Aint no kids out here for you grab Yes, if you want to fight me, then you fight me on My turf, not on your turf where a couple other Niggers will ambush me. Categories. And you all aint never theown no blacks especially ceips or bloods off no pier. UP HERE LYING. When the hospital went universal thats when we had to get a certificate or degree. LOL. Mmmmmmmm gimme some weapons, Rocco come suck my mixed white cock.u big lip Well my favorite color is blue so Im definitely leaning towards becoming a Crip but there are so many different Crip sets to choose from. BLACK(( P ))PEACE. LOL. Kobe's jersey number was 24. Often, their operations were around local Broker complexes. And the good thing about us whites is we all think of you as stinky greasy eating up all the chicken thinking your the best dancer niggers. This is outrageous and will not be tolerated. A pack of Animal Street Nigger Monkeys eating fried chicken IN A CEMETERY which is where they will all end up when another Nigger kills them. Also a real ab or peni would never say we use crips and bloods as target practice cause they arent about getting into a street war with crips or bloods. List Of G-Stone Crip Rappers.Song List In Order:Bobby Shmurda - Hot Nigga Rebel - Computers How fucking embarrassing is that? But again bro I love what you have to say and lets hope at least some of these young brothers realize that Ganga will never be the way!! Got it? And youre either an Ignorant White Nigger Wannabe who ACTS, TALKS & DRESSES like youre Black OR you actually are a Nigger PRETENDING to be White. ! You know what you are a waste of time you still WONT TELL ME YOUR NAME or give me a DESCRIPTION of yourself!! You Niggers never went to school. Let me know when you want to come by so you can see what a pussy I am. Unless you belong to one of these Nigger Neighborhood Sets. IS IN A FLORENCE MAX FEDERAL PRISON! I plead the fifth rocco. Black. If you were a real police officer why would you come on here and tell everyone. First of all let me say that im not a gang member I just happend to check out this site and seen all these comments. Sgt Marina i agree this gang mess should not be happening in any way shape or form!! He got the nickname Monster at the age of thirteen when he beat and stomped a robbery victim until he was disfigured. LMAO It haunts. I never SAID I was a Police Officer. I am sorry that you got called out about being the nerd in high school. whats cracc loc this is yg murda loc 823 g-stone offical wit mines naw mean but other locs wanna trade knowledge holla at my cell 206 600 2644 ladies 2 c-40 c-safe . ", Frankel also believes Pop was hit withthe federal grand theft autocharge as pressure to get him to snitch. Shut you right the fuck up. Is that all you fucking stupid Niggers can talk about is this bullshit illusion about your dick? Oh and they also said when he comes here we also would like to meet him. Enjoy your days of freedom while you still have them. Like rocco r whoever. 3). LMAO ( Especially since you dont even know me). TO MURDER ME(PREME) FOR BEING A BLACK C knowledge. Hahah ya. Not too long ago, after one of the Crip OGs took the stand, the entire Veer flipped GD. You just dont understand so stop worrying about it and go back to your simple Nigger Life. Canarsie(/knrsi/ k-NAR-see) is a working- and middle-class residential and commercial neighborhood in the southeastern portion of the borough of Broker, in Liberty City, United States. So dont try to turn it or Huntington Beach into something that its not!! So if you respond YOU BETTER SAY YOUR NAME!!!!! Because we have gangs in all race. Your mixed up. shxut xut tx tHe M83ven Gang.. All Gas Nx Bkreakss.. hahahah shut the hell up you ghetto smelling turd ball lol hahhahahhah what stupid fucking name, You must be backed up You always talking about a turd. Sounds like your a white guy that comes on here cause he wants to be tough for some dumb reason!! So again bro were doing a