rainy outside. How can north korea tell if it made a ship or a submarine? Dude, your dicks hanging out. Its a sunny day at the pond. "Once I get out of the Navy, I'm never going to stand in line again!". Why does it take 100 million sperm to fertilize one egg? Whos there? 100 of the funniest dirty jokes that will make you laugh and gasp "Sex is like playing Bridge - if you don't have a good partner, you better have a good hand" (Photo: Getty Image) By Alex. How many inches you will love 110 Most Upvoted Chuck Norris jokes men broke a. Both smell it but cant eat it wine, it increases the chance of a.! 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