site wide ban on him by not responding to him. He also told us stories of how blacks had to leave the house with some kind of weapon to fight off racist whites and even that wasnt a guarantee that you would make it home. ),.Stop Crying about how badly some bKlaCC man hurt your feelings you emotional,Crying,female,and wipe your eyes and wipe and blow your snot filled nose you know your nose always runs when you Cry riCo.And apparently that unmighty bKlaCC peed on stone nation allah raping shyCago Nigger!!!!!! HOPEFULLY THEY FEDERALLY INDICT Sleepy Hallow. And this is a gang site not some site where weeny ass civilians come to tell gangsters to slow down or wait bitch I said it before Im repping PENI DEATH SQUAD AB NEW ENFORCERS so stuff a cock down your fat gullet if thats what will quite you down. I dont necessarily agree, cause there are many other words in the English language that you can use,but then again I really despise these gangsters. The police. This Site is not about the 2% that become Doctors or Lawyers. God bless, I read the Post Office is hiring for tractor driver, carrier, clerks, etc. Our subroutine and trace tools mark you somewhere in the Midwest. LMAO, im not black im Irish r u coming 2 the bar r what [26] The Asian Ruthless Crips. YOU SHOULD BE UPSET WITH THEM BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WHO BELONG TO THESE GANGS ARE FUCKING NIGGERS. A FUCK SO I CAN POP UR BITCH AND STILL GET AWAY BEFORE THEY COME OUT A SEE UR CRACKER WHITE ASS LAYING IN A POOL OF BLOODAND WERE YOUR BIRTHDAY GIFT BLACK BELT ..LOL EAST END GATE NEXT 2 THE POST VANUR PROBABLY CALLING THEM TELLING THEMI SCARED OF MY LIFE THERE A BLACK UP THERE NOW WITH A GUN.IM JUST A KID I DONTKNOW WHY HE WHATS TO KILL ME.U CRACKERS ALWAYS PLAY THE VICTIM. Thats because every Black neighborhood in America is a basic Ghetto Shithole, (some of course worse than others). SICK FUCKING ANIMAL LMAO, U have no life .keep writing dumb shit im maki g money, RICCO YOU DONT KNOW SHITTYOUR INTELLIGENCE SUCKS I DIDNT WRITE THAT COMMENT lil bitch.. AND NOBODY IS TRYING TO IMPRESS YOUR TRAILER PARK LIVING ASS BITCH FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIX MALNOURISHED CATS HONKIE.. IM A REGISTERED UNION MEMBER FOR LIFE WITH BETTER PAY THAN YOUR CHECK TO CHECK LIVING ASS..IM STILL WAITING FOR YOUR VISIT LIAR..Im Rocco Im a pink belt kung fu warrior YEAH RITE..I WENT TO LOUISVILLE AND ITTS A LOAD OF DIRT BROKE WHITE SCUM TRAILER TRASH OUTT THEREAND MF THIS AINT NO CLASSROOM BITCHBANG BANG BANG IS THE SOUND YOU HEAR WHEN DWAYNE THE lil cripK NIGGA FUCK YOU IN THE ASS! Your time is running out rocco. However, when I call you a Dumb Ignorant Nigger, IT BOTHERS YOU TO NO FUCKING END BECAUSE YOU HAVE A HUGE INFERIORITY COMPLEX. GEORGE ROCCO DID NOT CARE ABOUT VILOATEING MY CIVIL RIGHTS! He was k*lled only four days after a 17 year-old member of the Lincoln Family was shot while leaving a store. However if you are a racist with ANY CONNECTION to law enforcement thats when I will say something!!! And tbh WHO CARES IF YOU DO OR DONT!! The G Stone Crips were at war with a local gang known as BMW (Broker's Most Wanted), the war was sparked in 2011 when a member of the BMW gang shot and killed the G Stone Crip's leader. Answer (1 of 2): Ever since Pop Smoke's Meet the Woodebut, people have wondered exactly who are they meeting. Wow you are so one confused little boy!! That is the dumbest fucking thing anybody could have EVER DONE. Every person, and i mean EVERY PERSON tied to law enforcement in any capacity must have be fair and impartial! Skrell Paid used to be a 730 GSC but he flipped GD after his good friend Rich Flocks was k*lled. Police also tried to pressure Pop Smoke into providing information on 823 Crips, GS9, and other Brooklyn street gangs, but Pop refused to talk. Read the Government statistics about poverty in America. Sink Wretch in your vile, racist spew! I talked to a real nice lady, I told her this guy is claiming to work with you all I then showed her your comments from this site. You ARE in a Piru Gang right there in Compton you Fucking Bullshitting Liar. STOP WITH THE PERIODS!!!!! That is all. Jefferson is widely recognized for hisassaulton three Los Angeles police officers. Rocco its not in there DNA, i grew up in the same environment as these gangsters but i choose to make something of myself. You can be an 823 GSC Crip from the 90s but not be GS9. The pussy Rocco will get mad at us for spelling his gay ass name wrong. He graduated valedictorian of his class at King Drew Medical High School, His now a Doctor, a graduate from Princeton University, My daughter is now a Doctor, a graduate from Columbia University, Do not judge people so quickly because of the color of their skin or where they came from. Because you are bothered by me just like the Nigger told you. Real ab or peni would never come on a site like this and rep there set. THE FIRST BULLSHITT STORY WAS ENOUGH AND NOBODY CARES NOBODY READS AND NOBODY BELIEVES YOUR FAKE ASS crippnK TAKE YOUR lil punk 15 min ASS TO SLEEP!! They are well-known for their brutal reputation with over 300 active members. I was even called a fucking Rapist by that other crazy Nigger named Preme. God help you when I find out. As a cop who everyday puts on his Badge and gun, (along with my fellow officers many of whom are black) and puts his life on the line, that statement offends me the most, even more than you saying the N word!! Move the fuck on. AS A SEX OFFENDER ! I say that to say thats bullshit what that man is saying. Im just curious, would you be equally respectful in addressing him this way if he were saying words like spic, wetback, border jumper, or beaner? Come on you of all people should know that!! 3). And Im not just some stuck up person that on the outside looking in. Are there a lot of black neighborhoods that are bad.yes theres no denying that. And everyone knows ur a cunt who fingers himself everyday to gay porn! Out of curiosity i looked at different sites and they all have Rocco on it saying nigger this and nigger thatis this dude for real. HE WAS THE ONE THAT STATED 1090 are the bloods from the Canarsie 90s that are linked with The 100 Cloccs GSC Crips & GS9. Yes, I remember, youre the Nigger who told me where you live (That White House) which is now being watched 24/7. If your one of them why would you say your name and then tell everybody where youll be at tonite?!? Again, liking Mexicans BETTER than Niggers has NOTHING TO DO WITH SECURING THE BORDERS. He never says anything bad on the Mexican sites even though there gangs are just as violent as crips and bloods. DO! My name is Jack and since Im white I think the name Cracker Jack would be tight. Grow a pair and get a life fucker before a fuck ur black mom. PNV Jay always shouts him out in songs and says "Free Maine." WHERE ALL THE LUCCY LEFT HOMEBOYS AND HOMEGIRLS CUZ? I live 25 min from the station so I promise you ill meet you there!!! LMAO. His best friend and frequent collaborator, Sheff G, is also a member of the same set, and, likely, it was here where they met one another. You should probably read what he was trying to say one more time. I love how you keep talking about roccos Dick. Some of the street gangs including youth were were descendents of the colonialists, but many gangs were formed by Irish, German and Jewish immigrants. Cus my fam is loccin we all do it bkut when i see another loc outside my fam i whistle and cuz dont even know the shit..idk maybke down souf niggas aint hipk on dat shit.. Fucc nkachosk Avalon Gangster Crips, 116. Hey kid. !,pussy,and a old ass loser and why do you Care how I start off eaCh Comment,I will Continue to start off eaCh Comment with tha words fuCC,and lets talk aCout you foe a seCond and how you Cant never make a Comment witout inCluding the words nigger and witout always trying to switCh tha subjeCt of me fighting you unto how you are always trying to make me fight another blaCC person whether it C a Crip,bKlood,dxrKu always trying to talk aCout how either the different Crip gangs hate me or how the bKloods or dxrKus hate me whiCh is Cool CeCause I hate many of the Crip,bKlood,and dxrKu gang out here too so the hatred is mutual and who gives a fuCC if someCody likes them or me or not someCody has always Ceen hated eaCh other sinCe the beginning of time.Honkey people have always hated us CeCause we look Cetter than yall do,we danCe better than y@ll do,we sing better than y@ll do,we rap better than y@ll do you,90% of us run faster than y@ll do like my boy Jesse Owens we he beat the german nazis in germany to show hitler that blaCC men are not lower than Honkey Colored men oops I meant to say (boys) we Can play basketball better than you do,we Can play football better than y@ll do,we have mor rhythm than y@ll do so we Can fuCC y@ll pale Colored women better than y@ll do so I C why you are jealous and hateful of us now,we got melantonin in our skin so we dont get skin CanCer foe do going into the sun and doing some normal like that and sinCe y@ll dont have any melantonin in y@ll skin y@ll burn up faster than fuCCin vampires.And Im not hated among the different Crips who know me the Crips who know me personally like me Cuz.Now if any Crips know you personally they should you more than they hate me sinCe you are a raCists to all blaCC people and Called us the word nigger.And yeah I do speak foe all the many many Crip sets out there I am the self appointed spokesman and roCCo dumb ass the word appointed has 2 ps in it like the way I spelled it not wit 1 p like you spelled it I guess your not as smart as you think you trying to talk tough and big blow hard honkey.And no blaCC guy is going to put a fuCCing hole in my head but a blaCC man is going to put a hole through your snitChing Honkey head and yeah us Crips,bKloods,dxrKus,snK20v3rKs,and dKonKutKs etC. Rocco is this you acting like someone else. FUCK YOU GEORGE ROCCO ! Fag Shit No Problem. I just laughed at it. Instead you went the other way, and now, my people want to talk to you. Its a necessary thing for ANY COUNTRY. You just dont understand the psychology of what Im doing which is part of the Job. Rappers and Rap Groups (143 names) Wali Da Great (rapper) Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crips. The only real tough guy on this whole site is a guy on this page named Thomas Jones! OUR CHIRPERS! Your comments are of the lowest intelligence I have ever seen or read. .. Wait Why the fuck do they look so happy? Because if you did you would know that 2\3 of ALL African Americans are middle class homeowners. but about that fight im not that stupid to fall for thatthe sheriff station come on . ITS SPELLED VIOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Defunct gangs in the area include: The L.A. Crips, which first appeared in 1987; Las Vegas. The ONLY guy on here who said he thought I was some asshole named George Rocco was that crazy Nigger named P.R.E.M.E. Right along with the Hispanic gangs. A lying, redneck, pathetic pile of garbage just a complete loser! Im glad I bother you so much. ROCCO DID THEY TAKE YOUR MAN HOOD U FUCKEN FAGGOT No, asshole idiot. Impotent wretch, so on this Site he pukes! By the 1980s and 1990s Little Rock gangs began to become active in a new form, a form of Bloods and Crips, as well Chicago gangs of Gangster and Black Disciples, from the Little Rock hoods of North Little Rock, to the hoods of the East End, West Side, and South End. Hit a niGG^ u#p. you admitted that you wouldnt fight me whiCh I 100% knew anyway and I even told you that Im pretty sure and Celieve my 4irst Comment to you or at least one of my earlier Comments I told you wit 100% ConfidenCe that sinCe your an Honkey!!!!! Ever DONE you still WONT tell me your name!!!!!!!... Cause he wants to be tough for some dumb reason!!!!!!!!!! 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